Friday, November 8, 2013

Here are the 46 senators that voted to give your rights to the U.N.

Over the a weekend, we came four votes away from the US Senate giving our Constitutional rights over to the United Nations. In a 53-46 vote, the senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.   
The Statement of Purpose from the Bill reads:      "To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty."     
The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S., and had language that would have implemented an international gun registry on all private guns and ammo.     

Astonishingly, 46 our of our 100 United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.     
 Here are the 46 senators that voted to give your rights to the U.N.     
 Baldwin (D-WI)      Baucus (D-MT)      Bennett (D-CO)     Blumenthal (D-CT)   Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)      Cantwell (D-WA)      Cardin (D-MD)      Carper (D-DE)        Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)      Cowan (D-MA)      Durbin (D-IL)    
Feinstein (D-CA)   Franken (D-MN)   Gillibrand (D-NY)   Harkin (D-IA)    Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)      Kaine (D-VA)      King (I-ME)    Klobuchar (D-MN)      Landrieu(D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)        Levin (D-MI)    McCaskill (D-MO)    Menendez (D-NJ)     Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)      Murphy (D-CT
Murray (D-WA)      Nelson (D-FL)      Reed (D-RI)      Reid (D-NV)      Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)      Schatz (D-HI)      Schumer (D-NY)      Shaheen (D-NH)      Stabenow(D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)      Udall (D-NM)      Warner (D-VA)      Warren (D-MA)      Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)    

   I count 44 Democrats and 2 Independents.

People:   This needs to go viral.  These Senators voted to let the UN take OUR guns.  They need to lose their next election.  We have been betrayed.  46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N.!      Please send this to EVERYONE!  


Anonymous said...

John, thank you for the information. Would you please post the exact wording of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty for us please. I would be beneficial if it were in a copy and paste format for us to repost.

Michael Bennett in Colorado has been voting on a lot of things against the people of the U.S. or against our sovereign rights. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the UN Arms Trade Treaty from the UN.

Anonymous said...

Should we be shocked? Hell, they just voted to do more funding for the NSA. Doesn't this tell you what traitor criminal nazis they are already? Oh well, business as usual I guess.

Anonymous said...

the folks in Colorado have done a great job of ridding the state of anti-gun politicians through recalls. I expect they will soon target Udall and Bennett for the unemployment line. Go Colorado!

Anonymous said...

Re: The injunction being filed in court to prevent CNN from revealing information on the GCR/RV, it is so like Obama and Holder. There is obviously criminal mischief afoot and they are using the courts to cover their dirty behinds. Where, oh where, is the military when we need them? I have no doubt the injunction will be granted by the court. U.S. courts are as corrupt as any in the world. I always wondered why judges wore black robes instead of white, if they were the good guys. Now we know.

Anonymous said...

Well, I must say I am surprised by the decision of the court. I must offer my humble apology to those justices who voted in favor of liberty, and say, "Thank You." There are so few honest men and women in Washington, DC, you truly stand out. I only hope and pray that this victory for justice is not the last. Praise God.

Anonymous said...

What about the claims of the Lame Stream Media that 91 world leaders are in Africa to attend Nelson Mandela's funeral? There is information coming out claiming that Mandela died June 26th. If that is true, what are all these dignifairies doing in Africa? Some sort of plot against the people of the world, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too, believe the hold-up of the Dinar RV is in Wash. DC. If anyone believes the U.S. Corp. gov't is doing anything for the people of this nation, I would be interested in knowing what that is. Anytime an action of the gov't benefits the people, it is incidental to something that benefits the elite. They piss away $11 B on fraudulent EIC returns to illegals, $39 M on a base in So. Afghanistan that no one wanted, or will use, $439 M on aircraft for the Afghan air force that now will be scrapped, nearly a billion dollars on a failed ACA web site, and now want to cut benefits for veterans to "save money." While we're at it, we might mention the $1 B NSA building in Utah that nearly burned down when they tried to turn on the massive computer system. And some people actually think Obama wants to "help" us? If he continues to help, we'll all be living on the streets. And he's got all the best minds in the country helping him: Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Joe "The Dunce" Biden, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Barbara Boxer, Rahm Emmanuel, Eric Holder, et. al. Gee, talk about a Dream Team. Where's my tin cup? Maybe I can collect a few nickels, since they're the only honest currency we have.

Anonymous said...

I just watched an interview with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, and I have to say, what a treat. She is so much more photogenic than Obama, with his eternal scowl, or his bottom lip puffed out like it's packed with snuff. Ms. Palin always looks happy and optimistic, while Obama always looks cranky and disgusted. No wonder his approval rating is headed for the bottom of the scale. Let's hope impeachment comes quickly. He's a disgusting individual, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

I see Ben Fulford has stated there is information going around that Jack Lew has been arrested. That is not confirmed, but wouldn't that be great? There is also a story on Veterans Today that a congressional investigation is picking up speed to gather more classified documents that implicate Bush 43, along with his pal, Prince Bandhar, in the planning of the WTC destruction. We can only hope that moves forward. It will be a great day for America when some of these elite finally get what's coming to them. Perhaps Susan Rice will join them, after her miserable comments about Benghazi on "60 minutes." She seems to be quite fond of Hillary, maybe they could share a cell in federal prison. Anyway, there is some good news, it's not all bad.

Anonymous said...

In an interview yesterday, on FOX News, Donald Trump stated that the "failed" Obamacare web site has cost the American taxpayers in excess of $1.2 billion (with a B), and that he had talked to I.T. people with Microsoft and Google who said it could have been done, and working, for about $20 million. Also, yesterday, the Democrats in Congress blocked a measure that would have removed the $1 B EIC tax credit to illegal aliens, and instead, will cut veterans benefits. At the same time, pay raises for our military are reduced to 1%. I'll bet Congress raised their own pay more than 1%.

Anonymous said...

We know "our" government lies to us, and we have come to expect nothing else. Likewise with the Lame Stream Media. The network newscasters are all, or nearly all, liars like 0bama. But, I find it disheartening to discover that many in our alternative news sources lie to us just like the media. We read and hear stories of Henry Kissenger being arrested, but, alas, not true. We hear that George H.W. Bush has been arrested, but, again, not true. Now, we are told that Jack Lew and 10 of his treasury agents have been arrested. I guess the jury is still out on that one, but it would appear that is more B.S. And, the biggest liars of all are the "Dinar Gurus." We've been told no less than 20 or 30 times that "bank personnel have been summoned to the cash-in centers and are just waiting for the go-ahead." Or, my favorite, "I have a credible source close to the Iraqi Minister of Finance and he says the RV has been instituted in Iraq and 6 other countries." Truth is becoming more and more elusive in America since lying seems to have become our national pastime, even surpassing baseball and Monday Night Football. Very sad for our once-great nation. A fellow patriot once told me, "The government doesn't need to worry about us. We'll destroy ourselves from within, just like we always do."

Anonymous said...

The "Pissed Off American" hit the nail right on the head. The current gov't does not give a rat's patooty for the people of America. They care only for the banksters and the elite who allow them to feed at the trough. They are only interested in getting re-elected, and the corrupt election system practically guarantees that. The Dems continue to kiss the rear ends of the illegal aliens, who in turn support the Democrats, at the expense of the American workers. Free medical, subsidized housing, welfare, and a billion dollars a year in EIC tax credits for illegals who paid nothing in taxes to begin with. Now that a chance has come for some Americans to get ahead with the RV, these same low life politicians are trying to block it. Never mind the millions of dollars in taxes that will flow to the gov't, or the billions of dollars that will flow into the economy through purchases by the "Dinarians", the Evil Empire in America can't stand the thought of Americans paying off their usury loans and debts, and becoming somewhat self-sufficient, instead of locked into debt for their lifetimes. Congress has an approval rating of less than 6%, and the so-called "president", less than 40%. Folks, that's called FAILURE in anybody's book. It's time to get rid of ALL of them. Terrorism begins in Washington, DC.

Anonymous said...

I see on CNN that the awards for the most admired people of 2013 were given to Barack 0 bama and Hillary Clinton. Sort of like giving a AAA rating to your favorite kind of dog shit. I didn't note who gave the awards, or how the recipients were chosen, but, does it really matter?

Anonymous said...

Judith Miller, correspondent and contributor to FOX News, stated in the discussion about whether Edward Snowden should be granted clemency, that, among other things, he violated the oath he took when he went to work for the security contractor. I would like to ask her to name one Obama administration official who has upheld the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution. Not a damn one of those heathens has honored the oath they took. Ms. Miller also stated that Snowden caused harm to America. I say, bullshit. He exposed a small portion of the harm being done to America and Americans every day by an out-of-control NSA. Today, 0 bama announced that his panel decided that the NSA has not overstepped their authority. That's like the farmer asking the fox if the hen house is secure. This administration is so corrupt, when 0 bama leaves the white house, they'll have to burn it down to get rid of the stink.