Huge Battle Rages ISON Invasion Fleet Successfully Being
Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers/CLS
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 6-Nov-2013 13:46:03
Date: Wednesday, 6-Nov-2013 13:46:03
11/6/2013 Sovereign Soldiers Military Report.
Huge Battle Rages! ISON Invasion Fleet Successfully Being Repelled by
Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers.![]() The huge battle started raging about 24 hours ago, around noon of November 5th, 2013. The ISON “Comet” hid an ET slaver invasion fleet within and behind the comet coma. This can be seen on YOU TUBE comet analysis. The invasion fleet deception has been met head on with raging space/dimension/and time battles capitalizing upon the might of our secret underground time traveling sovereign soldiers combined with The Creation Lightship Defense Fleet. Our soldiers were recruited from almost all of our earth countries throughout time, and upgraded and trained by CLS. ![]() See: (Still under construction.) The Sovereign Chrononauts are fighting side by side in alliance with the unbeatable Creation Lightship Defense Fleet. Although outnumbered 100 to 1, our forces are prevailing. This breaking situation is new and fluid, so we will post reports as we get them. Stay tuned, will update as available. |
Now we're cooking with gas. Bring our boys back down to Earth when they are through whipping butt and taking names, and let them do their think right here on Earth. Our in house crooks, thieves, and liars better run now and hide their faces.
Not the green berets, nor the black berets, nor the blue berets, but the WHITE BERETS.
White as all light.
My more reliable source says Ison is part of the Good Guys fleet, and the bad apples here are the ones trying to stop them from coming here because it means the end of the evil control and domination here. So I believe this "report" is bogus and intentional disinformation.
The bad apples here have no power anymore because all the underground facilities were were rendered inactive. Even Area 51 is in the hand of the Agarthans now.
And outnumbered 100 to one is BS because there are miljons of lightships surrounding earth to assist in ascension. No bad guys could ever outnumber them let alone interfere in the ascension process.
I agree - my information says the Ison guys are good guys.
I have no sources but read this very interesting information regarding planet Nibiru. I don't remember where I got it from but its on the internet and if interested you can find the information. This was channeled information from the galactics from the early 2000's. Don't know if it's true, but sounds pretty interesting, I alsoI read that this is what Ison is, and of course you decide for yourself. It's a very interesting story on the creation of Earth and a battle fought between the Pleiadeans and Sirians. Also google the planet Maldek. Supposedly they did us some "wrong" in the past through this battle and they are here to correct whatever that was they did to us, and make it "right" again, for because of that battle great harm has been caused upon us for eons. Not saying it's true, but it makes for quite an interesting story. And if true, then this battleship called Comet Ison is in some way coming on a mission.
What is Nibiru?
Nibiru is the 4th dimensional flagship of the Milkyway Galaxy’s Galactic Federation. Like Pelegai, many different civilizations have representatives that live aboard it. As well as being a Federation Flagship, Nibiru is also a planet and a battle star Nibiru is a little over three times the size of earth.
Nibiru was originally a planet that was thrown out of orbit with the implosion/explosion of Sirius B. It wound up in the Pleiades and therefore is known to some as a Pleiadian planet.
Nibiru became a star ship when it was converted from a near lifeless form, hollowed out and turned into a ship. You could liken it in some ways to the space station on the TV show called Deep Space Nine. The only difference is that Nibiru travels the galaxy. That is why the people live inside of it instead of on the surface. Another reason is that it was created for deep space travel where there would be no sun for many years. In a way, you could say that it is an artificial planet. Only the shell is original.
Nibiru is a battle star because it was outfitted for war with ships and heavy weapons. When negotiations fail Nibiru is capable of waging war to defend itself against attack. It also uses these same weapons to defend planets and races against attack when authorized to do so.
I Agree with you.
i herd it was Elenin and there coming to pick up there people? I dont know who that might be i have the impression its the so called elite
trouble makers but dont quote me. Anyway its part of accession, no fear peace.
i too feel the ison is a ship, for when the ship changed it's directions like a ship, i was not surprised.
to think we earth humans are the only smart beings who use their hands, and mind to create tools to use in life. this is going to be a real wake up call to the elite rulers of earth, in that the con game of control, power ego of thier commands of their word is going to be a real humble day for the ones who used thier I.Q. to inslave others in the wrong way of the golden rule, the human animal will be exposed for what it is in actions , and deeds, and what was nessararry and what was animal instincts of the human beast
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I agree. This "information" is pure unmitigated BULLSHIT. Those alien forces are coming here to DEFEAT the Dark Cabal on this planet! Any resistance from this planet is orchestrated by the Dark Cabal, and if any actually exists, it will be handed its ass on a plate.
nasa shutdown? (don't look). i think ison are good guys! and why shutdown nasa (no need for human) it all auto program (by computer).
Let me get this right , so they are saving scum like , Obama , Reid , Pelosi , Bush , The Queen
Vatican , IMF , Wall street , they can maintain their slaves (us) what kind of BullShit is this how do you post such pure garbage , like a 10 cent fiction novel.........
What ever alien forces are planning on being here for our shift in consciousness, are already here or watching. This is a very thinly veiled attempt to inject energetic support for their project blue beam fake ET invasion. They use buzz words and catch phrases and you can tell they are appealing to everyone's understanding of "beings of light" and they even named their flagship "creation lightship", as if it were sent from the creator himself... What an amateur attempt at brain washing. There is no invasion fleet, the bad guys are already in control....
I love reading peoples remarks that actually know what is REALLY going on.........................
ISON is just a comet. Sorry. It might not make it around our sun, we'll see in just a few days. No wars, no aliens, no bad guys, no ascension helpers, JUST A COMET.
Amen Jay.
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