Hi, John.
I am only passing this on for FYI. It's
absolutely appalling. I just received an article from NewsMax in which Colorado
is using sex and alcohol promotions aimed at young people in order to promote
Obamacare. It's already being called Ho-bamacare. Really, it's already beyond
being just "suggestive" ads.
Just when one thinks government cannot sink any
Appalling doesn't even cut it!!! This is right down vulgar!!! This is in poor taste, this is pure desperation, adds to entice the young and healthy to apply for Obamacare so they can pay for all the illegals that are getting it for free!! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
Next they'll be using this ad in I-da-ho!
No, no this is wonderful. The ad absolutely reflects a government in it's death throws. May it rest in piss. Bring back our Jeffersonian Republic and the land of the free.
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