Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More reasons to remove the liberals from office, Give Nancy a new broom to jump on and fly away.

More reasons to remove the liberals from office,  Give Nancy a new broom to jump on and fly away.

It's still Veterans Day as I write this. I just picked up Alternet.org's piece that demeans our military and had to speak out on it before midnight. The Alternet site is a total, complete Democrat site. Whatever plans Pelosi, Obama or The Party have in store for us, Alternet.org supports with its radical writers, opinions and pure hatred for those opposed to them. Their enemies are those who support this country and our military. I'm proud to be one of them.

This venomous, anti-military (read America) article expresses the view of the MoveOn radical, extremist, Obama led Democrat Party. Evidently Alternet.org feels our liberties fall from unpruned trees, sprout in a carbon-free atmosphere and have never been threatened or fought for since our country's inception. Let them tell that, face to face, to a military person who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam or in some G-d forsaken Muslim populated area. Let this group of radicals walk through a local military cemetery or one in some foreign land where our troops have fought. Let them visit North Korea, Iran or Cuba to see what our country would be like without our military standing in the way. Perhaps this crowd has never seen films shot during the European or Pacific theaters of war during WWII. Perhaps they are as empty headed as they truly are.

The words despicable, damnable, detestable and Democrat all come to mind. I wonder why?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forget the broom. Either put her in a straight jacket in a padded room or a rope around her neck along with all the rest of the demented psycos in the District of Criminals