The official activation of SSS or Secret Surveillance State THE WHITEHOUSE HAS APPROVED THE PROGRAM, IT IS ALL LEGAL in the USA is exposed at the 36:00 mark.
Any Country's so-called Constitution is (has been proven to always be) at odds with 'legal' corporate/state secrecy/nda agreement one might be coerced into signing. One CANNOT "support and defend the Constitution" under Corporate Rule for PROFIT. It's just impossible, literally anachronism.
"What ever you're doing in private, MIGHT BE ILLEGAL," paraphrasing Thomas Drake.
Well, I wanna here more from this guy, and here's another (more recent) video from the man filmed at MOMA. I mean, this supposedly intelligent intelligence guy signed a Corporate Non Disclosure Agreement - doesn't he realise?
"9/11 was a gift to NSA," Drake continues in another (diverting?) spiel.
I (kinda) can't see why I'm doing this as Thomas Drake is OBVIOUSLY not able to 'really tell the truth as it really exists' in the way our world has been allowed to work. He keeps talking about THINGS HE CAN'T SAY. Why not? Drake CONSISTENTLY refuses to admit that 9/11 might have been 'engineered' to spell the 'collapse' of "allegiance to the Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Say the fucking thing already. Let. Us. Know. Did 9/11 spell the intentional end of freedom?
Of course, we must always be wary of false-flag-whistleblowing on 'freedom's behalf', all this bluster and chest-thumping could be JUST MORE POILITICS(sp) and one more reason (among many) why ALL SECRETLY HELD GOVERNMENT FILES and SECRETLY PROTECTED PRIVATE PATENTS PENDING on both sides of the Game need releasing to the General Public to You The People so that WE CAN ALL LEARN how we might really want our world to exist.
1 comment:
If this Law was made into Effect During the Obama Administration then IT IT ILLLEGAL AS WELL!!!
The Original 13th Amendment of the united States of America Constitution SUPERCEDES ALL Laws since March 12, 1819!!!
The Original 13th Article of Amendment
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
Congress CAN NOT PASS laws into effect which have Violated the Original 13th Article of Amendment!!!
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