Thursday, November 7, 2013


Obama's Popularity Plunges as Lies Take Toll

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President Obama's job approval rating has slipped down to 39 percent, with a 53 percent disapproval rating, according to the Gallup Poll.
That's still two out of five too many American voters who believe in him, but it's a long way from the inexplicable 65 percent he once enjoyed.
What's more notable than the tenacity of his dupes is that more than half the country disapproves of Obama's Administration now that the nonstop chain of lies about Obamacare has begun to be revealed by the very media who helped cover up the fraud in the first place.
Ultimately, though, Obama's doing this to himself.
Confronted with the undeniable fact that he had not only promised Americans they could keep their insurance plans, but mounting proof that the White House knew all along that the statement was a flat out lie, Obama resorted to a favorite Democrat tactic and tried to rewrite history.
"What we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed," is Obama's most recent version of reality, given to supporters this week. After filling the room with verbal smoke and laser-show rhetoric, he spewed out this zinger: "The bottom line is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody and that's the right thing to do."
Now, the New York Post is reporting a White House insider has admitted there simply aren't enough doctors and nurses to handle the expected number of patients who will sign up under Obamacare.
New York alone is estimated to be short around 1,100 primary care physicians. New Jersey only has half the doctors it needs, and Connecticut can only meet 15 percent of the expected need.
And it's likely to get worse. In Massachusetts, the model state for Obama's government medicine panacea, the system has been overwhelmed since it began six years ago. According to the state medical society, over half of doctors are refusing new patients, and the average wait time to see a doctor after requesting an appointment is 39 to 50 days.
The delays have exacerbated the very problems socialized medicine was supposed to fix: people delaying seeking treatment, not getting treatment, or going to the emergency room for care.
And just like with Obama's false statements about keeping your insurance, the White House has apparently known about the inevitable doctor shortage all along, but chose to cover it up to get the law passed.
The truly amazing thing about this whole situation is that Obama seems to genuinely believe his own lies. It's perplexing unless you take into account his clinical narcissism. Obama has such an inflated opinion of himself that in his mind, there is nothing he can do wrong. Therefore, when he is caught in a mistake -- or even an outright lie that was recorded on video on more than two dozen separate occasions -- it is impossible that it was he who made the error; it must be reality that is incorrect.
The result is that we have a president who is a serial liar, who when caught then lies about having lied.

Just wait. If he's challenged about his most recent rewrite of history, he'll lie about having lied to cover up the first lie. At least he's predictable. 

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