Sunday, November 3, 2013

OBAMA HAS NO AUTHORITY FOR THIS !!!!! Just Another Lame Excuse For More Tyranny

Just Another Lame Excuse For More Tyranny
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 2-Nov-2013 17:03:24

Tyranny in the shape of more and more controls on everything and everyone.
Don't these despots ever get enough?
O would be more believable if he just said:
"I'm a dictator and I can do whatever I want, no matter what the facts of the matter are".
: The White House
: Office of the Press Secretary
: For Immediate Release
: November 01, 2013
: - – - – - – -
: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution
: and the laws of the United States of America, and in order
: to prepare the Nation for the impacts of climate change by
: undertaking actions to enhance climate preparedness and
: resilience, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.
: Policy. The impacts of climate change — including an
: increase in prolonged periods of excessively high
: temperatures, more heavy downpours, an increase in
: wildfires, more severe droughts, permafrost thawing, ocean
: acidification, and sea-level rise — are already affecting
: communities, natural resources, ecosystems, economies, and
: public health across the Nation.
: ********************************
: So. It’s now official, from the White House on down. We’re
: going to fight global warming and sea-level rise – oops, I
: mean “excessively high temperatures” – just as we descend
: into an ice age.
: Read the rest of this despicable executive order here:


Anonymous said...

I have read that Russia has already prepared for climate change with 5,000 self sustaining underground shelters for their population.

We have all read about the elite underground self sustaining shelters.

The severe weather, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, flooding and fires along with comet fragment bombardments we have been experiencing for the last few years while the sun's cycle of solar flares has been relatively quiet makes it self evident that if this next sun cycle wakes up and becomes more intense these planetary climate changes will become more severe.

While everyone is focused on becoming rich from currency exchanges the governments have been quietly preparing for their own survival. And now that the climate changes we face can no longer be denied by government, and they are okay, they are finally forced at the last minute to prepare shelter for the 99% and prepare they care about our survival in order to avoid mass riots.

This may be too little to late for the 99% in the countries like the US that have left preparations for the 99% to the last minute. And they will now use urgency of these preparation as an excuse for martial law and a police state policy that will enable them to prepare for these severe climate changes that they have known are coming for many years.

We have been lied to. They have taken care of themselves first. For survival we will be forced to forfeit our freedoms.

Sadly this is all self evident.

Becoming rich through a currency exchange will not help anyone survive what history, science, astronomy, prophesy, and conspiracy theorists have been screaming for years.

Our planet is about to be transformed.
It will change our environment.
It will change our consciousness.
It will change our way of life.
It will send many souls on a new spiritual path in new realms thru death of the physical body.
It will require the souls that stay embodied on this planet to care about each other enough to ensure the survival of the human species.
We are left with only one choice and that is to spiritually prepare for this transition of severe climate change that will see us stay on this planet and path or leave this planet thru death for a new path.
Either choice is perfect for we are eternal essence Souls

Anonymous said...

" By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution
and the laws of the United States of America."

I say Mr. Pres., just where in the Constitution does it give you authority to make an EXECUTIVE ORDER. Nowhere Sir., just another lie. Only Congress can make laws and then only if it is a legal Congress which is not now but soon will be.

Hope you can cope with the hope and change we give you Sir.

You can't be a follower of Christ, you lie to much and I can tell when you lie because you lips are moving.

Maybe your next life will work out for you better than this one as this one was a flop for you. Things may look good for you now but your life is about to change and not over yet. I believe you still have lessons to learn in this life.

We have hope and change but from above through Christ. Just remember my guy WINS. Ken T.