Solution to ending
ObamaCare? Let the beast Die...
Obama Says No More Healthcare…No
More Choice
is meant to drive health insurance companies from the US marketplace and end
Sher Zieve
He has lied to them, all along, and continues his lies today. Along with the destruction of the USA, lies are perhaps the only other things Obama actually does well. Americans have now lost and are—every day—continuing to lose their health care entirely.
Despite the smiling and persuasive visage of the man who has assumed the role of president of the United States telling us all “If you like your healthcare program you can keep it…period! If you like your doctor you can keep him or her…period!“ nothing was further from the truth. Tragically, all too many missed another part of his anatomy while he continued to spread his falsehoods…his cold dead eyes.
ObamaCare NOT about
ObamaCare is not and never has been about health care. Many of us
have been warning about this for years. It is, instead, about control of
humans, their bodies, their property, their ability to come and go as they
please, the diminishing or end of their religious practices (if they do not
subscribe to Islam), their liberty in general (including the Bill of Rights
which has been summarily stripped and destroyed by the Obama regime), the
ability to keep their homes and their earned money.Obama and the Marxist Dems (and RINOs) want complete control over it. They have been intensely salivating over the thought of having additional $Trillions so that they can exponentially increase their own wealth and power over us, give some to their supporters and cronies and pass on to the still-stupid-for-Obama (after the very recent disclosures that Obama and his gang knew years ago that tens of millions of Americans would lose their healthcare programs and that ObamaCare would often quadruple the cost of what they had been paying they are no longer ‘ignorant‘) a few of the left-over crumbs from the Obama syndicate’s table. This is a table that has been amply stocked by the-blood and sweat of working Americans. And, as millions of Americans have now finally realized, ObamaCare represents Obama’s overthrow of healthcare in America and its demise by force. It also places the final straw on the backs of Americans, in order to end the US Republic for all time.
Marxist filmmaker Michael Moore should be ecstatic, as the USA’s healthcare system will soon mirror that of Cuba’s.
Perhaps those who had previously been asleep (or maybe only groggy) might finally be ready for a bit more of the actual facts about ObamaCare. However, with all of the false mystique surrounding it and its thousands of pages, there is way too much to cover here. Besides, there have already been myriad books written about it. Therefore, I’ll list only a few additional items.
Just a few reminders
of the ObamaCare Horrors
ObamaCare adds many new taxes—non-healthcare related—to Americans’ dwindling
wealth, including a 3.8% new tax each time you sell a home. Hmmm. We assume
these new taxes will be made payable to Obama…personally. ObamaCare forces Christians and Jews (People of the Book) to go against their pro-life religious beliefs and fund Obama’s demands for abortions…which, by the way, includes ‘partial birth’ abortions.
ObamaCare, out of the mouths of both Obama and the fully Marxist Senate leader Harry Reid, was never meant to work well…if at all. It was merely planned as the final step toward an ObamaGov-run single-payer system; a system that is meant—by its very nature—to bleed We-the-Humans dry of all of our money and keep us at the mercy of the Obama syndicate. You really didn’t think its members planned to give up their power, wealth built on the backs of Americans and their control over you…did you?
ObamaCare to End US
ObamaCare is meant to drive health insurance companies from the US
marketplace and end them…permanently. The reason? Obama and his government
want ALL of the money you pay for healthcare and the US healthcare system
contains 1/6 of it. Obama believes it belongs to him…not to you and me who still actually work or previously worked for it. However, Dictator-in-Chief Obama is now blaming the insurance companies (he always finds someone else—including you and me—to blame for his actions) for canceling the policies that Obama forced them to end under his horror ObamaCare. Do you really believe insurance companies are working to put themselves out of business by denying their customers health insurance policies? Really? If so, you’re already way too far embedded within the bowels of the inane Obama faux Utopia and I’m amazed you were able to read to this point! Again, ObamaCare was never meant to work. The below videos of Obama and Harry Reid talking about it confirm this essential fact and truth.
Solution to ending
Folks, if you really and truly want your lives back and have finally reached
the point where you want to end this destruction of your country…and you
personally…there is a way to begin doing it and it requires no action—NO action
at all. As my colleague and friend Dr. Laurie Roth wrote last month in her column “The beast is dying now let’s help it die”: “I call on all Americans to make a real and lasting statement. Don’t march on Washington or drive trucks around in protest.
Let us all agree to do the ultimate civil
disobedience in the face of this incompetent, UN constitutional, health
killing, illegal and forced ObamaCare. Let us all NOT sign up for any
exchange.” At least it will help us keep our powder dry for a little while
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing”—John 15:5
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing”—John 15:5
Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare
New 3.8% tax on home sales:
Yes, taxpayers, you will pay for abortions under Obamacare:
Obama on single payer health insurance (video):
Harry Reid Says ObamaCare Just A Step Toward Single-Payer (video):
The beast is dying now let’s help it die:
Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed
columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she
also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald,
Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on
multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio
shows. Sher can be reached at |
Let us all agree to do the ultimate civil disobedience in the face of this incompetent, UN constitutional, health killing, illegal and forced ObamaCare. Let us all NOT sign up for any exchange.”
This is the best statement I've heard all year! I agree with you. Remember things only work upon agreement. We agree not to agree with ObamaCarelessness. Just don't even bother to go to the website, and just don't bother to sign up! You don't need this f 'd up system. Just don't eat the big food companies' poisoned food which makes you sick so you then have to go to the "doctor" so he can give you a "prescription drug" which will just make you even sicker, plus make you have to keep going back to the "doctor" for more "prescription drugs" and you then need more "prescription drugs for the side effects caused by the first "prescription drugs". See how this loop runs? Until you're taking so many drugs, your body
is so polluted, it just can't function anymore. Then you go ahead and die. Look up some good information on some natural health websites and some good natural health nutrition information. Physician heal thyself.
What happens now and when .. with our Republic restored? What are we to look for... and will this mean the end of O , the Banking bunch and etc?
I agree with you, and one of the best natural health and information web sites is Dr. Mercola is loved and followed internationally. If you are sick, you will learn here why and how to get better. If you are not sick, you will learn how to stay healthy. Here are the names of some other really great doctors: Dr. Julian Whitaker, Dr. Michael Cutler, Dr. David Williams, cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, ophthalmologist Dr. Kondrot, Dr. Scott-Mumby, Dr. Al Sears, and these names are just to get your search started. If you are a Christian, look into Medi-Share. Diabetes is preventable AND reversible if you have it. Cancer is preventable. Heart disease is preventable. You do not have to get sick just because you are getting older. You can do something about it.
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