The NSA in America is following in the Nazi tradition in its
attempt to discriminate based on data collection, modeled around their belief
system - which justifies trashing the Constitution in pursuit of ‘pure’ data.
DNA is data. Thanks to the scientific work of Watson and Crick and
their discovery of the double-helix and all its component parts in the DNA
strands that make up all living cells, we know that humans are made up of data.
To microbiologists and bio-engineers, this information means the development of
drugs and treatments for illnesses - leading to more healthy, better lives.
For dystopian, nightmarish autocrats and megalomaniacs, data can
be interpreted as a way to segregate populations based on outward traits such
as skin color, physical appearance, family history and cultural affinities. The
National Socialist Party in Germany back in the 1930s used this access and
warehousing of data as the basis for their attempt to create a ‘pure’ race of
people: unquestioning of authority, uniform in appearance - with homicidal and
genocidal tendencies. They succeeded. Purity of data; mostly drawn from
inferences from DNA data resulted in a singularly genocidal group of
uniform-looking killers who lauded ‘pure’ DNA-types and went about
exterminating the others (while transferring these fellow citizens’ wealth; the
real reason behind the pogrom).
The NSA in America, similar to Nazi’s attempt to discriminate
based on data collection, justifies trashing the Constitution in pursuit of
‘pure’ data. It's not about Aryan blood this time, but identifying pure,
‘patriots’ whose emails, data searches, emails, credit card charges, online
chats, cell phone chats, physical mail (being photographed), fingerprints, and
blood samples must pass through data-mining's ‘Big Data’ purity analyzer to
make certain that every American - no, correct that, everyone on Earth who
interacts digitally - is pure of heart and spirit (read: willing to shop
themselves to death). All dissenters will be arrested. All assemblies will be
broken up. All attempts at nonconformity will be met with harsh prison
David S. Holloway / Reportage by Getty Images
If America’s ‘Big Data’ is new Nazism, who are the scapegoats?
The scapegoats being marked for death and imprisoned this time are
the poor/christians/patriots. Back in Hitler’s day, the rich were targeted;
their wealth stolen and the lives snuffed out, but this time it’s the poor who
are being sent to the Gulag.
The top 1 Basis Point (formally known as the top 1 percent - but
that included too much riff raff, so now it's the top 1/100th of 1 percent or
‘basis point’) needs to keep their Ponzi scheme of inflating worthless bonds
higher, by ‘front running’ markets and creating a blitzkrieg of ‘Weapons of
Mass Financial Destruction’ using data-intensive algorithms.
The Data Death Machines are running at the speed of HFT (High
Frequency Trading) bots; billions of transactions a second to keep the flow of
money flowing from billions to the rent-seeking neo-Nazis who run the four
biggest banks in the UK (the global center of accounting fraud and market
manipulation) and other banks in New York, Paris and Frankfurt.
Will the resistance succeed in beating the new data Nazis? People
in Brazil, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and cities all over the world are
rising up against their data oppressors. Edward Snowden has emerged as a new
global hero, along with WikiLeaks and Glenn Greenwald; men who embody the
spirit of the founders of the United States of America (going back 200 years)
when individual freedom and transparency were still considered valuable
Will the data-Nazis be defeated by Russia in the way Russia beat
the Nazis back in World War II? Where is the new Stalingrad? Carrying through
with this analogy we should look to data autocrats like Oracle, Google,
Facebook and the big phone companies around the world as the new axis powers
that need to be defeated in this new war of privacy vs. tyranny.
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