Monday, November 11, 2013

The Dinar Fiasco | so many false prophets

Subject: New Article


Our site is now copy protected. We have been finding excerpts our articles are being copy and pasted, without the whole body of the article being provided. This is leading to misunderstandings of what our message truly says. Although this is a basic copy protection where work arounds exist, it will weed out the vast majority.

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For those bloggers known to us, a part of the article will be provided.

Sorry John but it is something I had to do. If you want to continue carrying our articles let me know and I will provide you a part copy, unless you know the work around.
We do have a new article...

The Dinar Fiasco | so many false prophets

  • Reality Check – In the Kingdom of the Blind where the Hell is it all heading and what is Truth any longer? Has hope died? Let’s help parties get REAL!

One World of Nations
10 November 2013

Great disservice is done by grossly irresponsible self-proclaimed” Guru Sites”. Damn them all!

How do we try to tactfully assist so many desperate cases understand, and come to terms with the FACT, REALITY!!, that the Western world has run out of money. Can’t pay! THERE - IS - NO - MONEY! Why should anyone feed our dreams? It won’t be America.

Is that really too hard to understand? Existing systems are bankrupt- some beyond infinity.

Read more:


Anonymous said...

Yep. The Dinar was always a scam.

A house of cards built of lies. And not a small dose of desperate greed.

It was always backed by thin air.

And the Dinarians were always greedy beyond belief.

Let's see if this truth gets past the censor.

Anonymous said...

I've met lots of people like you and the main article. All negative with nothing to back it up. I've had bank managers and financial planners say the same. I've even had one of the top currency dealers in this country say the same thing. Within hours all have purchased either dinar or dong. If these people can do adequate research giving a positive result. Then so can you. I recall 2 bank managers back in March give one of their bank tellers a big gobful exactly what you have given here. A few hours later they were buying heaps of VND. A nearby country (Pacific region) where I have a bank account re-valued their currency last Monday by over 300%. The bank's currency calculator shows it and the bank memo tells me so. This tells me the GCReset is on its way. When the Prime Minister of Australia tells the GCR is imminent on a news broadcast as does Putin in Russia, I don't think we need to take any notice of people like yourselves. The lies abound with the countless trillions of fiat dunny paper printed by the USA to pay their bills. Totally worthless. The USA should worry about BRICS, death of the petro-dollar and loss of world reserve currency - all are on the books.
But as the sites have said - lots of smoke and mirrors and B.S. abound at this time - lots of planted stooges.