This Will Bring Down America's Enemies
It only took six people to turn the tide in favor of the Colonists. This is what helped win the Revolutionary War. People of good conscience doing something besides complaining about how bad things are. And this is just exactly what will keep the Cabal from winning this takeover of America. Look at history. In every country seized and ruled by force, a vigorous and determined group of patriots have formed a resistance movement. Even in France, when their weak-kneed government caved in to the Nazi war machine, their real French patriots wreaked havoc among the German forces and were instrumental in assisting the Allied forces to win the war. If things continue down the road toward tyranny in America, I predict the same thing will happen here - on steroids! I expect the group Anonymous to lead the charge along with patriotic military, those patriots in other government agencies and America's militia. And if there was ever any doubt in anyone's mind whether this was truth or conspiracy mumbo jumbo, the fact that our military and law enforcement are being trained that our founding fathers were terrorists, should be enough proof that we are in a battle for the hearts and minds of this nation. For example,46% believed Obama lied about people being able to keep their health insurance if they wanted to. 47% don't think he lied. We have work to do. For the complete story on the six patriots go to: |
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