is that illusive US Treasury? Can
you say Puerto Rico??
Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved
Note: This article originally appeared 4-28-10.
the brief time that has passed,27 CFR 250.11, cited as the legal
definition of the Treasury Secretary has somehow mysteriously and without
explanantion, been wiped from the Code of Federal Regulations.
has also been wiped from all legal websites carrying copies of CFR and
USC. 250.11 was titled “definitions” and described the Secretary of
the Treasury as one in Puerto Rico, and the IRS as an enforcement arm of the
US Treasury office, the enforcement agency
of the IMF/World Bank, is actually located in Puerto Rico and is not
a US agency.
in 27 CFR 250.11 again for the definition of “Secretary” as found in all the
above. T
defining term for “Secretary” is, “The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto
Rico.” That man is, not Timothy Geithner.
does timothy Geithner work for ?
Chief Financial Officer of the government, the Secretary serves as Chairman Pro
Tempore of the President’s Economic
Policy Council, Chairman of the Boards and Managing Trustee of the Social Security and
Medicare Trust Funds, and
as U.S. Governor (note: they do not refer to him as the US secretary or
as his position being that of a cabinet secretary to the president) of
the International Monetary
Fund, the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American
Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development.”
identity of the Secretary is not found in title 26 U.S.C.
The only reference to the identity of the Secretary of the Treasury is in 27
C.F.R. at section 250.11 (definitions) which specifically states: The defining term for secretary is: “Secretary means
Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico”.
Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner, and every treasury
secretary since 1913 are appointed but not as cabinet members. The Secretary of the Treasury is as a corporate “governor”
of what is known as “The Fund” or “The Bank” and several other international
The U.S. Secretary of the Treasury is not sworn
in and speaks no oath of loyalty or defense of the United States.
The obligation of this secretary (governor) is to the
International Monetary Fund, and World Bank. All employees of the IMF governor are paid by the Fund
directly, or out of funds supplied to the Governor of the Fund specifically for
that purpose. The IMF governor is not paid by the US government as
he/she is not employed by that government.
The so-called treasury secretary is actually a governor of
the IMF/ World Bank. He is
appointed to a term of five years during which time he must expatriate
himself as a US citizen to be sworn in as the legal representative of the Fund,
and acting liaison between the Fund and the federal government. His
first and only fiduciary duty is to protect the Fund at all costs.
In 1920-21, the Treasury of the United States
was abolished and supplanted with the Independent Treasury.
Every dime you pay in taxes, every penny collected under
any pretense for any reason by the Federal Government is deposited directly
into the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and for the US to receive any benefit from those deposits it must
issue a letter of special drawing rights.
Every Social Security number is issued by the
IMF. Every birth
certificate is registered with the IMF.
Every government check, funding, tax refund, SS payment,
disability payment, anything and everything which bears the name US Treasury,
is issued from the IMF, a corporation of which the US government is now a part
of and retains a level of voting shares.
Of course, when a government becomes a voting share
stockholder in any corporation, it RELINQUISHES its SOVEREIGN CHARACTER and takes on the character of the corporation. (See: Bank of the
United States vs. Planters Bank of Georgia, 6 L.Ed 244).
With the creation of the Federal Reserve System
in 1913, it set up the mechanism to economically overthrow the de jure monetary
system and replace it with paper on a ‘float’. Section 16 of the Federal
Reserve Act, which is codified at 12 USC 411, http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/12/411.html
declares that ‘Federal Reserve Notes’ are ‘obligations of the United
The ‘full faith and credit’ of the United States
was thereby hypothecated and re-hypothecated to the lending institutions for
the issuance and emission of bills of credit as legal tender. The paper
circulation and transactions accounts could then be inflated by 60% and the
purchasing power depreciated and reduced by an equivalent amount.
hy·poth·e·cate To pledge
(property) as security or collateral for a debt without transfer of title or
Codified at
(United States Code) 12 USC 411, a force majeure was implemented,
meaning the use of force, to establish the Federal Reserve. Section 16
of the Federal Reserve Act makes clear that “Federal Reserve Notes” are
obligations of the (50) united, but sovereign, States. The full faith
and credit of the (50) united States was thereby hypothecated, meaning that our
property or land was/is used to secure money borrowed in the name of the
corporation operating as [THE UNITED STATES a.k.a. THE UNITED STATES OF
The hypothecation of the debt incurred by the corporate US
government is backed up by the taking of land (the only collateral accepted by
the World Bank/IMF). This is why
Premises ID, Lands taken and deemed National Monuments, Scenic Lands,
Preserves, Wildlife Habitats and all agricultural lands seized under any
premise are imperative to the government. These lands have all been duly catalogued, gps located and listed with
the World Bank/IMF as hypothecated collateral on the massive and unrepayable
debt incurred over the last ten years. This information was also supplied
to the United Nations.
becoming a member in the IMF, the United States re-hypothecated its obligations
and the full faith and credit to the International Organization, under pretense
of the Gold Reserve Act and the Articles of Incorporation.
Because the national debt has been intentionally increased
for the last twenty years or more, we have as a nation reached a point of
bankruptcy. Our national
debt now exceeds our net worth.
It is the Secretary of the Treasury, a.k.a. The governor of the IMF who facilitates the agreements and accepts the collateral of land against the United States on behalf of his employer, the World Bank/IMF.
It is the Secretary of the Treasury, a.k.a. The governor of the IMF who facilitates the agreements and accepts the collateral of land against the United States on behalf of his employer, the World Bank/IMF.
the revenue agents.
Internal Revenue Service is not an agency of the United States government. It can NOT be found in Title
31, but it is also nowhere to be found in the entirety of Title
5 U.S.C.
cruise over and look at Code 27
of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 250.11 and therein you will find the
definition of “Revenue agent.” That definition reads:
duly authorized Commonwealth Internal Revenue Agent of the Department of the
Treasury of Puerto Rico.”
All those revenue agents? All are employed by the Department of the
Treasury operating from its home base in Puerto Rico; and they don’t pay any
taxes or revenues to the US. They operate as the enforcement arm of the
International Monetary Fund.
IRS operates as a collection agency working for foreign banks and operating out
of Puerto Rico under color of law referred to as: the Federal Alcohol
Administration (“FAA”). declared unconstitutional inside the 50 States by the
U.S. Supreme Court in the case of U.S. v. Constantine, 296 U.S. 287
11. The Internal Revenue Code is essentially a
“civil, regulatory statute” which was enacted in 1939 to tax and regulate
employees of the Federal Government and “citizens of the United States” (i.e., of the District of Columbia),
and to set forth rules and regulations for the production of revenue for the
“United States”, as defined in the U.S. Constitution.
12. It is an unlawful abuse of procedure to use civil
statutes as “evidence of the law” in a criminal matter, particularly when a
United States Code has not been enacted into positive law (see, specifically,
IRC 7851(a)(6)(A)).
13. Both civil and criminal matters “At Law” require
that the complaining party be a victim of some recognizable damage. The
“Law” cannot recognize a “crime” unless there is a victim who properly claims
to have been damaged or injured.
the passage of Public Law 90-269 on March 18, 1968, the United
States declared it no longer guaranteed the uniform value of the coins and
currency of the United States. This act ended the remaining reserve
requirements on circulating notes and obligations. Approximately $1.3 BILLION
in gold was ‘pledged’ against ‘gold certificates’ and held as reserves against
the Federal Reserve’s circulating notes and obligations as of 1968, but this
amount of pledging has now reached an incalculable level.
Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

Why has NO De Jure Grand Jury taken ANY Action on any of this Corruption as of Yet?
Is it because it is NOT the right timing as the Republic is NOT YET Ready?
So MORE People can DIE while we are still under the Cabal's Control thru Obama?
The IRS is a Nevada Corporation in which the names of the Board Members are Classified!
NO Judge will ALLOW you to sue this Corporation, as I did and it was Removed as a Co-defendant!
Don't know where I read or heard this but it was said that the two people that run the US treasury now are Madam Wu and the old man from China. I think that happened some time ago. Just a tidbit I read.
Here a court case is referenced involving the IRS Nevada Corporation http://usa-the-republic.com/revenue/court%20cases/salman.htm
More information is required to establish the precise connection of the illegal IRS as run by the US Government and the IRS Nevada Corporation if any.
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