Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Whether The Stand Down Order On Bengazi Was Issued By "Valkarie" Jarrett Or Obozo, It Is Still Treason...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Whether The Stand Down Order On Bengazi Was Issued By "Valkarie" Jarrett Or Obozo, It Is Still Treason...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 13-Nov-2013 18:47:56

Militia News – by Kris Zane
According to the Conservative Report and as reported on by Rush Limbaugh, when Obama disappeared for eight hours during the September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi consulate, Valerie Jarrett took charge and may actually have given the stand down order.
We know that an email was sent at 6:07 p.m. Washington time to the White House Situation Room stating that the al-Qaeda-linked group Ansar al-Sharia was taking credit for the attack.
Shortly after this Ansar al-Sharia email came in, and some time before the CIA Annex came under attack, the stand down order was given. It is presumed that Valerie Jarrett gave the stand down order in order to protect Obama from a Jimmy Carter-like military debacle in the event the rescue effort turned out to be a failure.
Keep in mind that a stand down order can only be authorized by the President of the United States. Neither the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey (also present in the White House Situation Room), were authorized to give this stand down order.

As revealed in Congressional testimony by Gregory Hicks (the State Department’s deputy chief of mission in Libya), a stand down order was definitely given, exemplified by the debacle involving Lt. Colonel Gibson, who remains hidden by the Obama administration to this day.
Special Operations Command Africa commander Lt. Colonel Gibson put together a rescue team; but as they were about to board a C-130 from Tripoli to Benghazi, Gibson got a phone call from AFRICOM headquarters demanding that his team stand down.
Additionally, fighter jet groups based in Europe and on aircraft carriers, along with thousands of soldiers and special forces in nearby bases in Europe, were never dispatched. It appears a blanket stand down order was given to the entire European and Africa commands.
If Obama disappeared for eight hours and let an unelected, unqualified underling—Valerie Jarrett—give the stand down order and let Americans get slaughtered, that is treason. Or if Obama himself gave the stand down order, that is also treason.
Either way, treason was committed; and impeachment of Barack Obama must begin immediately. 


Dan said...

So the NSA had access to National Security agencies of Foreign countries, but they didn't have it for the USA on Bengazi!
If anyone at the NSA Refuses to answer to the American People as to what happened, as they don't want to be charged for Treason themselves, then ALL they have to do is KEEP SILENT and God Almighty will Penalize you for NOT Forgiving your Sins and Allowing the Murder of others, and that is a LOT worse to BURN in HELL!!!

Dan said...

Obama says he is the CEO of THE UNITED STATES, INC. and therefore he can give Whatever Orders he wants!
Let's give him the proof that his 'Certificate of Live Birth' is FACT, and therefore he is considered to be a 'DEAD person' per THE UNITED STATES, INC. and/or the STATE of HAWAII!
Therefore a 'DEAD person' CAN BE IMMUNE from PROSECUTION and that applies to EVERY American that has already been Prosecuted and Jailed as they have a 'Certificate of Live Birth'!

Anonymous said...

Bullshit !!!
Osama died in Dec. 2001

Anonymous said...

Actually when our reps. and presidents make it into their positions of authority they are given their living status back. This means that there are no living people on the state. They have all moved to D.C. The only living people are in the government as all are dead now and recorded in the D.C. districts as corporations. So no the president isn't considered civilly dead as they have resurrected once they were voted in and under this cestui que vie trust their rights titles and lands are restored to them. We aren't supposed to know this because we also have the right to file the age of majority to resurrect our status from being civilly dead to living . Lots of history we haven't been educated to but the bottom line is all our birth certificates are titles to an underlying asset and that asset is the human body and our mothers gave up the title to daddy government without our knowledge as we were just a third party in the room not competent to sign our own lives away. So when we get to adult age (18) then we have a right to file age of majority and receive our titles back including the title to our bodies the live birth certificate .