We technically can do the Obama military coup on Nov. 13-14 if that is the date for the test of an electrical grid collapse turned into reality. However, that is dangerous as the public may figure out that Obama did this to militarily take over America with. The better date if planned right is a fake story leading up to the real total collapse of the American electrical grid then scheduled for Nov. 17, 2013. Like a good Hollywood science fiction movie, build the story up on how the test of a collapse got out of control and finally with the nation buying the story of a building accident that the experts can't stop or control actually target such as Nov. 17, 2013 for the real day the lights all went out in America and everyone dumb enough to think that this was an accident. That way the American people are not promptly marching on Wash., D.C. to hang the bastards who did this to America.
Of course if the electrical grid really is collapsed by Obama and treasonable elements of Wash., D.C. taking orders from Obama, then your food starts spoiling in your refrigerators. Food shipments stop to the cities. Gasoline shipments stop and gasoline is no longer pumped at gas stations. Your house or apartment goes dark for lack of electricity for lighting with. Can't watch TV or other electrical devices. Phones don't work as they run on electricity one way or another. Without electrical power, soon bank electronic records on your personal or business accounts stop functioning and disappear from existence. As America's commerce is mainly run on electronic money, pretty soon people find out that they are broke and have no money to buy survival items with. About the only ones equipped to operate at least short term in this environment will be the military. Since Obama has been firing top commanders loyal to you the American people and replacing them with homosexuals loyal to him, Muslims, Communists, and other radical elements who don't give a damn about you the American people. You are in one hell of a jam then as you did not push the report of Nov. 5, 2013 posted with Nesara News of "Take Notice ...46 Senators Vote To Give Up Your 2nd Amendment Right To UN" Forwarded By Erasmus of America. This report also reported on the deadly threat to the national economy and your national survival by Nov. 17 if they play the script right or as soon as Nov. 13-14 if they are so cocky that they don't think they need to build up the phony accident of the electrical grid getting out of control and the test of a collapse of the electrical grid becomes a reality in America. But the members of Congress maybe did not hear of this potential collapse of the national grid because you were lazy and did not send them copies of this report of Nov. 5 nor call them by phone, etc. to their Washington or else state offices.
Maybe the old Communist plan for the takeover of Wash., D.C. is no longer around but if they are still committed to the same plan as during the Cold War, the Communists led by Communist Obama are supposed to use military elements loyal to Obama and kill off all members of Congress as soon as they seize power in Wash., D.C. They are to kill the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon (maybe even ones loyal to them but they are not sure about), F.B.I. Director and heads of all other federal agencies in Wash., D.C., all federal judges in America including the members of the U.S. Supreme Court, all state governors both parties, and whoever has the image of legal authority in America. That way only the Communists will have legal authority in the eyes of what remnant of America has not been killed off yet.
With the crash of the electronic bank system of America, this will likely also crash the economies of Europe with it and maybe worldwide crash of the world economy then as the world runs on electronic banking at this time.
With Monsanto Chemical and allies trying to turn all food supplies into GMO food which is genetically modified among other things to accept and take into the grown food Roundup which has one or more deadly poisons in it, among other nice things, your brains will likely be destroyed or else badly damaged by the poison in Roundup which is stored in apparently too much or else all of GMO food exposed to Roundup used with it. The only food seed available to you will be that for raising GMO food with.
Before GMO food came on the scene, university tests with my father's Vatican endorsed great food discovery predicted the soon end of the human race on earth if my father's great food discovery was not added in time to the regular diet of Americans and all other races on earth. With this pending collapse of America, I am afraid unless that this is stopped that I will have no way to set up the food industry on this Vatican endorsed food discovery of my father. Pope Pius XII indicated this was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially end starvation and malnutrition in the world. Add GMO foods to the food threat already existing before then and what chance will mankind have for survival if Obama collapses America and maybe most or all of the world with the fall of America then? Obama threatens the survival of the entire human race on earth and there is no reason to tolerate this situation in America.
Push my report of Nov. 5 along with this report of Nov. 6 and see that all elected officials of Wash., D.C. and your home state promptly see these two reports. Also, see all Americans see this report. As for Obama, let Congress order his removal from the White House and legal detention until it is investigated by Congress why he fired all these top military commanders maybe up to close to 200 if going back to 5 years from when he first entered the White House.
If Obama tries to crash the electrical grid of America, at that moment I will activate my legal claims as I have the valid legal authority to set up an alternative national government for America if I push this through national law and international law. The U.S. military may rally around me as I emerge as the new President of the new national government of America. I have the legal authority which key elements already know about. If the only way to save the American people from massive death due to Obama, I will activate this authority and replace the leadership of Wash., D.C. with a new national government. If necessary, we will set up the new capital in Virginia, but I will say no more unless it is required to act. If this all starts, we will be the new national government for all 50 states of America and guarantee states' rights and freedom for all citizens of America.
Pass my proposed Omni Law shown on my website and if seriously done, then I do not have to replace Wash., D.C. with a new national government to save the American people from massive death at the hands of Obama and co-traitors with him in Wash., D.C. now.
Even for the power elite who secretly put Obama in the White House, he will crash all your banking systems in the world and you may find that you lose your vast hidden fortunes due to the collapse of maybe even the world economy. Smart moves now for all sides is have an RV of all or nearly all currencies in the world immediately to help stabilize the American and world economy. And have Congress order the arrest of Obama from the White House and hold him in detention until the testimony of fired military commanders shows why he really did this mass purge in the U.S. military. If guilty of high treason, then execute him and those who conspired in high treason with him. If not found guilty, remove him as claimed President anyway. The U.S. Constitution legally requires that you have to have two parents who were American citizens and his father never became an American citizen, but was a subject and citizen of the British Government in London, England. The Obama purge of top military commanders has only one parallel in history and that was when Stalin purged the Soviet Army shortly before World War II of many top military officers. This tactic is used when you are planning to become the military dictator of a nation and don't want any opposition from military officers in your national army.
My proposed Omni Law is on our website. Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy. com Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@ gmail.com
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one who represents the best principles America was founded upon in 1776 and my forefathers contrary to Obama fought in the American Revolution to found America as a nation!) P.S. Slip of the tongue! Obama keeps referring to the U.S. military as "his military," not our military!
1 comment:
Thank you, You better get started. I feel the storm is coming. People are so confused to what is going on. Since the elec. did not go out on Nov,13-14 they may not believe anything, until it happens. We can't have a dictator in the USA. Has the true Nesara law been inacted? So much has been said then nothing or it is not true. Bill Gates needs to be in prison! No more Vac's of anykind. They have damaged our own children here in USA too. Yet take our children to dfacs where no one knows what is happening to our children behind closed doors. I have been watching everything, and I mean everything! I stopped watching the News on tv. Going by my own gut feelings now. Gods Speed sir.
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