Obama makes South China waves, by Pepe Escobar
Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times/Hong Kong,
an analyst for RT and TomDispatch, and a frequent contributor to websites and
radio shows ranging from the US to East Asia.
Published time:
April 26, 2014 15:59
Pivoting and pivoting like a widening gyroscope, to paraphrase
Yeats, US President Barack Obama’s current tour of Northeast and Southeast Asia
hides an invisible dragon in the cockpit: China.
It’s all about China, whose “trade bullying” and “military belligerence” a benign US empire swears
to protect its Asian allies from.
After eating hopefully non-Fukushima radiated sushi in Tokyo with
nationalists/militarist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Obama – quite
undiplomatically – took no time to favor Japan over the serious Senkaku/Diayou
islands dispute, referring to a dodgy security treaty which allows the US to
aid Japan in case of a foreign attack.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s response was swift – identifying
the treaty as “a product of the Cold War era” that “cannot be aimed at a third party
and ought not to harm China’s territorial sovereignty.”
News agency Xinhua’s response was characteristically blunt: this
is all part of “a carefully calculated scheme to cage the rapidly developing Asia
giant” (referring to China).
In Japan, Obama’s focus was essentially on the
corporate-negotiated (in secret) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which, any
way one looks at it, is all about US Big Business finally opening the heavily
protected Japanese market. Abe did tout the TPP as the “third arrow” of his economic revival of
Japan. It’s more like the arrow of death. Still, there’s no way for TPP to happen
without a previous, bilateral US-Japan pact – and here problems remains
Now for the hidden agenda
When Obama hits the South China Sea things will get even choppier.
The South China Sea is the heart of Eurasia’s naval hinterland– through which
flows a third of the global naval action and of course all those millions of
tons of oil being transported from the Indian Ocean across the mega-strategic
Malacca strait and then the South China Sea towards East Asia (including,
crucially, 80 percent of China’s oil imports.)
The hidden agenda here is for the US Navy to forever remain as the
hyperpower in the South China Sea – without allowing Beijing as much as a
possibility of reaching parity with it. Thus the Pentagon’s carefully
orchestrated propaganda selling the myth that the South China Sea without the
hegemonic US would be a hellish chaos.
Obama is visiting Malaysia and the Philippines, two Southeast
Asian nations at opposing poles. Malaysia, for starters, sits between the
Middle East and China, at the heart of complex global trade networks. In many
aspects, Malaysia may be seen as the heart of Asia.

Unlike Vietnam – which is hyper-nationalist – Malaysia, crucially,
does not want trouble with China. US warships already “visit” Malaysia at least
50 times a year – and that includes nuclear submarines hanging out in ports in
Two French-Spanish submarines bought by Malaysia are stationed at
a base in Sabah, near the Spratly islands – where Malaysia claims 12 islands or
The global war on terror (GWOT) was the perfect pretext for the
Pentagon to extend to Malaysia some state of the art radar equipment. So, in a
nutshell, after Singapore – which could easily be described as a
corporate-friendly US aircraft carrier positioned near the Malacca strait –
Malaysia is in fact a very reliable US ally in the South China Sea.
That beautiful, and messy, archipelago
The Philippines are immensely messier. To start with, the
archipelago of 7,000-plus islands is roughly divided into three groups.
In Luzon in the north people speak Tagalog. In Mindanao and the
Sulu archipelago in the south there are plenty of Moro Muslims – culturally
they have more to do with Malays and Indonesians. And then in the middle sit
the Visayas, which include Cebu. The whole thing accounts for no less than 35,000
kilometers of coastline to be patrolled, and that in a very poor country.
China is the Philippines’ third largest trading partner. The
Chinese diaspora is extremely influential in trade and commerce. The
Philippines import all their oil by sea – so the possibility of exploring new
oil and gas reserves in the Spratlys and in the fiercely disputed Scarborough
Shoal are a matter of national security.
The Spratlys – 150 rocks or islands, only 48 of them above water
all the time – were named in 1843 after the master of a British whaler, Richard
Spratly. Yet Filipinos call them Kalayaan (“Freedomland”). There’s even a mayor
of Kalayaan.
What Obama is getting from Manila is an agreement for greater
access for US ships and planes to military bases, after the Pentagon convinced
the locals to focus on “maritime domain awareness” with the purpose of – what
else? – containing China.
So expect “rotational” US presence in Philippine
ports, and even transforming pristine Ulugan Bay on the Western Philippine
island of Palawan – very close to the Spratlys – into a future naval base, to
the utter despair of environmentalists.
So gone will be the (sovereign) days when Washington was forced to
surrender the sprawling Subic Bay base in 1992 (before that, Manila received
$200 million annually in military aid from Washington.) There’s a consensus in
Manila that the only possible leverage against China’s claims in the South
China Sea is an alliance with the US – and that in itself is also asymmetrical.
Still, they do want US ships in their waters – following the Singapore (and
Vietnam) model; let’s build ports for the Americans, and they will come.
Filipinos are positively paranoid about the Chinese prying
everywhere across what they call the Western Philippine Sea – in places like
Woody Island and Douglas Bank – planning to take over any particle of rock
above sea level. Why? According to the Filipino version, because Beijing badly
needs and wants to take over Filipino-owned oil and gas.
No wonder the US Navy was quick to exploit high-level Filipino
insecurity to forge what amounts to a neo-colonial relationship.

What about the Law of the Sea?
The Obama administration’s “pivoting to Asia” – as in containment of
China – always eludes the key question; for Beijing, a coalition of small
Southeast Asian powers allied with the US is absolutely anathema. If that’s the
case, expect major fireworks.
Washington – as usual – extols the rule of international law, but
the US has not even signed the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.Beijing
wants a regional order – after all it is the dominant regional power. And it’s
adamant on its historical claims – facts on the sea happening way before the
Law of the Sea.
Meanwhile, it is a claiming free for all. For example, China
claims the waters where one finds the Filipino natural gas fields of Malampaya
and Camago.
The current exclusive economic zones, imposed by everyone, led to
every player getting in theory energy-wealthy shallow areas near coastlines,
while China south of its coastline didn’t get much apart from Pratas island,
Macclesfield Bank and Scarborough Shoal.
Still, no matter what they could possibly extract and market,
Malaysia and Philippines would still have to import oil and gas. So the South
China Sea will remain crucial as much as a possible repository of oil and gas
riches as for its increasingly congested transit sealanes.
As for the US invoking a legal mechanism to protect “freedom of navigation”, that’s rubbish; the real
thing for the Americans is the state of the art Chinese submarine base in
Hainan island which houses diesel-electric submarines and nuclear ballistic
missile submarines. That’s the real secret of the Southeast Asian leg of
Obama’s “pivoting to Asia”. And that was instrumental in the launch of the
pivoting itself in 2011.
There is a solution for the South China Sea; deal after deal after
deal. They ought to be negotiated in the cadre of the 10-member Association of
Southeast Nations (ASEAN) – even considering that Beijing can, and does, explore
internal divisions.
In a non-Hobbesian world, the ideal, realistic solution would be
manageable to the benefit of all players, so everyone would be able to prospect
for oil and gas. But the problem is that every player – except Malaysia – is
juggling hardcore politics with deep emotional, nationalistic overtones. And in
this environment only one external player really benefits; the United “Pacific nation” States of America.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
I daily contact the head of the Michigan Republic which is a DeJure Republic recognized by the Hague. Bob is wondering like myself why they have not been contacted by the supposed Republic headed by General Morris. Bob has already been contacted by the Chinese Elders.
Is this the ‘military industrial complex republic’ we the people have been warned about. SOMETHING IS FISHY HERE!
If you smell fish...it will be rotten soon and it will really stink then! These "elite" make it a habit to infiltrate everything that is good so that they can turn it rotten and maintain control over everyone. BE CAREFUL!
The Chinese think they own everything. They want all the rare earth minerals, all of the natural resources, and all of the food that's grown in a nation. They are a greedy people and they want to control the world by communism. Notice they want to increase their one child policy. This is how they want to overpopulate the world and take over EVERYONE'S land for their own people and uses.
intelligence agencies know that at least 12 chinese military ...
Sep 24, 2012 - The post, titled The Lowdown on Chinese Troops in Mexico, is from a direct ... Strategic Mexican Ports Now Controlled by China; Ties to Chinese Red Army and ... Each base is stocked with a mountain of tanks and trucks and ...
China encircles U.S. by sailing warships in American waters ...
The Washington Times
Jun 7, 2013 - A joint Mexico-China statement said Mexico pledged not to interfere ... a reference to the previous government of Mexican President Felipe ... said the Chinese military has sent intelligence collection ships into ... China currently is “promoting almost all of its non-nuclear weapons in that region,” Fisher said.
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