You can view and listen to the YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=GuMEuF0DNLY

Transcript of YouTube 'ALERT' - not allowed to copy video:
WW2: Hello youtubers! It is 6/16/2015. WheepingWillow2 Daily Data News coming at ya.
I have a friend - ok? - a friend on the phone that has some intel here on some stuff go'n on in August. OK caller - I'm not going to say your name but I know who you are and you know who I am, so go ahead
Caller: Yes! I do! In August all grocery stores are
supposedly going to be closed. This is from somebody high up in the military who revealed it and who wanted to
let me know to prepare to get as much food...... The reason for it is because they will be going underground and they will
be taking all that is in the stores even though, you know, they have allot of stuff down there.....and those of us on earth here who aren't underground are to fend for
Caller: (1:05) and this is bad because
............................? (cannot make out what 'caller' said here - if you can, please put in 'comments' for all to read)
Caller: This is supposed to be the end of August -
from the 3rd to the very end of August
WW2: Is this party that's in the military - are they connected with Jade Helm?
Caller: That I don't know
WW2: Can you mention what branch?
Caller: Army
WW2: Army?
Caller: Yes
WW2: OK. Well, more likely they are connected to Jade Helm then..............
Caller: Yeah - most likely - but I never asked about that
WW2: So this party told you that all of the grocery stores across this country
are literally going to shut down across our nation?
Caller: Yes
WW2: Oh, my god!
Caller: And he said US - not USA
WW2: Why did he say that?
Caller: Well, I was told by another friend who actually asked that.......I asked 'Why did he say that?" who said "I don't know - he always referred to the USA as the US!"
WW2: Yeah - I have noticed that allot on the internet. They don't want to put "America" up there any more. They just say "United States" or "US" and that's it.
WW2: OK - so is that it? Is that all you've got?
Caller: That's it
WW2: OK - let me close this out
Caller: OK - yeah yeah
WW2: OK you all - you heard it straight from the horse's mouth
Carol - WheepingWillow2 Daily Data News
sign off .....................
Caller said and this is bad because of the asteroid
What bullshit.
More fear porn folks. I bet this is the same mullet that said we was going to be hit by an EMP here in Texas on the 15th of this month. Heard it put out by , Project Camelot.. We still here...no damn EMP. There is sooo damn much disinformation flowing out there, we cant tell fiction from fact anymore. It seems we have so many people crying wolf. How are we to ever know when the real shit happens? These parasites at the top feed off of fear and negativity. If we all thought positive thoughts, these parasites couldnt live here and would go the hell away. But people play into this shit. This shit keeps rolling down the hill where we are at the bottom to catch it. I will see u guys at the end of August with another new episode of more shit to come. STOP PLAYING INTO THEIR CONSTANT FEAR PORN PEOPLE.
Amen. I cannot believe all the bull I've been hearing this summer. Jade Helm is the government's attempt to take over Texas. The government is going to round up veterans during the beginning of Jade Helm. Emp's to shut down voice communication. And now the military is going to close all the grocery stores in August and then go underground. People, please stop drinking the kool-aid of these Nostradamus wanna-be's. The world is not going to end. The government is not going to round up people, or take over entire states. Okay, I'm off my soap box.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're baaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! How ya doing? Miserable as usual we see. Boy, you sure consume a steady diet of 'bullshit'. Did you ever pass pre-school? Or perhaps 1st grade? 'bullshit' is the only word you were taught by your uneducated parents? Sad. Do you realize that your 'bullshit' comments don't mean a hill of beans to anyone but yourself!!!! Shows your ignorance. You can choose to receive or to not receive what someone sends to be posted. Just like I can choose to post or NOT to post your 'bullshit' comment. Hmmmmmmmm sounds like the thing to do from now on.
Ah ------------- you two are brothers? Raised by the same uneducated parents? Feel really sorry for you two idiots and your 'fear porn.' Sure hope and pray this turns out to not be true - but when the caller states she received the same warning from two different Army friends, well - if you were in her shoes - what would you believe? Oooppps - already know the answer to that one Gatekeeper and Ted - 'bullshit' and 'fear pron'!!!!! Doesn't take much guessing to guess what the words will be from idiots and disrespectful guys like you two. Hey gatekeeper - you won't be hired to keep any gates that I am connected with and bullshit - get your shovel and start picking up all your shit.
Wow Olive Oyl, seriously? No factual evidence to back up the closing of the stores? Instead of providing actual documented material, you quickly resort to name calling and insults. Does "caller said" and "heard from two unnamed individuals actually constitute facts? I think not. It will take more than a he said, she said, they said, to make it real. Try providing written articles from a credible sources which do not include vague references to unnamed individuals. But please to come back here after August when the stores aren't closed so you can tell all of us why the stores weren't closed. I'll be very interested to hear your explanation. I just hope it doesn't include more vague references, or name calling, or insults. The actual facts will work. The insults and name calling do not work, but does display your inability to engage in a normal debate.
You know something Ted - last I checked - the First Amendment is still in effect in this nation, albeit questionably. You are a perfect example of the scumbags who think that their opinion is the only valid one and that you somehow have a badge and warrant to inspect every statement someone makes - be it good or bad - be it true or untrue - be there 'factual evidence' to back it up or not. If you watched the video, you should have noticed that in their camera to camera discussion, there was a document of some sort in the background which was referred to through the entire interview. Secondly, the caller was stating what she had been told by two Army informers. For the most part we do not censor articles on this blog. At the same time, we do not make decisions on behalf of the readers as to what they should or can read and what their opinions of those articles should be. It is impossible to check for validity every freak'n sentence in every article. However, you seem to have time to do that - so go for it bro with our best wishes but keep your opinions to yourself 'cause no one else gives a darn what you think.. Perhaps that job will keep you busy enough to stay off this blog. Rest assured we don't give one iota what your opinions are. We do not write the articles, we do not make the statements in the articles, and we certainly are not going to check validity so that you can be appeased - that's your job - for you. The insults and name calling don't work! DAMN! Got to find something else THAT WILL! Love you Ted - you as-hole. You make my day. How's that? love - love - love - love - love Hey - when you find the stores are closed - DON'T CONTACT ME. I WILL BE ENJOYING A STEAK AND BAKED POTATO. By the way, did you not read - or can you read - the notation at the top of this blog that states that this is an 'awareness' blog? So be 'aware' - most of what is on this blog won't please or satisfy your demands. Go back to the comic books. Engage in a 'normal' debate? Who says I am engaging bro. You called this scene at the OK corral - not me. Bang bang! Got cha!
Olive Ale, you are quite the character. I replied to your post right after it was made available but I guess my response got lost in the ether. It's okay, it was very lengthy and I really didn't say everything I wanted to say. First, you really need to question everything. If not, you will be fed a load of bull and you'll never know the difference. I do question what is being written because ever since the internet has exploded on the scene back in the 90's, every conspiracy theorist in the world believes they have the answer. Case in point, you referenced the interview, and that a piece of paper was talked about and used several times. Did they actually show the what was on the paper? Did anyone actually talk to the two Army soldiers? Probably not. Why? Because it would be too revealing and completely expose the story for what is was, a sham. Second, you said this was an 'awareness' blog. Well then, why am I not allowed to express my awareness the way I see it? You also said the Free Speech Amendment was still in affect (paraphrased), but yet you tell me that I can't speak my opinion. Is that not hindering me of my right to free speech? The last thing I want to say here, if it's okay within the boundaries of your version of free speech, is if the government was actually going to shut down grocery stores, or round up veterans which I have seen on other blogs, don't you think that maybe that would be an infringement on our rights? Wouldn't something of that magnitude would get into the mainstream media, if not the world's? Hell, the enemies of United States of America would love to print that article. How the world's oldest democracy, fighters of all people in the entire world, have overnight stolen their citizen's right's and instilled martial law? That my friend would be one of the biggest news story of all time. So, Olive Oyl honey, rest assured you will be eating that steak and potatoes next month, and the long months after that. So unless this post gets censored, you have just been "engaged" in a normal debate. Standing by here for your response.
Ted - thank you! Apparently you did NOT watch and listen - YES - THE DOCUMENT - ON SCREEN - WAS IN FULL VIEW OF ANYONE WATCHING. Second, anyone who read and watched the post can choose to receive the info or to reject it. Just because posts are made to this website does not in any way indicate the political or social position of the one(s) who do the posting nor their acceptance or rejection of the contents of that post. Again, have you not read at the top of this blog that it is provided as an 'awareness' blog? So, trying to understand why some of you even come here, much less take the time to record your comments with the hope that they will be posted for the world to see. We are NOT the 'gov' - we are NOT purposely representing information posted as being true when, like your 'gov', they know full well they are lying to you through their teeth. As much time as about 3 of you spend questioning every stink'n thing that gets posted here - may I suggest you pick a subject to study, write a report and provide evidence of your research on the subject, and submit for consideration for posting? In that way you will actually learn something to benefit yourself while providing that info may be found to be beneficial to others and, by posting, others can post comments on your bullshit?!. Then you can spend YOUR time 'engaging in a normal debate' with those who MAY care to comment on YOUR crap?! You can have all the right to free speech that you care to exercise on YOUR time and on YOUR posts. We are too busy here to be engaging in your nonsense, Ted, and we won't be any longer. Got important things we are involved in 24 X 7, things we are doing to benefit mankind and this nation. Over and out......................
What are you trying to post? This is the only thing I have seen from you.
Freewill, I was trying to reply to Olive's post. I'm not sure what is going on because it's actually done it to me with my attempt to reply to this post. It's kind of crazy. I have tried to post three times to her post and each time I received a confirmation email but the reply didn't post. The process is the same each time; I reply to the post, I get a pop-up window about the reply being received and awaiting approval (paraphrased), and then I get a confirmation email. Always, always the same. However, the reply isn't posted. It's happened before on earlier posts, but I've only commented about it on this last post. And, strangely, this is the second time I've replied to your question. I got the pop-up window, but no email confirmation. I am not fully versed in running a blog so I'm not sure why what is happening is happening. My undergraduate degree is in e-Business and there were classes on social media as it pertains to the business process, but not the actual nuts and bolts of running a website like this. On my earlier replies that didn't get posted I thought maybe there was something wrong with the language, so I reworded my reply and tried again. Usually rewording seemed to do the trick, but that could have been a coincidence. I'm not saying I'm being censored, but it was pretty strange on what happened. On this last reply to Big O, my first of three attempts, I copied the text and waited for the email. When it arrived, I cleared my clipboard. When I saw that the reply wasn't posted, I tried again. Still nothing, so I did it a third time and added the comment about "ok I get it". I figured you or someone was telling me that I needed to reword what I had said. Again, I do NOT believe you are censoring any posts, because it didn't seem this site would do something like that, but mostly because I really didn't say anything offensive. But basically that's what is happening. Now there is a new and even more strange thing happening. The post you replied to me is gone. It was up, but now it's not. I have that email, but none of the others. I have a bad habit of letting my inbox get full so I trying to delete as much as possible, and I didn't think about keeping any of emails to show somebody about what is happening. If you have my post that you replied to, could you please put it up? It was basically what I've been trying to tell Olive Oil why the above conversation about the store closing didn't make any sense and was asking someone who DIDN'T want me to just leave, to have a civil conversation/debate on the topic. If you don't have it, I do have that email confirmation with the entire post. Thank you.
Anonymous-I'm not sure who you are, but you are correct in one aspect. My initial intention was not to debate OO, but to share ideas. For some reason that was set aside and I felt I had to fight for my right to speak. I'm like most people, I don't like to be told to shut up and color. Anyways, I'm going to continue to express my opinion because I'm an American and I won't go silent into the night. Getting back to what I feel is a little more plausible, a little more serious, and downright scary if you think about it. Don't get me wrong,I don't personally subscribe to the Army taking food and going underground. What about the Navy? Air Force? Marines? Are there facilities that could house over a million personnel? I would like to see that. In addition there are other issues to consider. First, and majority of military personnel have amilies, and I'm pretty sure they will not leave them to fend for themselves just to save their own skin. Second, the Army is fairly large, so going underground would require a lot of space. Even if you broke up the Army into different parts of the country, like they already are, we're still talking about over 500 million personnel. If the Army were going underground, for whatever reason, and take all of the food with them they wouldn't waste time with grocery stores. That would be a logistics nightmare, not to mention needing a ton of soldiers and shopping carts. Why? Because nearly all of the grocery store food is on the shelf or in a freezer, unpacked. It would take days, if not weeks,to remove enough food from stores to feed hundreds of thousands of personnel for however long they decided to stay underground. Again, I don't believe this scenario anymore than the grocery store rumor, but I do think this would be a more likely scenario. The Army would not go to grocery stores, they would just simply go right to the warehouses, the distribution centers, the train depots, and packing and canning factories. That is where the food is all ready to be transported and stored in whatever facility they wanted to take it to. I mean, it doesn't get any better than that. Food boxed, crated, labeled, and in some cases already on semis, and that includes refrigerated trailers, ready for storage at the location they choose. All they need are truck drivers, train engineers, and fork lift operators. All of which the US Army has in their ranks. Less men getting more bang for their buck. And, here's the really cool part; they could have this done before anyone ever knew they it happened. Also,they wouldn't be on the news keeping Grandma from getting her milk and eggs by closing the nearest Kroger, or whatever grocery store is located where you live. One more drawback to either scenario; the food is going to run out and run out quickly. Feeding over a million military personnel without a steady supply line, is a recipe for disaster. But that's another debate.
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