Thursday, June 18, 2015



Image result for boom the american economy   Image result for boom the american economy  Image result for quotes of ronald reagan on prosperity    Inline image 1

     In this age, something has to create value so money has purchasing power to buy things in the market. The favorites to create value for money if they are not used directly as money would be such as gold or silver as backing for the paper currency or banking accounts of the nation. 

     In the Middle Ages under Christian teaching from the New Testament, they created a metal coin of base metal that created non-stop prosperity for people using it for basically 100 years in medieval France. Due to censorship in economic and history books, you do not know about this age when men worked four days a week six hours a day and retired off of their wealth built up by 45 to 55 years old. 

     A common investment for retirement purposes was real estate and business ventures that appeared sound for a sound economy that had no bad cycles to it. The women stayed home to raise the kids as their husbands could support them fine and all owned their own homes and dressed with the same basic quality clothes as the nobility. They had so much prosperity then as local historians wrote a near golden age had descended on earth where crime and poverty basically disappeared from human society in Christian Europe under Christian Economics taught in the New Testament and ignored by modern man. Some other European nations using this Christian monetary system based upon metallic coins of base metal also had the booming economy with no recessions or depressions to it and poverty and crime pretty much disappeared from their local societies. 

     This basic golden age of Christian economies was ended when frustrated early bankers set up a propaganda campaign to have the people drop Christian economics and Christian coinage and get instead banker version metal coins but operating on a different economic concept than Christian coins of then. The dumb public of then fell for the banking propaganda and dumped the Christian coinage for banking coinage and adopted the banker system of economics instead of Christian economics. The result was the collapse of the booming Christian economies in Europe. The Protestant scholars and Vatican scholars are sucker boys who teach the banker version of this era of Christian history instead of the real version of history as recorded by early historians who lived in that time span. 

     While medieval France boomed under New Testament economics, they basically built 80 Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral grade Gothic churches in a 100 year period out of the prosperity of the people thanking God for their golden age and colossal prosperity by building these beautiful Christian churches to honor God with for their temporal blessings in society. For example, The Cathedral of Chartres, France was built by a population not over maybe 2,500 French and in around 38 years. 

     The Washington National Cathedral of Wash., D.C. was to be built by the old Gothic method of the Middle Ages, started I recall in 1907 with Teddy Roosevelt breaking the ground for it, completed in 1990, and it was stated that America was not rich enough as a nation to ever build another large church in America by the old Gothic method of the Middle Ages. Tiny France with maybe 1/17th of the population of America for the same basic time period built around 580 of these beautiful Gothic churches which were large and cathedral grade versus one Gothic cathedral for poor America under Federal Reserve money. And tiny Chartres, France with a population of around, 2,500 French built in less than half time a Gothic cathedral not much difference in size and expensive church architecture than the Washington National Cathedral built theoretically by 170 million Americans in contributions. Such is the difference between Christian money of the New Testament versus Federal Reserve money taught you by the Satanist loyal central bankers of today. 

     I traced their origin as a Satanist banking reserve system back to 1666 A.D. to first adoption in England by the King persuaded by his mistress to authorize this and she worked for the early schemers who wanted to set up this '666 reserve system of money which took away from the national government the authority to make its own money now put out instead by private banking merchants to replace the authority of the national government to issue its own money for the nation. 

     When the American people have my proposed Omni Law passed, I can show them how this Christian money of the Middle Ages worked and show them that the Thirteen Colonies also had this New Testament money of the Middle Ages in these Thirteen Colonies but in currency form instead of metallic coins. The Thirteen Colonies became the richest population on the earth until the Bank of England pressed the British Parliament to outlaw the Colonial Script which was the paper version of the prior metallic coin version of the New Testament money used in the Middle Ages for 100 plus years and censored from your history books to keep you ignorant and controlled by the big banking families who run the show controlling governments and setting up wars, etc. for banking profit and increase of power over nations they control by their tricks. With around 50% of America suddenly thrown into unemployment in the Thirteen Colonies, this sudden collapse of the American economy soon led to the American Revolution and founding of America as a separate nation no longer part of  England.  

      Now today until Wash., D.C. has tried to outlaw most serious inventing in America now, we have already sufficient technology used correctly and coupled with this Christian economics of the Middle Ages and Thirteen Colonies to solve the problems of America we face today and maybe even boom America better than they could in the Middle Ages and in the Thirteen Colonies before London outlawed their prosperity and drove them to revolt against England in the process. 

     Here are pieces of technology that should be able to solve major problems of America so long as Washington, D.C. is forced out of the way to allow these answers of technology to be used to solve technical problems of America today. There are several systems to turn ocean water into fresh water for human use, farm use, industrial use and get cities, etc. in California back on their feet with adequate water to put California back on its feet as a giant economy in America. And Washington, D.C. tries propaganda tricks to muddy the water to mislead you with Washington corrupted version of engineering so you think these answers of technology solving major problems of America do not exist and therefore cannot be used. When you purify ocean water out of the salt in it, contrary to Washington propaganda tricks to make it sound like you can't do this, you do not dump the separated salt back into the ocean water at the coastline beaches of California. You extract valuable minerals, etc. out of the salt and plan it so nothing in leftover salt has to be returned to the ocean waters off of California. In fact, this can remove Japanese radiation poisoning from the ocean waters off of California, and all other sorts of things done to the ocean water so Californians can once more live civilized lives as an important part of the economy of America.

     You can use answers and resources available in America to make sure that foreign oil nations never try to cut your throat as a nation through currency tricks or other economic tactics. If they try to ruin your economy, you suddenly start supplying the world with cheap fuels that they cannot compete against. America gets super rich and they go bankrupt if they try to bankrupt the American economy. 

     With proper agricultural technology, you can raise crops of such quality as all the world would want American quality food crops for their main diets worldwide. 

       I have a rival system to H.A.A.R.P. which should be far safer to use and can alter weather to be hotter or cooler - whatever your need for general weather - and you could turn American land back into a type of paradise on earth instead of a hell on earth with intense heat, no water, etc. Only if trapped by the damage that H.A.A.R.P. had done would I want to use this alternate system to undo the damage to the weather if no other good answer existed. I don't like to mess with the weather and pretend that we are wiser than God because we are not! H.A.A.R.P. and federal chemtrails I wager have created the water crisis in California and and there are not enough carbon dioxide molecules close together to do this to the atmosphere there. Years ago Grant Jeffrey (a scientific Bible scholar) was clever and showed why the carbon dioxide argument was a con on the public. If you study carefully the findings of Wilhelm Reich on what effects weather, you probably have the answer there to break the water drought in California. 

     I was an engineering student many years ago with an engineering school and have many answers of technology that can solve problems of America that Wash., D.C. pretends cannot be solved now. Pass my Omni Law and in 2015 and we will turn this nation around like lightning. Contrary to Anti-Christian propaganda, the best engineering brains I have seen in America are basically Christians and with Christian leadership, you will have the smart engineering answers that will solve the technical problems of America and fast! You wanted the evil to lead you and they are fast destroying America and forever! Replace these evil leaders with smart Christian leaders and soon you will realize that the Christians are the best leaders that you can have for America. They have the right answers that will boom and solve the key problems of America today. 

     Pass my proposed Omni Law and now, and America will have a rebirth as a nation. Leave the present evil leaders in power such as Obama who is the jackpot on evil leaders to lead America as he is pulling every trick he can get away with to destroy America forever from within, and America will be destroyed as a nation by the evil in power now. I believe in the great destiny that America can have for the future. The evil want to destroy the future of America by taking its final strength to create an evil world government and society unfit for mankind to live under on earth. I want a bright future for America and for mankind across the earth. The evil want no future for America or the earth, but total evil ruling over mankind and then most or all of mankind basically dies out except for the intended slaves to be ruled by the evil who plan to remain masters of mankind dumb enough to let them take over control of all the nations and all races on earth. 

    Our national website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders and payments not sent through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Until the end of this month, we have the 10 times multiplier on payments put into our Omni Law Loan Program shown on our website. The Obama Boys federal operatives pulled all sorts of electronic hacking tricks trying to block our Omni Law Drive from winning in America and did not succeed. But we increased the rewards for those who do back us and now through the end of June. The other side is trying to move fast before you realize how they are trying to overthrow your freedom and future in America. So we are moving fast also and know how to stop them and win against them so long as you the American people back us as you know you should! I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and am trained in ways to think how to win even against usual great odds. And I am good at this game against the evil leaders such as Obama. 

  1.      Spectators do not win wars! Backers of one side or the other decide who wins the war (political drive or whatever constitutes your version of how you are fighting to win in the nation what you call your equivalent of war in a nation. ) Pass this report around. By the way, California. Passage of the Omni Law and now will save California from collapse as a state. Letting Obama do what he wants in Wash., D.C. and California will fall in the process! You have a short time before California falls by Obama plan. Apparently H.A.A.R.P. is being manipulated to destroy the economy of California and maybe some other states now. When the Omni Law is passed, H.A.A.R.P. is turned off and California will soon get the water it wants. And we can then by approval of God I predict be able to improve the weather of states desperately needing help now. God is on the side of good, not evil!
        Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who remembers that America built the Panama Canal, Hoover Dam, and many other things that others did not think could be done, but Americans had greatness in their characters and did these mighty engineering projects successfully because God blessed us! We can by blessing of God solve the big technical problems of America and today once the Omni Law is passed in America. Full name of the Omni Law as shown on our website is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America.")

     P.S. Don't fall for the psychological tactics of the Obama Boys trained by the federal government in psychological warfare schools how to trick the people by using nonsense arguments in the comment section  to keep you from backing the right side in America and letting the evil finish off destroying America because you didn't stop them while you still could.  

Image result for quotes of ronald reagan on prosperity   Image result for quotes of ronald reagan on prosperity   

Image result for quotes of ronald reagan on prosperity   Image result for quotes of ronald reagan on prosperity   Image result for quotes of ronald reagan on prosperity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the status of this bill in congress please? I have pushed for this bill to be passed and I have given money. I have called the traitors in D.C. Is anyone else doing anything to help this bill along? What is there to lose but a few bucks? Please donate some money if you can. If I can then donate then anyone can donate. I am broke!!! Please help push this bill so that it will pass. If you do not have any money then call the traitors in D.C. and email them like I have.