For the last year we have been eating allot of Stevia to replace our sugar intake
- thinking it was OK, it came form a plant. I even grew a Stevia Plant years ago
and it's leaves were very, very sweet.
(Please keep praying (Visualize) that those wishing to Harm America are immediately
flattened forever)
So - things began to happen in my body that I did not like - like No Sex Drive....
....this is not good --- same with my wife. Even when I used 10 MG of Testosterone a
day - nothing....nothing.
(Of course - since I eat Immusist I do not worry about my blood getting too thick due
to sugar or testosterone levels)
You try to eat the best things you can and provide for your family the best you can
and every once in a while you hit a land mine and have to change course.
So we investigated Stevia. The original sweetener is made up of Ground Leaves and this
product is, of course, green. It is very sweet and ALL NATURAL --- but All Natural Stuff
is not always good for you. Consider Organic Hemlock Tea and Hipocrates.
It turns out that China, realizing that Stevia Sterilizes Humans, began a process for making
the product white in color and mass producing it for the masses: IE - Population Control.
It must then occur to you that if Stevia makes you temporarily sterile what else does it do to you?
Any good waitress will tell you that if a person uses artificial sweetner in his tea or coffee
he eats more - these artificial sweetners all seem to make you very hungry.
So here are some Sweeteners and some side effects:
1) Stevia - Green Packets - Sterility, and who knows what else?
2) Aspertane - Blue Packets - A nerve Agent developed by the US Army to kill rats.
3) Saccarine - Pink Packets - Used to Fatten Pigs
4) Splenda - Yellow Packets - Several patients have told me when they had an operation and
they were using Splenda their Liver Lobes and Kidneys appeared White --- this is not good.
5) Sugar - Usually from GMO Beets, who knows since the GMO Genes keep being modified.
6) Xyletol - Most of it is made from GMO Corn so who knows?
7) Corn Syrup, it will kill you. The man who invented it did a TV show and apologized for
developing it in tears.
Good Sweetners:
1) C&H Pure Cane Sugar from Hawaii - Dark Brown, unprocessed.
2) Coconut Sugar
3) Xyletol Sugar from Birch Wood--- hardens your teeth as well
4) Maple Syrup
5) Honey
So since I am now down from 295 to 210 pounds we must be doing something correct - right?
My wife has also lost 25 pounds - ohh laa laa.
I eat 6 - 8 Full Meals per day and am down 85 Pounds in about 3 years --- so follow what we
recommend on THE CURE FOR CANCER video and have fun loosing weight and getting healthy
and watch out for the Land Mines like Stevia.
The White House Press Corps was evacuated today to move a very Private Guest from the Oval
Office to the Palm Room and then evacuate them. More on the US/NATO Planned Invasion of
Russia later as over 10,000 Nukes are being deployed across America.
Sorry Putin and Medvedev - later.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
A Brief But Interesting Early History of Stevia | All Body Ecology Articles
Gee Whiz - no interference when writing a story on Stevia.
- thinking it was OK, it came form a plant. I even grew a Stevia Plant years ago
and it's leaves were very, very sweet.
(Please keep praying (Visualize) that those wishing to Harm America are immediately
flattened forever)
So - things began to happen in my body that I did not like - like No Sex Drive....
....this is not good --- same with my wife. Even when I used 10 MG of Testosterone a
day - nothing....nothing.
(Of course - since I eat Immusist I do not worry about my blood getting too thick due
to sugar or testosterone levels)
You try to eat the best things you can and provide for your family the best you can
and every once in a while you hit a land mine and have to change course.
So we investigated Stevia. The original sweetener is made up of Ground Leaves and this
product is, of course, green. It is very sweet and ALL NATURAL --- but All Natural Stuff
is not always good for you. Consider Organic Hemlock Tea and Hipocrates.
It turns out that China, realizing that Stevia Sterilizes Humans, began a process for making
the product white in color and mass producing it for the masses: IE - Population Control.
It must then occur to you that if Stevia makes you temporarily sterile what else does it do to you?
Any good waitress will tell you that if a person uses artificial sweetner in his tea or coffee
he eats more - these artificial sweetners all seem to make you very hungry.
So here are some Sweeteners and some side effects:
1) Stevia - Green Packets - Sterility, and who knows what else?
2) Aspertane - Blue Packets - A nerve Agent developed by the US Army to kill rats.
3) Saccarine - Pink Packets - Used to Fatten Pigs
4) Splenda - Yellow Packets - Several patients have told me when they had an operation and
they were using Splenda their Liver Lobes and Kidneys appeared White --- this is not good.
5) Sugar - Usually from GMO Beets, who knows since the GMO Genes keep being modified.
6) Xyletol - Most of it is made from GMO Corn so who knows?
7) Corn Syrup, it will kill you. The man who invented it did a TV show and apologized for
developing it in tears.
Good Sweetners:
1) C&H Pure Cane Sugar from Hawaii - Dark Brown, unprocessed.
2) Coconut Sugar
3) Xyletol Sugar from Birch Wood--- hardens your teeth as well
4) Maple Syrup
5) Honey
So since I am now down from 295 to 210 pounds we must be doing something correct - right?
My wife has also lost 25 pounds - ohh laa laa.
I eat 6 - 8 Full Meals per day and am down 85 Pounds in about 3 years --- so follow what we
recommend on THE CURE FOR CANCER video and have fun loosing weight and getting healthy
and watch out for the Land Mines like Stevia.
The White House Press Corps was evacuated today to move a very Private Guest from the Oval
Office to the Palm Room and then evacuate them. More on the US/NATO Planned Invasion of
Russia later as over 10,000 Nukes are being deployed across America.
Sorry Putin and Medvedev - later.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
A Brief But Interesting Early History of Stevia | All Body Ecology Articles
Gee Whiz - no interference when writing a story on Stevia.
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