Sunday, June 14, 2015

Dr. William Mount: World Wide Prayed for Project Camelot

World Wide Prayed For Project Camelot
Fri Jun 12, 2015

For the last year somebody has been attacking those who are running Project Camelot.
Even those who run the website have been personally attacked.

Please - pray - Visualize - that those who are attacking those associated with
Project Camelot are themselves immediately flattened for the rest of their lives.

Apparently they have exposed too much that the United States Corporation has done.

Withing the last month their website has also been taken off line a lot.

It is not just the website and Dr Wislon's All Day Live TV Program,
Pat Schupes Call 4 Investigation TV show and Don Grams TV show that have been attacked.

Even Jeff Rense from was also viciously attacked by these Cowards who
work at the Fudge Factory at Langley - the CIA.

So pray with me - Visualize hard - that those "Cowards" who would dare attack these people
who are trying to save America are themselves immediately flattened for the rest of their
miserable little lives.

They truly are cowards. They hide in the shadows like freaks and children and use YOUR tax
dollars to pop out and shut down decent websites that are trying to expose the truth.
So pray they are all taken down immediately.

These cowards are so afraid they even took down APFN and many other websites like the
USGS Earthquake Map and Iris Earthquake Maps, and even NASA websites showing pictures
of the sun. These CIA freaks need to be flattened - so pray for it.

Again - pray (Visualize) that these Cowardly Fascists are themselves taken down immediately
and for life - and pray even if we get taken down.
This is how perverted these Fudge Packers (Liars) of the CIA and FBI really are:

We have discussed the nuke being brought into DC tomorrow (+- 3 Days) so these perverts are
now reading my blog and may just bring in the Nuke in 4 days - not 3 days - so they can kill
a maximum amount of people and start WW3 and say: Mount was wrong.

There is no end to their perversion and evil so pray against them and watch GOD rip them
a new rear end. It is time. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS - Richard - you got some really bad dope. Keep acting out and the Living GOD will take
your Mental Disability away. Not kidding. GOD has had enough of your nasty tongue and
HE may act very soon.

Then what Richard?

Dr Will P. Wilson, who was awarded a PhD by an acting President, is a great TV producer
 and a really good researcher and writer

What can you do Richard but use drugs?

You USED TO BE a great writer - what happened?

Now you speak in broken sentences and in Jibberish, Gutter Snipe Garbage?

What happened?


Anonymous said...

Possible EMP strike on Texas and area on Moday, June 15:

Anonymous said...

You may mean well, Mount, but it does no one any good to wish ill on others. That is dumb! Pray for a change of heart in those who behave badly, ask that a solution be brought forth and Divine Justice be served, but please, have kind thoughts towards others. All are God's creations no matter how far they have strayed. Seek Love and you will find it. Align with the Power of Love, peeps.

Think positive thoughts toward all!

Anonymous said...

I concur

Anonymous said...

All are God's creations but not all are following His will or correct path for our good. You can pray that they either follow God's plan for the good of our nation to be turned back to Him or if not, for them to be taken down and out for good. For TRUTH to come forth for all to see and for their wicked ways to be exposed. Simply pray for God's ways and Truth to come forth and anything in the way to be put under the feet of Christ. That is NOT wishing I'll on others simply for God to use His power to take care of business His way. Can't argue with His Way!