JUNE 1 2015

This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
I think at minimum if you don't have a way to defend yourself at this point, you are beyond non thinking.
The surveillance program is both not only illegal, it is truly that bad and is invading the privacy of every single american/u.s. citizen doesn't matter which. If the NSA's own henchmen are calling it Nazi age part four, then you know it has reached that bad.
For instance, did you know under the fourteenth amendment you have no rights at all to NOT be profiled? You are an actual Citizen of the state, that is the government. So you have privileges and that is it. That is all Rand Paul or any of those members in congress have.
It has already happened in quite a few instances, of the UN just breaking into houses at will. If you do not think that both criminals, u.n. troops or even terrorists will not exploit the NSA program to spy on everybody in order to commit illegal acts.....you are as blind as can be.
The NSA has been doing similar things since 1994, and actually the NSA act authorizes them to do it. Even if this caught actual terrorists which it doesn't, do you really believe having no fourth amendment at all is in the best interest of the citizens?
Just watch, they will try to pass it in the dead of night like they did the first Patriot Act and hardly anyone will believe it.
I guarantee it will lead to crimes, criminal bootlegging and even foreign thieves entering people's homes illegally as happened in Oklahoma. Even for things as simple as theft. That is all the NSA bulk collection is being hamstrung for, it's to eradicate everyone's civil rights. Rightfully, the NSA collection program should forever be halted and forced to continue on the black market...
By the way those who say well it's okay to continue the surveillance program because we have obama and he's very conscientious of our rights.....
I hate to break it to you, but you're one of the ones who has been most bamboozled. This president has signed more illegal executive orders than any in history, may in fact be the AC, and you can guarantee isn't thinking about the bill of rights on anything that spying does!
I'm sure you won't mind when a SWAT team is ordered on your house, or a group of criminals raid it because they got tipped off from the NSA. Be sure to save a photo when it happens. This is quite possibly the single biggest spy dragnet anyone has seen in all of history. Because you elected these people, it might be time to kiss your fourth amendment goodbye.
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