Tuesday, June 16, 2015

LA Times_Quote of the Day - Priceless

LA Times Quote of the day - This is absolutely priceless! 

Senator Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way, and government should prevent them from owning firearms."
Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.... and the quote below from columnist Burt Prelutsky is  priceless, sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right!!!

"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California , but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine , even comes  close.  When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington , we're Number One.
There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the  likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on  Macbeth " 
" The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab.  You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."       A California Friend


Dan said...

At what point in time is the Vet determined to be 'Mentally Ill'?
Is it after their first tour in a country where there was actually fighting with weapons?
Is it only after they have determined to leave the Military of Active Duty?
I know one man that was in the military during Vietnam and dealt with the body bags here in the States when they returned home to then go to their home town, and he was not determined to be 'Mentally Ill.'
If ALL Vets are 'Mentally Ill' then how many are in Congress?
If ALL Vets are 'Mentally Ill' then how many became doctors and perform surgery without being 'Mentally Ill'?
How many Vets become Police Officers and it is approved of without any problems, and it is advised to be a Vet?

Anonymous said...

It's our drought and lack of accessible water
that's causing the girls' extreme dehydration,
in turn producing their state of delirium
and senseless speech.

We should get them indoors ASAP
to one of our fine air conditioned
Serco-for-profit resorts, where
they can relax amongst friends
and take it easy making license plates.

I'm sure they have stainless steel sinks
and water faucets for the guests there.

Above all, let's get them out of the bright spot lights,
before their mental illnesses become permanent.