Apparently, looks can kill. In a very real story that we assure you did not originate from The Onion, a terrorist from ISIS recently took a selfie of himself and posted it online.
thereafter, U.S. Intelligence, which heavily monitors social media
accounts from ISIS members and supporters, managed to pinpoint an ISIS
headquarters building in Syria by using the selfie photo as a reference
to Air Force General Hawk Carlisle (which is a perfect name for an Air
Force General we must say), airmen from Hurlburt Field, Florida in
the 361st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group were the
first to pick up on the photo.
guys that were working down out of Hurlburt, they’re combing through
social media and they see some moron standing at this command,”Carlisle
said in an interview with Defense Tech.
“And in some social media, open forum, bragging about the command and
control capabilities for Daesh, ISIL. And these guys go: ‘We got an in.’
So they do some work, long story short, about 22 hours later through
that very building, three [Joint Direct Attack Munitions] take that
entire building out.”
1 comment:
I want to believe though that the government just has a few problems, and it's actually legitimate.
Of course you and the rest of you ridiculous hacks want to believe this fable because it's not true. It is flat false and fictitious.
The entire government is simply a fraud and a treason. No part of it is actually legitimate, right up to the state senate offices as they are all a part of incorporated fraud called washington.
Why in the blazes do you think private mercenaries are now ripping up all the streets in california in a bid to bring back water? They and the senate are ripping the roads to pieces. Why is that happening?
It is because the entire government is a sham, that is why, from beginning to end. Even the aliens and residents of CA just went and got their water from actual water wells and purchased their own supply, they solved it within minutes, they didn't go to anybody asking for something.
The reason all the official slaves got to have their roads eradicated and torn into pieces searching for water, is because they voted for this bullshit charade. They believed the government would resolve the problem....as slaves always run to their master to fix everything.
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