This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
While McDonald’s stock sinks faster than a ten-ton truck as the fast food giant loses loads of cash, organic
food brand Amy’s has just received approval to build one of the first
non-GMO, organic, fast-food drive-thru’s right across the street from a
dying mega-company’s golden arches.
The organic frozen food company you’ve seen in your grocery store, Amy’s is taking on the convenience food business in a big way, and just in time for a surging demand for organic foods from the American public.
The developers say the 4000 square foot restaurant replete with a
living roof made of grass, rainwater collection, and solar panels – all
reflecting the values of the company – should be open and ready for
business in November of this year.
“It will be a pretty large statement there at the
entrance to the Wilfred/Dowdell Specific Plan,” said Marilyn Ponton,
director of development services, referring to the 250,000-square-foot
commercial project in northwest Rohnert Park adjacent to the Graton
Resort and Casino. “It’s very different. People will come to look at
David Trachtenberg, the architect who designed the restaurant, said buildings with living roofs are becoming trendy. He states:
“It is a prototype for Amy’s, they are a plant-based
company. They’re one of the world’s largest purveyors of organic,
vegetarian food, so the idea of a green roof ties into the ethos of the
This is super exciting, as fast food giants like McDonald’s continue
to lose money month after month after decades of serving the public low
quality junk. Adding to the excitement is the fast that demand for organic food has busted through its glass ceiling. Over 20,000 stores now offer organic food products. According to Nutrition Business Journal, organic food sales will reach a startling $35 billion this year. For those of us who don’t take our health for granted, this is just the beginning of a food revolution.
All of this news, along with the opening of this new organic
restaurant, is a testament to the success the health movement has had on
the nation and planet as a whole.
The Amy’s restaurant will open in Sonoma County, but you can write the company and tell them you would love to have one in your backyard, too.
Additional Sources:
Photo credit: CivilEats
Watch as the Elite take this entire chain over as well. When are you petty fools going to wake up? This entire thing is a sham, top to bottom the incorporated UNITED STATES is illegitimate.
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The DUKE - Patriot!
Born in 1948 Died in 2015
National Assembly of the people returning to self governance
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1 comment:
Watch as the Elite take this entire chain over as well. When are you petty fools going to wake up?
This entire thing is a sham, top to bottom the incorporated UNITED STATES is illegitimate.
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