Sunday, June 14, 2015

The World’s Largest Planned Doomsday Escape


Saturday, June 13, 2015 3:51(N.Morgan)

In a recent article from ForbesLife written by Jim Dobson, we get an exclusive look into the Elite’s doomsday bunkers.
This bunker could rival Noah’s Ark, only this bunker is made up for luxury and comfort and not just for making a long trip.
Inside, the bunkers are beautifully decorated. You feel as if you are in a luxury cruise ship rather than a doomsday bunker.

Vivos founder and CEO Robert Vicino announced Vivos Europa One which will be an invitation only, five star, underground survival complex similar to an underground cruise ship for the 'elite'.
Each family will be provided a private 2,500 square foot of floor area capable of two story improvements for a total of 5,000 square feet of private living quarters. With fit and finish comparable to a mega-yacht, each member family will hire their own architect and contractor to build out their living quarters to the custom standard they desire.

The expansive shelter is located in Germany and is one of the most fortified and massive underground survival shelters on Earth. Originally built by the Soviets during the Cold War, this shelter was a fortress for military equipment and munitions.  After the DDR was merged with Germany, the German government inherited this relic and intended to use it for the same purpose of weapons storage.  However, due to a law prohibiting the storage of ammunition near a major highway, the German Government soon realized they could not continue with their plans and decided to auction this 76 acre complex.

A wealthy investor purchased the entire property, along with all of its improvements, both above and below ground.  Vicino says “We are proud to bring this epic project forward in these increasingly dangerous times."

One has to pose the question: Why do the 'elite’ and the extremely wealthy continue to build these sort of accommodations?  What is in the future that they deem is necessary to go to such length in the name of safety?  Safety from what exactly?

Secured storage tunnel within shelter

This fortified facility is able to withstand a substantial close range nuclear blast, a direct airplane crash, biological and chemical agents, shock waves, earthquakes, tsunami, electro-magnetic pulses and virtually any armed attack.
The complex itself includes over 21,108 square meters (227,904 square feet) of secured, blast proof living areas; and, an additional 4,079 square meters (43,906 square feet) of above-ground office and warehouse buildings, including a train servicing depot.
The typical chamber area is 5 meters wide (16.40 feet), by 6 meters tall (19.68 feet) and 85 meters (278.87 feet) long.
Collectively there are over 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) of continuous tunnel chambers (equivalent to 71 Boeing 747’s fuselages stretched end to end).
All shelter areas are located behind 3 separate nuclear blast and radiation proof vehicle entrances, and a number of other passages for access by people only.
Each of the three main tunnel entrances includes an outer security door system followed by a 40 ton hydraulic truck access door with hardened steel rods which expand into the surrounding encasement, and a second set of massive steel doors providing an airtight seal shut, protecting against chemical, biological and gas intrusion.
The underground main traffic corridors are large enough to allow mechanical transportation of heavy equipment to almost any point within the complex.

Fortified entrance to shelter

The structural rock provides for an extremely high load carrying capacity of the mountain above, as well as superior shock wave absorption, high thermal retention, stable temperature at an average 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity control.
All underground rooms are serviced by two fully customized climate and ventilation systems.
The self-contained water and power generation system with three diesel generators, including redundant back-up systems, assures autonomous operation of the underground shelter without support from the outside world.
This vast limestone mountain contains a water treatment plant with deep water wells, a power plant, a hospital area, restaurant areas, air filtration and cooling systems, as well as a series of massive blast doors which a tank could drive over to enter.

Hospital area in the shelter

The above-ground facilities are equally as impressive, including several office buildings, barracks for a hundred, a power plant, fuel storage, railroad spurs complete with a train depot for repairs, guard buildings, and warehouses, all within an impenetrable perimeter wall, complete with military concertina coils. Once the gates are locked, the only way in or out of the property is by helicopter.
The original cost of the complex was estimated at over 200 million Euros, with a replacement value of approximately 1 billion Euros.
The shelter is currently in turnkey operational condition ready for the common area and private living quarters improvements to outfit the underground complex for a select number of families.

Community swimming pool

In addition, the shelter will include a collection of zoological species, an archive for the most precious artifacts and treasures of the world, a DNA vault to preserve and protect the genomes of millions of donors, and a modern day “Hall of Records” to autonomously survive virtually any catastrophe or disaster for several years. Vivos will retrofit, equip, furnish, stock, supply and convert this complex into a state-of-the-art, contemporary complex.
Private improvements will include all of the typical amenities enjoyed by the floating counterparts, including pools, theaters, gyms, a kitchen, bar, bedrooms and deluxe bathrooms.
The possibilities are limited only by each member’s personal desire.
Vivos will provide each living quarters with power lines, plumbing for water and sewage, HVAC systems, communications lines, security systems, internet and closed circuit systems.

Stairway into the foyer

The common areas will be improved and outfitted by Vivos, including the roadways, restaurants, bakery, brewery pub, wine cellar, community meeting rooms, prayer rooms and chapels, nursery play rooms, classrooms, training rooms, computer areas, a television and radio station, the communications center, security and detention center, vaults for valuables, security equipment and devices, water purification facility, deep water wells, interior water and fuel storage tanks, power plant, air handling and (NBC) nuclear, biological and chemical filtration systems, battery backup power storage, mechanical repair shop, decontamination showers, private offices, pet kennels, a hair salon, theaters, the hydroponic gardens, a fully equipped hospital, storage rooms and warehouse areas, all food and medical supplies, a non-hybrid seed bank and the DNA storage bank.
Vivos will also provide the electric transportation vehicles and trams, armored security vehicles, helicopters, protective suits and apparatus for outdoor chemical, biological and radiation exposure, above-ground offices and warehouses, a security center, the rail spur and maintenance station, the above-ground power plant, above-ground gardens and open space, farming, fishing and hunting equipment, boats and rafts.

Living quarters bedroom

When each member’s private living quarters are complete, they will be furnished and fully outfitted, their respective quarters will be locked and secured, limiting access to their families and staff prior to lock down; while Vivos will operate and maintain all common areas (under and above-ground) pending a catastrophic event.
Members will arrive at their own discretion, prior to lock down, landing their private planes at nearby airports. Vivos helicopters will then be deployed to rendezvous with each member group, and safely fly them back to the shelter compound, behind the sealed gates from the general public.
Members will then enter the shelter and access their private quarters. Each family will pay a base amount for their respective living quarter’s area, along with their fair share of the ongoing stand-by costs for operational management, staffing, taxes, insurance, maintenance, utilities, and restocking as needed.

Living quarters screening room

This isn’t the first time Vivo has planned these unique doomsday retreats in the past including private bunkers for residences, but it is only now that this new location has come to fruition offering up a exceptional potential for those who truly want the ultimate in personal safety for their families.

Typical living quarters layout

Personal bunkers for private residences. The Quantum in a Box from Vivos

This facility offers the optimum of luxury, comfort and safety.
Does Vivo know something we don’t?


Published on Apr 6, 2015


Why Are So Many Of The Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations? It is believed to be large enough to house 60,000 persons, with a special air filtration system designed to withstand a nuclear, chemical or biological attack. Enough food and water is believed to be stored at the site to sustain the entire underground population for months on end Die-hard [U.S.] nuclear war planners actually have their eyes on targets in Russia and China, including missile silos and leadership bunkers. For these planners, the Cold War never ended. Their top two candidates [i.e., targets] in Russia are located inside the Yamantau and Kosvinsky mountains in the central and southern Urals.

They have also been constructing thousands of new underground bomb shelters in major cities such as Moscow. Nearly 5,000 new emergency bomb shelters will be built in Moscow by 2012 to save people in case of potential attacks. Though the bunkers are supposed to be designed to shelter the population in the event of a nuclear attack, government officials say it’s only a precaution and they do not expect such an attack or nuclear outbreak (e.g. Chernobyl) to occure
The Russians also recently finished work on a brand new national defense center in Moscow that contains extensive underground facilities Russia is launching a new national defense facility, which is meant to monitor threats to national security in peacetime, but would take control of the entire country in case of war.

In addition, the Russians have also been developing a new anti-ballistic missile system that is designed to keep U.S. nuclear missiles from getting to their targets in the first place.

If Obama does decide to send lethal military aid to the Ukrainians, the Russians are going to flip out. We just continue to take even more steps along the road toward World War III, and it is a war that the United States is completely and utterly unprepared for. uncovers one of the biggest and most dangerous issues in recent history, a Rosetta Stone that will decode the deception taking place throughout our world.

As Russians build gigantic underground bunkers, spanning 400 square miles, the elite are planning their escape from America by purchasing airstrips, farms and underground shelters in record numbers. bunker "underground bunker" "emergency shelter" elite millionaire billionaire "new zealand" 2015 2016 russia china shelter military insider war battle ww3 ww2 mountain fema prediction news media entertainment book author "secret society" secret enemy collapse "cold war" gold silver prepare food "food storage" prepper savings strategy humanity leader liberty freedom defense "self defense" banking security "elite nwo agenda" drone trends trending trendy false flag attack nuclear attack nuke chicago nyc fema camp police state usa new world order illuminati 1984 orwell alex jones infowars crazy gerald celente max keiser jim rogers glenn beck anonymous coast to coast am end game collapse demcad montagraph bohemian grove jsnip4 g4t lindsey williams louis farrakhan exposed jay-z illuminati off the grid living

As preparations for nuclear war intensify, the public is being told it’s not a danger anymore. Get this emergency broadcast out to everyone you know before the time for action runs out. Over the past few years, wealthy people all over America have been equipping their homes with futuristic high tech security systems that go far beyond the kinds of things portrayed in recent Hollywood films such as “The Purge“. We are talking about security bunkers with their own sustainable sources of food and water, hidden passageways that lead to ballistics-proof panic suites, and thermal heat detectors that can detect someone hiding up to 15 kilometers away. Most of these security measures will probably never even be needed if things stay pretty much as they are today.

A lot of ultra-rich people are quietly preparing to “bug out” when the time comes. They are buying survival properties, they are buying farms in far away countries and they are buying deep underground bunkers. In fact, a prominent insider at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says that “very powerful people are telling us they’re scared” and he shocked his audience when he revealed that he knows “hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand”. So what do they know? Why are so many of the super wealthy suddenly preparing bug out locations? When the elite of the world start preparing for doomsday, that is a very troubling sign. And right now the elite appear to be quietly preparing for disaster like never before.




Anonymous said...

That makes me happy,
they will choose to live in little cells without bars.
Doors they do not control the locks on.
No facility for owning much personal property.
How will they spend the gold they hold, or will they be allowed to keep any valuables in such a cramped space.
Maybe they are told to leave all valuables in a 'check-in' location and it becomes community property.
Who are they going to barter with when someone drops their credits because they did not 'obey' some community rule the rest of the hive mind(less) people obeyed.
Comforts like entertainment may be restricted or non existant.
they may be told all they paid for was a safe place to live, and then they are forced to toil for the food and water they consume. Clean clothes, yes, toil for that too
really? Where do they have room to commit their crimes or indulge in their habits.
Pedophile may find his every movement is tracked by proximity id.
Drug addicted folks will find it hard to get their hands on the 'goods'

it'll be nice to know they ran down there, and chose to run down there.
Instead of prisons above ground, they can be stuck by the entrances and exits they created.
Satellite monitoring the locations. See any bodies roaming around, capture them and send them back
like the deport people all the time.


Unknown said...

let them be in a cramped space! all of this will be for nothing.there will not be any nuclear wars.there are good people out there that will prevent this from happening for us or the planet.i say let them hide like rats,that all they are! p.s. i really believe that with all my heart. love to all.

Freewill said...

I say weld the doors shut then build a landfill on them!

Anonymous said...

1. They are afraid of us, and what we might do to them

2. They are also afraid of being scooped up by a good ET/EBE
and being sent/placed in a 'phantom zone'
NEVER to be seen or heard from again