12 Jun 2015
One of the speakers slated for the Vatican rollout of the long-awaited Papal document on climate change once said the earth is overpopulated by at least 6 billion people.
The teaching document, called an encyclical, is scheduled for release on June 18 at Vatican City. Perhaps with the exception of the 1968 encyclical on contraception, no Vatican document has been greeted with such anticipation.The political left is hoping for a document that ties belief in global warming to a religious obligation.
Climate skeptics have already started criticizing the document.
The choice of Professor John Schnellnhuber, founding director of the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, as one of three presenters may be giving the left added hope and giving skeptics severe heartburn.
He has been described as one of the more aggressive scientists on the question of man-made global warming.
In a talk given to what’s described as the “failed” 2009 Copenhagen climate conference, reported in the New York Times, Schnellnhuber, who has advised German President Angela Merkel and is a visiting professor at Oxford, said of global warming: “In a very cynical way, it’s a triumph for science because at last we have stabilized something –- namely the estimates for the carrying capacity of the planet, namely below 1 billion people.”
(ALL that VACANT land out there - MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF ACRES OF VACANT LAND - all around this planet - no-one living on it, nor farming it, nor draining water from it nor throwing trash on it - all that vacant land is 'over populated' according to these nutcakes, and we 'useless eaters' must be 'eliminated' so that vacant land can't and won't be abused.)
Schnellnhuber is also author of what’s called the “two-degree target” that says governments must not allow the temperature to rise more than 2 degrees higher than at the start of the industrial revolution. Any higher, the theory holds, and much life on earth would either perish or be gravely harmed.
(WHAT? Are they saying we can't go to the beach anymore? Or that if the sun should bring an especially warm day, that the population of this planet should gather together and sing KumBahYah to the sun and water it with bazooka squirt guns to cool it down? These people are frick'n nuts.)
To deal with climate issues, he has also called for an “Earth Constitution that would transcend the UN Charter” along with the creation of a “Global Council…elected by all the people on Earth” and a “Planetary Court..a transnational legal body open to appeals from everybody, especially with respect to violations of the Earth Constitution.”
(Folks, what you are reading about here is a one world 'government' of tyranny in its worst and most horrific forms, of manipulation and control, of elimination of mankind in the name of over population and a time in history heretofore unknown to mankind.)
Let's start with knocking-off all the Catholics.
Yup. Then we can put a reostat on the sun so we can turn down the heat, Ban cooking to reduce heat. Sink D.C. into the ocean to reduce hot air and methane from all the crap it produces. Ban the mideast because it is to hot and put all the Lucifer worshipers, i.e.; Vatican Catholics in the Hawaiian volcano so they won't catch a cold, and then send the Jews to Mars so they don't patent ice cubes and charge us a cool drink tax. Problem solved!
Because they've never gotten out of the dark ages,
they are incapable of thinking critically.
The excessive 'heat' on the Italian peninsula
has caused them to become dehydrated,
causing these extreme
hallucinations and delusions.
Transferring them closer to the North Pole
for permanent baptism would cool them off
and solve their problems.
From a new global position, what they can't see
on the rest of the planet won't hurt them.
They can then stay focused watching
for spontaneous lightening strikes.
Can the Lucifer telescope withstand freezing
temperatures after being used in the
Arizona desert?
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