Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Other Guys and We, the Cows

By Anna Von Reitz

For the Federales, both Territorial and Municipal, that Congress in DC is legitimate.  The "U.S." has always been run as a corporation and the Municipal "US" has been operated as a corporation since 1878.  Within its own sphere, then, the "United States Congress" is acting legally.

The problem is that we have been misled to think that it is something it's not.  It is not operating as the "United States in Congress Assembled".  It is not representing all the people and it is not competent to do so. 

So in effect, we have been disenfranchised if we don't want to join their club, and have to instead for our own Congress to act in behalf of the land jurisdiction owed to the actual states and people.

You continue to misrepresent their action as being something wrong and criminal, when in fact, it is our inaction which is the actual big problem.

They have not prevented us from organizing our county jural assemblies and operating our lawful government. We have no cause to complain because they have operated theirs.

Now what is needed is precisely what I have said all along--- people need to organize their county jural assemblies, organize their county governments, organize their states, and eventually call a Continental Congress.  Boot up your own lawful government. 

Stop worrying about what "the other guy" is doing and stop participating in their elections and stop letting them presume upon you to pay their debts and obey their private statutory laws.

You all have the key to your own prison cell.  Make use of it.  The Michigan General Jural Assembly is standing ready and willing to help you get your lawful county government organized and on its feet.  It's your responsibility to get your own records straightened out and your own county functioning. 

There is a call national call in show at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time every Thursday night: 1-712-770-4160, access code to merge onto the call is: 226823#.

They also offer help at their website http://1stmichiganassemly.info and have a hotline from 2 to 7pm Monday through Thursday---- call 1-989-450-5522.

Stop worrying and fuming and fulminating about what the "Other Guy" is doing long enough to take care of your own long neglected business. Then maybe it will be apparent to everyone that they have a choice and that not making a choice and not fulfilling their own responsibility to provide themselves with a competent and lawful government  is in fact creating a Big Problem for everyone concerned. .

We have done the heavy lifting to extract your assets out of the looming "US BANKRUPTCY" liquidation and are, with your help and support, continuing to press your claims forward to reclaim the land and assets you are owed.  But there, too, you have to weigh in and make the difference possible.  My Paypal is: avannavon@gmail.com and my snail mail address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.  

It's your money and your time and your thought and your teaching yourselves about your own history and accepting your own responsibilities that can save America.  Nothing and nobody else can do it for you and there is no point in "blaming the other guy" for what he is doing, if you refuse to do as much for yourself. 

That's the same kind of logic as blaming the guy next door for mowing his lawn because it makes your own weedy patch look worse, or blaming your in-laws for having a good retirement income when you refuse to work.  Just get off that whole "poor me!" attitude of entitlement and whining to have someone serve you, realize that you need to take back your estate and your proper political status----and serve yourself accordingly. 

This can be done and some of us are already well-advanced in doing it.  Make the difference.  Make it happen --- not by trying to change anyone else--- but by changing your own assumptions and your own attitude.  If you are standing around waiting for one man, Donald Trump (or one old grandma from Big Lake, Alaska, either) to single-handedly drain the swamp and wrestle the alligators---- mister, you are going to wait a long, long time.  We may keep at it and give it our best shot, but the truth is that the swamp is deep and well-established and the alligators are well-fed. 

It's going to take you and Uncle Herman and your brother Bob and your wife, Helen, and Cousin Lester and your neighbors, The Pierces, Rudkins, and Sandormens,  and Father Ryan and Pastor Roberts and Doc Schumman and your school teachers--- Mrs. Purdy, Mrs. Dee, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Gage and your gym instructor, Elsa Holder,  and your local grocer, Pat Schminke, and your friends at work, Jesse, Josie, Abigail, Sharon, and Lee,  and your buddies on the softball team and the guys you drink beer with every Saturday night and your fishing partner and your son-in-law, Fred,  and all your kids and grandkids and your local mayor, Barney Stephens, and the guy who owns the gas station, Duke Lambert,  and your veterinarian, Al Shaw, and your hair stylist, Becky Reed-Law,  and your librarian, Mrs. Olson, and your sheriff, Mike Tuckerman, and your volunteer firemen-- Bob Olbert, Sam Levine, Cal Fenner, Leroy Jenkins, and Jim Wasserman and your Lion's Club associates and the VFW and the AmVets and the American Legion and the Daughters of the American Revolution and the local Chamber of Commerce and the local Credit Union----- and a lot of other people all pulling together--- to save America. 

We are in a deep, deep pit and its going to take hard effort and sacrifice to pull up and out of it.  We are fortunate that we have the sympathy and understanding of the rest of the world, but make no mistake---- we, Americans, have got to settle our own hash, stand up for our own selves and our own property rights--- or we are going to suffer the results of not cleaning up our own mess. 

It's not just a matter of complaining about what's going on in DC.  That's the "other guy's" business.  Just like an ugly neighbor that is always causing trouble and being obnoxious and spreading lies, DC is its own kind of bad news--- but left to itself, DC is only a part of the real problem here. 

What matters is that we have been standing around like dumb cows paying attention to the neighbor's business and letting "him" trespass on our property and make false claims about us and steal us blind and order us around and tell us what to think and do for so damned long that "he" thinks he owns us.   

And what are you going to do about it?  Sit down and suck your thumb?  Come complain to me about it?  Gripe on the local talk radio show?  That's not getting the job done. That's just milling around in the stockyard waiting for what comes next.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

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