I have a very sharp military intelligence mole who reports to me, not one else. I also have other very sharp sources. Obama is an utter political fanatic in the White House. We have mass graves dug all over America for the planned killing of millions of the Middle Class of America. We have had a large number of guillotines that have been shipped to America. Chopping off of heads is the Islamic way of killing off your enemies. We have secret federal concentration camps set up all across America. C.I.A. and other intelligence sources are supposed to help engineer terrible economic conditions in America for October to help stir up the people to mass discontent, rioting in the streets, etc. and this gives Obama the legal excuse to place America under martial law. Foreign soldiers are already arranged for to help mass disarm the American people of all their guns. Homeland Security for example has already been notified to prepare for massive uprisings in America in October. Why would this warning be given to Homeland Security if something big was not already planned to cause this mass uprising in America? Obama has been secretly sabotaging a worldwide currency realignment that would help improve the American economy, economy of Europe, etc. Part of the secret Obama strategy is keep the people tricked by Washington propaganda while the real economy gets weaker and weaker. Obama already had access to enough money to potentially pay off the national debt and this money instead disappeared to keep the American economy weak. By the way, the money went to the secret wealthy backers of Obama who helped put him in the White House. Also, the Federal Reserve is supposed to carry out secret trick tactics to help crash the American economy. What they want is for the American people to explode in the streets due to lack of food, money, etc. and they claim this as their excuse for the mass seizure of America through declared martial law. Police elements across America are being organized like the Gestapo for the intended crushing of the American people when the engineered riots on the streets, etc. are created by those working for Obama. The Illuminati took over Czarist Russia by arranging that food shipments over the Siberian rail service got stopped and then blamed the Czar for this food shortage in St. Petersburg, Russia, etc. The Communists heavily financed then seized control of Russia having tricked the Russian people against the Czar of Russia who knew nothing of this international conspiracy against him by elements from Wash., D.C., New York City, and part of Europe. They plan to seize control of America like they earlier did in Czarist Russia. They think the same tactics should work again in history. The Communists are in secret control of Wash., D.C. now and planning to shortly seize national power by tricking the American people.Obama wants to start one or more new wars to distract the American people while his forces prepare to seize control of America.
I invite the U.S. Congress to investigate these charges. I will present witnesses, legal evidence, etc. and then ask for arrest warrants for high treason for Obama and all those in the federal government working with him for the planned Communist takeover of America through Wash., D.C. I will ask for the death sentence for those in this conspiracy who knew what they were really doing. Some in the military have been tricked and don't yet know why they are being organized to totally crush the American people once ordered to by Obama.
I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and have a heavy background in military intelligence. I know shrewd ways to stop this would-be military takeover of America aimed for in October, 2012. Pass this report all over the internet so all Americans see it. Demand Congress investigate my charges as to be true or false. Of course, Congress corrupt and disloyal as all hell is not going to investigate these charges. Between the corrupt and cowardly in Congress, few are left who are really on the side of the American people. Put Obama on the spot and have him asked to appoint Ron Paul as the military regent over internal military affairs of America until the national election is over and a new President put in the White House. Ron Paul is to have total powers of authority and investigation over all branches of government involved with the internal security of America civilian and military. I will be glad to coach Ron Paul on where to investigate and watch like a hawk their actions with him having the authority to fire them instantly from government if required. And turn them over to criminal prosecution for planned high treason. If found guilty, then executed by firing squad or hanging. When involved traitors in Wash., D.C. see this report, they are going to get scared fast. And many are going to want to get away from Obama suddenly like he just acquired Bubonic Plague. Obama is also to be investigated over this conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and put America under an intended lifetime dictatorship under Obama. Also, whether he could legally run for President or else he conned the daylights out of the American people not even being a U.S. citizen. Out of his own recorded words, I can show that he said he was not born an American, but a citizen of Kenya.
If Ron Paul does not want this temporary post, with reluctance I will agree to accept this post just long enough so this intended military takeover of America by Obama is blocked. Then I quit. I consider Wash., D.C. about as enjoyable to be involved with politically as swimming in a cesspool and claiming how wonderful it is to swim in the political cesspool of Wash., D.C. If Obama does not agree to legally set up this position which I really anticipate he would put on airs of righteousness that he would never do such a thing as I charge, then Congress should promptly vote for and authorize this proposed position immediately and stripping Obama immediately of any legal authority over the internal security of America whether civil or military. I am a deadly boy in military intelligence. I suggest the elements in Wash., D.C. in conspiracy quick quit Obama's conspiracy and then pretend you are innocent and hope to God I don't catch you and hang you once I get the legal proof on you. For military reasons, political reasons, and legal reasons, this is the correct way you break the Obama conspiracy to soon kill off or otherwise eliminate basically the entire Middle Class of America.
All you American people copy and paste this report in emails so all American soon see this. Massive sunlight is a good antidote to a very deadly conspiracy of high treason now going on in Ameica. Also, if you don't drag your heels and fast push my Omni Law to create 10 civil tribunes to act as a legal oversight committee over Wash., D.C., once passed, the Omni Law will stop this conspiracy of high treason of Obama the moment it is passed. I will be one of the ten appointed civil tribunes of America by its terms and once I am one of the ten and I am confident the others will totally back this, we will go after Obama and his co-conspirators and they will break out in cold sweat whether we get the legal evidence and witnesses to order their arrest for high treason and put them on trial for their lives. The 10 civil tribunes under Roman law were the legal sword of the people ruled by the Roman Republic and made sure that things like Obama never happened to their Roman Republic. The civil tribunes had to be undermined and then disappear before the citizens of Rome could lose their freedom and prosperity which lasted for centuries under the protectionship of the civil tribunes of Rome. James Madison, father of the U.S. Constitution, praised the Roman people for their brilliant idea in creating these 10 civil tribunes of Rome. It is smart to use what worked so brilliantly before in history. The Omni Law is a modernized American version of the 10 civil tribune law of Rome which kept Rome free and prosperous for several centuries until finally overthrow by the corrupt of Rome who did not want such an honest government for Rome. You can look in the google search engine under Erasmus of America - Omni Law for many listings for the proposed Omni Law I wrote up. I knew the lawyer tricks and made sure the law was written for the American people, not the corrupt of America who hire lawyers to use their legal tricks to make Washington law corrupt in America and working for them rather than the American people. You can look up the Omni Law in the Nesara News in their archive listing for May, June, and July as well as other reports of mine they posted nationally. Or send an email requesting a copy of the Omni Law from fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com Financial support for this Omni Law movement is welcome. Send checks made out to NIFI to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 which is used just as a clearing house for finances and bookkeeping service for this movement. I treat these finances received as loans, not outright gifts. And in reports of mine, tell how if the Omni Law is passed, the loan principle should be repaid and two programs how I intend to financially reward those who were patriots of America and give them financial blessings they will be very happy with. By the way, any legal sources wanting to pick a fight with in any way with this movement to try and interfere with it, I am sharp at law. To try to interfere with this makes you a legal accessory to high treason in America. Also, President Ronald Reagan signed the Genocide Treaty into national law. The American statute law version of it is the Proxmire Act where you can go to prison for life if found guilty of conspiracy of genocide against the American people which Obama definitely is guilty of at this stage. If tried internationally, then you can be executed under international law. Want to push your luck in law with the high treason aggressively being engaged in by Obama now? I do not call Obama President. He is not an American citizen, but was born a British subject or citizen in Kenya as he admitted himself in a recorded session in 2006. As he said, he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya. Also, corrupt as Congress and the U.S. Justice Dept. are right now, the U.S. Constitution which you despise still states that Obama has to be a natural born citizen meaning both of his parents were American citizens. This was written in by James Madison, etc. so no person of divided loyalties between two nations could become President of America. I suggest that Obama withdraw from the race and I will pass from being the prosecutor that delivers all the legal evidence proving his already practiced and intended future execution of high treason against the American people. Obama does not know how much I may actually know about him including the murders he ordered of American citizens. Obama, time to quit while you are still ahead and not prosecuted for high treason. Or we could call you a foreign agent engaged to kill off millions of Americans with which we can just as easily execute you with under law. Time to quit Obama and let the Vice President become President as happened when Richard Nixon resigned as President. I think it is getting too hot for you to push your luck any further! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for a military intelligence super ace who is too honest and cannot be bought off or else intimidated by threats. I am an alley cat fighter by nature and love to turn the tables on would-be bullies who hate the American people and want to do great harm to them!)
BO, along with the legislative and judicial branches, are EMPLOYEES of a PRIVATE CABAL CORPORATION posing as the government of We the People. BO was appointed and set in place by the owners/operators of the private corporation just as were the czars and others positioned in cabal private corporation 'offices.’ All the time and efforts being expended on BO’s birth certificate is nothing but a diversion, exactly what the cabal wants. As an employee of a private corporation it doesn’t make one hoot of difference where BO was born. The birth certificate is NOT a valid consideration for impeachment. The ‘voting’ and ‘elections’ are simply another ruse to continue to fool We the People. As long as WE the People continue to be focused in the wrong directions and on the wrong issues, we will accomplish NOTHING to make positive changes for our nation and for the people while the cabal continues on and accomplishes their exact plans. The Federal Reserve is one of the cabal's private corporations. The goal for this corporation is to destroy the American economy by any and all means they can devise and get away with. To demand that Congress investigate BO’s birth certificate or that the Federal Reserve investigate the bank issues, or to place investigations concerning any of the cabal’s private corporations within the framework of others in the cabal network will accomplish nothing for us but will continue to make it possible for the cabal to continue to carry out their plans. They will stop at nothing to destroy this nation, including creating events on our soil to bring in martial law, the death camps, etc. Their poisonous tentacles reach throughout the nation and the world in to every element of our lives. Unless and until We the People rise up and take down the cabal’s corporate schematic once and for all – with no 'love' or 'good vibrations' or 'forgiveness' but with JUSTICE FOR ALL - the conditions will only continue to get worse. There is no one to blame for what has happened to this nation but WE OURSELVES as we have allowed this subterfuge to continue. People, YOU ARE THE ONES TO TAKE DOWN THE CABAL – YOU ARE THE ONES TO GET THE JOB DONE – NO ONE ELSE CAN DO IT FOR US. DON’T WAIT FOR YOUR MILITARY OR FOR THE ET’S – THEY ARE NOT COMING!!!! IT IS UP TO US AND ONLY US. ORGANIZE AND GET GOING OR DIE WHEN THE TANKS ARE ON THE STREETS AND AT YOUR DOORS.
wat comes 1st takeover or dinar & pp
sounds like BS by the Cabal.
Uh huh; this sounds more like some drug addiction fantasy than real "intel". Don't you wonder how high up the "intel" food chain these people are when they can't spell properly, can't fashion a proper sentence and definitely never seem to put their amazing "intel" into a proper context and cite actual facts? I have a source who works in the office of the CHIEF of the Joint Chiefs; he says this kind of crap is exactly that, the military is actually against this Administration (for numerous reasons) and would NEVER follow any of O's orders to do anything this fool says is "coming".
So my question is why dont all you leave. Get out now! This wont happen. Im tired of all the scare tactics people put out just be on your way and besides December is doomsday anyway so why worry.
It sounds as if you are the worrier and the doomsday person if you are saying that December is doomsday. I will be celebrating Christmas with my family while eating a TURKEY DINNER, MASHED POTATOES; GRAVY; FRUIT SALAD WITH WHIPPED CREAM; NON-GMO CORN; DELICIOUS BISCUITS; GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE; AND STUFFING; AND THEN CHERRY PIE AND PUMPKIN PIE WITH MAJOR WHIPPED TOPPING FOR DESSERT. By the way, I hope this guy is for real because I believe that Omni Law is real. So I am hoping for the guillotines to be used for the right people, if you know what I mean. I am hoping for no election and that this really happens. God Bless this country.
Oh...So You CAN spell properly? I see things on the internet all day long where people aren't spelling properly, and you can still make out the message. And what CAN you do to help the American people and America? We all hope this won't go on, and we will be prepared to stop it any way shape or form we can. This man doesn't sound like any "fool" to me, he sounds like he can do exactly what he's saying he can do. And by the way, you can look up any and all of the items in the report listed above and find them on the internet..."facts" such as look up guillotines, foreign troops in America, mass graves dug all over America or whatever you want. You will find something. You know what the One World Govt. plan is... to only have 500 million people left alive and get rid of the other 6.5 billion people on earth... Just hope your CHIEF of the Joint Chiefs can stop this...Some of the men are Only interested in a paycheck and advancement. Oh, and why are they hiring for fema camps?
WE need to FLOOD our Senators and Congressmen and post on FACEBOOK and email blast and make copies and put in lockers at work.....we can do it! Get the word out and his bubble will be burst! I have been hearing this scenario for 6 months or more and the only way to STOP it is to SMACK the wind out of HIS SAILS...........PURE AND SIMPLE!
How do you know what December is? This country and Universe is going to be exactly what WE make it. The point is we shouldn't have to worry about this stuff that has been pre-planned against us. We hope to make this country and Universe a nice place where people get along good and work together, and help each other and are productive citizens and positive citizens with good thoughts and deeds towards everyone. No one is going to leave, because we obviously came here to do a job, and will not be done until it is accomplished.
The entire planet is scheduled for a major house cleaning that will eliminate all the financial terrorist and evil dictators of this world and then some. I'm sure these sick and twisted cabal creatures are planning their last big event, but they will fail and yes, they will be the ones who end up in the camps and ready made graves. It's called poetic justice, or how the universal laws work. They are all going down and they know it.
I would like to see the name of the author who wrote and posted this article. If this be true we are in one hell of a mess.............
Everybody knows that O is not an American and if truth be known, he probably would like to destroy our country and our way of life. He will do whatever it takes to kill, cheat, lie and steal his way back into the oval office for four more years. That will give him more time to destroy our country. Also give Michelle more time to embarrass America with her dress and personality. Remember, she hates this mean country that we love and call America.........
O and his wife need to leave America and go home to his native land. We do not want him to do more damage to our America than he has already done - but blame it on Bush.........
Re: 8:15 P.M.
You do know Dec.25 is a pagan holliday. Winter solstice. There are lots of us can't afford a meal like that any more.
I am very sorry that you cannot afford a meal like that. I mean that from the bottom of my heart so please I am not being condescending. My heart breaks for those of whom are having a hard time. It is coming for a lot of us. I am not into the Winter Solstice I am into my own holiday. I celebrate Christmas period. You can celebrate your Winter Solstice. That is what makes our country great. So happy Winter Solstice to you and Merry Christmas to me in advance.
I believe every word and feel in my heart this will happen. I have no money to offer but if I did I would give it all to this cause!! Love and light to you
Re: 12:03 A.M.
Apology accepted. I don't honor any pagan holidays. However I do honor the creator GOD every day.
The mole that is speaking is not up on the reality of what is going on. This report is almost too funny. Its almost tiring to see how these authors have absolutely no, and I mean no idea of how this world really operates with the Vatican; or the inner circle of the vatican not only forming or creating the religion of Islam but also the muslim Brotherhood, controls the IMF and the entire banking system plus has set up the entire world revolutionary play via the Jesuits. Obama has nothing to do with absolutely any part of the events going on today. He like all US presidents of corporations like the USA, Inc since our genesis bows before the English crown and the Vatican since 1492 literally to now. FACT. The Jesuit general, and gray pope, Pepe Orsini bow to the wishes of the fallen angels who will soon show themselves by the day of Declaration and finally Disclosure.
All their cards save these two have been laid out on the table.
The whole system is corrupt and untill we the people stand up for ourselves and for our country these evil bankers n politicians and all those who are involved with the illuminati are going to do everthing they can to overtake us and rob all of us from our god givin rights and libirties on which this country was founded on and all i know is im not goin down without a fight...as soon as marshall law gets declared im gonna mount up w all my fellow heavily armed country boys n were gonna blast every muther fucker that dares to step foot on our turf and attempt to strip us of our rights..and obviously the gov has far more superior fire power n artillary to which we will surely be outgunned but not before takin as many of them out as we can before dying a quick death by a bullett which is how i would much rather go as supposed to surrendering and being shipped out to a fema camp where your only two options are to either give in to there nwo or be executed for not complying
The vatican is the beast and she(Rome) is a whore of ten crowns
Its shit like HAARP that really scares me cuz its a US military weapon which is capable of changing the weather and causing earthquakes and tsunamis which the gov can implement at anytime to cause enough worldwide catastrophe in which the president could then declare martial law and HAARP is also capable of being used for mind control in which case they could use against anyone like myself that refuses to comply with martial law..HAARP is powerful enough to take down aircraft out of the sky just to give an idea of how powerful this military weapon realy is and i believe it will be used in the effort to gain complete control of society and leave us hepless against military police coming in and capturing everyone to be transported to these so called fema camps which is really just another name for concentration camps cuz thats what they will be used for once the NWO takes over..so unfortunately no matter how much anyone tries to resist or fight back all they have to do is turn HAARP on us which will force us to comply against our will
Seriously are you going to blame this mess on Obama when it is so obvious that Bush put us in this mess. He bankrupted this country before he left office. But hey how about we blame Obama. What else is new republicans can never take care of business and blame the new guy.
Sorry Charlie! It's ALL an agenda to control the people, us!!! Bush's administration was a set-up for Obama and now Obama is working towards another set-up to bring about the agenda of the elite! Open your eyes people! They will control us or kill us! Doesn't matter at this point who is in charge. The only hope for peace, TRUE peace now is the coming of OUR Messiah, Yahusha, (not the Mahdi) who will rule over the earth in the Millenial Kingdom!!!! Yeah! Bring it on! Hell is going to happen on earth before true peace comes, so prepare your hearts. . .
Well what now? It's past October and we're all still alive...
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