----- Original Message -----
From: G. Thomas Gulick
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:23 AM
Subject: Gulick Response * Long legged Mac Daddy's movie - 0bama
2016 Movie
Our group of like-minded
relationships are responsible for this showing
up on the Internet for free. I
watched this movie for free as my friends were busy
out paying to see the movie.
Facts are 'spot-on' but there are
lots of items not included for
the long legged Mac Daddy. 330
million 'dumbed' Great Americans that do not
have a clue as to what has happened
to our country over the years.
We can no longer afford another 4
years like the last 12 years.
Clinton, Bush, Jr., Obama and now
Romney are puppets. Old G.H.W. Bush
gets his orders from above his rank;
George Soros is told what strings to pull
on the President Puppets, the House,
the Senate and even the Supreme Court.
Judge John Roberts leads the show
& tell without the Constitution. Have you noticed?
This is about to END-the-FED
soon. A fast but furious 2012 Watergate is on its
way now.
The 'Thrive' full length movie has
been up for review and removed by Obama & the
NSA-HLS more times than we realize.
The e-mail & Internet are truly the weapon of
choice for exposure, validation and
listing the crooks. Arrests are now showing up
little by little.
I am very busy getting ready to lead
the way for our Total Return Strategy. As the
life-changing means to growing and
protecting one's financial future. We will be banking on
one's future instead of those Top-25
United States Bank Holding Corporations. The
'cooked books' are easy to find the
Bank Call Reports covering the latest accounting
of their $222 trillion dollars in
almost worthless derivatives. Confirmed as reported in
public records at: http://occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/trading/derivatives/dq212.pdf.
The books are cooked! Figures do not
lie but liars figure. When they do, I catch the crooks. Why?
Because figures cannot lie. The Bank
Call Reports are my proof.
Sam, how does this much stupid get
fixed? Then to realize it's done by March 21, 2014. Just
17 months? I have been
e-teaching but only a few have a clue what is about to happen
to their Bonds, Pensions,
Retirement Plans. Yet, those 401Ks too.
Our health is our wealth. Not the
money. Leading my group to have financial security
but grow our wealth/money safely in
spite of the financial crisis about to 'squeeze play' too.
First things first will be collapse
of the Petro Dollar including the bank/gangsters triggered but planned
$800 trillion dollar LIBOR to
collapse. The new U. S. Treasury currency is about to be put into circulation
END-the-FED continues to make it's
way from what happened at Jekyll Island so
many, many years ago. Tomorrow is
Thursday, and we should be seeing some evidence of
lots I have mentioned of late. No
more FRN-Federal Reserve Notes. The markets are expected to
be up and running again.
I hate to be right?
Why? So many of our brothers and sisters that love God are failing
to seek his face. Missing the
blessing of HIS knowledge, wisdom & understanding. II Timothy 1:7
“In fact, I believe more money will be lost (and made) in the 18 months following September 21, 2012, this coming
event, than ever before. “
James Dale Davidson
Date: December 16, 2010
All you need to do to
put yourself millions closer to a wealthy retirement -- far faster than you ever imagined -- is play
by the rules of the "New America." ~ James Dale Davidson
DATE: December 16, 2010 * I'm now predicting that in the
"New America" of the next few years: {Updated & denoted
to look like this from September 21, 2012 – March 21, 2014.}
When this happens
as stated; then our John Wayne & Calvary has done the 3 G’s. . ..
1. Got in.
2. Got done.
3. Got out.

Yes, a ‘New America” arrives & the One World Order
failed to make it! WE THE PEOPLE win & The Enemy Within lost. That’s all
they-r-tuit. This is but a preview-active action look at the future. One of my
sources within our family of like-minded relationships, J.D., is known to be
right almost all of the time! Like 99.9%. The next 18 months will be a real
‘squeeze on the entire world’ with those playing long will be wrong! Those
playing fast & furious short, will win like never before. Read on.
- Dependency
on foreign oil and energy will be a thing
of the past
- There
will be almost no such thing
as a deficit or national debt
- The
nation's currency will be among the strongest
and most stable in the world
- Bankers
and mortgage lenders will be 100%
accountable to their actions
- The
government will have to slow
GDP growth to keep it below 9% a year!
An opportunity this
unique could safely and easily let you make 55 times your money over the next
10-15 years.
All you need to do to
put yourself millions closer to a wealthy retirement -- far faster than you ever imagined -- is play
by the rules of the "New America."
But here's the catch...
This "New America" I'm talking about?
See Part One of Two dated December 16, 2010 for the gameplan, goal
times & wealth times ahead. Most likely a loss to most included until March
21, 2014. G. Thomas Gulick – How Money Works – Since 1970
Sam, I cannot take care of the entire world
but during my remaining days, I will be found working on my unfair share of
H.O.P.E. - Helping Other
People Everyday.
We are the NexBoom Champions. World Changers doing 'par-excellent the best we
can with what we know and understand.At this very moment, take notice of this
Obama Ordered
DHS to Control Hurricanes
October 30, 2012
In 2008, an article in New Scientist discussed a new DHS project that funded research into guiding and directing the intensity of hurricanes.
Citing Hurricane Katrina as the basis for the project, the Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP) worked with Project Stormfury veteran Joe Golden and a panel of other experts “to test the effects of aerosols on the structure and intensity of hurricanes.” HAMP was funded under contract HSHQDC-09-C-00064 at a taxpayer price tag of $64.1 million.
Full article at: http://www.infowars.com/hurricane-aerosol-and-microphysics-program-the-dhs-research-project-on-hurricane-modification/
Yes, the long legged Mac Daddy knows and this morning 330 million 'dumbed' Great Americans thinks he cares? Duh? Dutch Sinse at http://www.youtube.com/user/dutchsinse. Before "Storm Sandy" and/or 'Frankin Storm' arrived, Dutch was show & telling to expect a H.A.A.R.P. "guided storm' for New York City, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Intelligence reported the the snow to hit those trees with their leaves. Millions are now cold, hungry and sitting in the dark for many weeks to come. A price tag in the billions and billions.
Today, we are seeing exactly what the long legged Mac Daddy has been a part of 'life happens' but very few realize what is coming to take their wealth, their money away. The Enemy Within is about to be taken down! Good day!
Gone fishin;
Gerry Money
Responding to e-mail copy that follows:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:58 PM
Subject: Fwd: 0bama 2016 Movie now streaming on internet for FREE
Subject: Fwd: 0bama 2016 Movie now
streaming on internet for FREE
Some facts that cannot be ignored.................
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