The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Thousands of Small Banks Will Soon Disappear
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012 06:34:22
Date: Thursday, 29-Nov-2012 06:34:22
1 comment:
Quote: The best way to rob a bank is to own one.
Does that mean we'll have less bank robbers?
banks have on book and off book balance sheets.
Most are insolvent
Some are doing things with other people's money they should not.
After seeing Madoff, MF Global, can't remember the failure where the guy committed suicide, and Ann Barnhardt leaving the markets because she could not protect her customer's money, it's no wonder that these businesses are reduced and something else rise like a Phoenix from the ashes.
It's not an end all.
I was wondering why there seemed to be a bank on every corner in some areas. Maybe we can put those buildings to better use.
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