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Keshe: New Era
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 30-Mar-2013 19:06:59
Date: Saturday, 30-Mar-2013 19:06:59
Classic occult teachings. Typical mixing of truth and error. Jesus Christ and His prophets have nothing to do with such ideas as these--they come from the other side.
Well buddy, you lost my attention when you said "...the last good pope, John Paul..."
Boy, took a while to get through this very lengthy post. Very disappointed to read Keshe's views on 'god' and 'religion.' They appear to fit in perfectly with the rest of the occult/new age stuff that is being widely and heavily propagated right now, including all the channelings of demon spirits presenting themselves as being the 'Christ' or one of the Apostles or angels of the Lord God/Creator, etc. So very sad to see how many are being deceived by all this. While I respect the fact that Keshe has the right to believe as he wishes and to practice whatever religion he desires, at the same time each one of us also has that right regardless of whether we approve of each other's choices. It concerns me that we are seeing so many who are involved in the occult and new age leanings who are directly or indirectly bashing those who are following the Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father/Creator. It is NOT 'Christianity' that has been or is causing problems worldwide, but satan, the Illuminati and occult, in particular via the Catholic Church which has been responsible from their Illuminati/satanic position for wars and conquests and genocide worldwide - and still is. satan's purpose is to smear Jesus Christ/Yeshua as satan hates Him and ALL mankind, for we were created in the Lord God's image and are considered His children. satan has been busy at work for thousands of years in his attempts to gain the worship of mankind for himself as well as to destroy humankind for the Lord loves each one of us and considers each one of His own child. satan was an angel of high stature and he and the angels were NOT created in the image of the Lord God and will never be considered by the Lord as His 'children'. That is why satan hates all mankind and is doing all that he can to create division, strife, wars and death among us. If humans would only recognize and receive this, then satan's plan would be foiled. WHY are humans of differing color, race and religions fighting against each other when satan is the COMMON ENEMY of ALL of us? While we cannot combine all the different religions in to one for all and all for one, we can come together in agreement as one to fight the common enemy of ALL of us - satan and his lying, deceiving demons who are portraying themselves as being our friend, our helpers and our god.
I am glad Keshe finally revealed that he is pretty much one of the Galactic Federation or their allies (I wondered if this was independent).
I was brought up Christian, and Catholic "faith" poisoned my view of life and instilled fear. It is clear to me, and has been, how the religions are pitted against each other and the Machiavellian way of keeping Islam and Jews busy makes sense - making them look bad when all the religions are imperfect. The "bible" emphasis on Jesus being the "only way" was a sure-fire method of cementing separatism. Those that created the story were very clever, let us not forget. We, on the other hand, were carefully dumbed down and were fertile soil to take in the religious dogma. Try to think like the opposing chess player, and think what you'd do to keep control.
I hope anyone reading any Iran pride into this will overlook it. It reminds me of the Irish pride shown by Montague Keen. Keshe is really emphasizing the real manner in which Iran has conducted itself and it just reads that way.
We are a well-loved biological experiment. Our source life was manipulated, much as we can clone (as dumbed-down as we are).
Welcome to the new world of truth (newbies). I sincerely hope you can get used to the idea. There is nothing to fear from the friendly Galactics. They are here to rescue us from our limitations. They have, in the mean time, recorded the results of the experiment and now have valuable data and we have valuable wisdom about the darkness.
It is a done deal, no sense getting upset about it now. It was all the same before, now we have the "apocalypse", the unveiling of the truth, as the partially correct bible (as usual misinformation mixed with truth) indicated would happen and as prophesied through cultures around the world.
It is a big "wow" and nothing will stop it. Our freedom is to be celebrated.
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