Thursday, October 10, 2013



23 min - 31 min.45 sec. MARK    ALSO the 46 min.-  47 min :40 sec.   MARK



Tuesday, 1 Oct 2013

US Treasury starts last steps to preserve borrowing authority

The U.S. Treasury on Tuesday started using its last tools for pushing back the day when the government will run out of legal borrowing authority, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said.

Lew said his department was suspending some reinvestments of a government currency exchange fund and would also enter into a debt swap with the Federal Financing Bank and the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.

(Read more October 1st: 143-year-old law puts fear in officials during shutdown)

He repeated that these measures would allow it to continue below its $16.7 trillion limit for a little while longer, but that by Oct. 17 the government would exhaust its borrowing authority and be left with about $30 billion in cash to pay the nation's bills.

"If we have insufficient cash on hand, it would be impossible for the United States of America to meet all its obligations," Lew said in a letter to lawmakers. "For this reason, I respectfully urge Congress to act immediately to meet its responsibility by extending the nation's borrowing authority."

There was an article posted by Reuters "US Treasury starts last steps to preserve borrowing authority" (link).
  In it there was something that caught my eye "Lew said his department was suspending some reinvestments of a government currency exchange fund...".  Well, that "government currency exchange fund" would be the Exchange Stabilization Fund.

Normally, this fund is used to prop-up a  foreign country's currency by creating a quantitative easing of sorts and weakening the currency to usd, allowing for a greater export/import and bringing the country out of a "recession".

 (A few examples but, the one I'm looking at is japan's yen link)  We both know that the US isn't in any position to help another country.

However, what is interesting is that for Lew to touch this any manner he must have the president's approval to open it up.  ("A change in the law, in 1970, allows the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, to use money in the ESF to "deal in gold, foreign exchange, and other instruments of credit and securities" link) It holds our "foreign reserves" and our "SDRs".  "The Gold Reserve Act authorized the ESF to use such assets as were not needed for exchange market stabilization to deal in government securities".

What if the entire reason behind the government shut down, was to give Lew the availability of the EFR, so that the IQD (among others) could be turned around to "deal in government securities"?  It would allow the president to claim turning the deficit around "by making wise decisions despite those horrible tea baggers."

Currently, we can't even check what the Treasury's current reporting rate of exchange rate is...cause guess what...they shut it down. "Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this website is not available. We sincerely regret this inconvenience."  link  The most recent pdf available that I have found is from 2005. link  (another thought, as long as the government is shut down and the current report rate is unavailable...what is used in the US for going exhanges?)

Perhaps, I'm running down a rabbit hole (i have been with children all  but, the president just doesn't seem to pissed about the shut down....there is something more there.

*Currency intervention, also known as exchange rate intervention or foreign exchange market intervention, is the purchase or the sale of the currency on the exchange market by the fiscal authority or the monetary authority, in order to influence the value of the domestic currency. link

*The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) is an emergency reserve fund of the United States Treasury Department, normally used for foreign exchange intervention. This arrangement (as opposed to having the central bank intervene directly) allows the US government to influence currency exchange rates without affecting domestic money supply.As of October 2009, the fund held assets worth $105 billion, including $58.1 billion in special drawing rights (SDR) from the International Monetary Fund.[1] 


Dan said...

So How MUCH Funds were handed out to Foreign Countries since Oct. 1st?
Obama had to comply with signed agreements with Foreign Countries to continue to give them funds, however you in the USA have been DENIED because you are just an ASSET of their Corporation, THE UNITED STATES, INC.!

Anonymous said...

This has to do with incompetency, NOT the RV.
If "they" really WANTED to solve the deficit problem with the RV, they could do it in an instant.
Looks more like a Smoking Pipe to me...

Jay W said...

Lets not forget , everything coming out of the d.c. corp. is a LIE , the corp. must be destroyed
there is NO other alternative , all officers of d.c. corp must be put in cuffs , and silenced , with no voice to the outside untill all factual evidence is disseminated and circulated , then the public trials for treason can begin , all else is a recipe for disaster .

Anonymous said...

I have posted this before and I repeat that O is the culprit holding up the RV, Reset, PP's and WGS. He stated that there would be no deliveries of any of the programs on his watch.

Why - part of his plan to keep America poor and bring down America. He is not one of us and he is going to prove his point in time. He thinks he is king of the world................

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jay! And we're waiting on you to take the lead.

Anonymous said...

30 billion dollars cash on hand?

What a shameful group Washington harbors in its darkness.

30 billion dollars looked upon as cash on hand....

What a shameful day this nation has reached when 30 billion dollars isn't enough. Maybe they will remember this day when they think of the ten billion they spent here and there.

One Word to these despotic liars: BANKRUPTCY.

Do it and get back to being a real government. Declare it and until then keep your lying filthy mouths shut.

Anonymous said...

This article is probably the closest thing to explaining why the RV isn't official yet and why our own government keeps interfering with it. Remember George Bush said that the Iraq War was a war that would pay for itself, meaning the RV of the Iraq currency would bring in millions to pay for the cost of the war. Under the current Obama regime that is following the Cloward-Piven plan for a total economic collapse in the US, the current regime can't allow the prosperity from the RV to get in the hands of the people as that would interfere with their PLANNED economic collapse. After the planned economic collapse, the Marxists would rebuild the US to their liking into a totalitarian state with us totally dependent on government.. The way this is going, if they stall long enough and keep people from cashing in now, the current regime (and not the people) will benefit from the RV later after the collapse and put it to their use to rebuild to their liking..JMHO...

Anonymous said...

Phoenix....get your head out of your arse..... you would never make a private investigator....let alone pass a college 101 logic class.... you are either 1. Part of the crocks system here to entertain us.....
2. STUPID or 3. IGNORANT.....

Jay W said...

There are those whose sworn duty and oath, are to do just what I have said needs to be done , obviously they have also been compromised , your reply seems to be sarcastic at best , a typical american symptom hope you find a cure.......