AMERICA - OCT. 5, 2013
As Gus Hall, former head of the Communist Party, said years ago at a national
Communist picnic, the Democrats were doing so good of a job pushing Communist
objectives that the Communist Party of America had no further need to run
candidates of its own for Congress. And smarter to run under the liberal label
than the Communist label politically in order to take over America for
Communism. (The dumb American people would never figure out this Communist
political trick pulled on them, so would make it easy to win America to
When Khruschev was alive, he boasted over American national TV that our
grandchildren would wake up one moring to find that they were now living in
Communist America. This was when Richard Nixon was Vice President of America.
When the Soviet spy ring met with my father in New York City just before the
Korean War, they boasted that they controlled the Black vote in America and the
Black vote would tip the scales in politically divided America and put the
radicals (Communists) into power in Congress who would then systemically turn
America into a Communist nation. I have the testimony of a high KGB official
from the Cold War that the main objective of the KGB in America and Europe was
to politically subvert America, etc. and spying was only a secondary function
of the KGB. When Communist Moscow fell in the Cold War, the KGB political
structure was still intact in America and fully operational. This was all
planned long ago. Back in 1992, the American KGB apparatus already knew that
they were going to later run Obama as the Communist candidate later on for
President of America as their Red Trojan Horse to turn America into a
Communist nation. That is why a Communist official in Moscow in
1992 boasted to an intelligence operative for the Defense Intelligence
Agency of the Pentagon that they already had a Black who would be trained for
the role and later run as President for America. His name was Obama
and he lived in America. He would be the trained Communist who would turn
the federal government into a Communist government and America into a Communist
nation once he won the White House. Back to my father's testimony which was
given to the F.B.I. after meeting with the Soviet spy ring in New York
City just before the Korean War. The Soviet spy ring boasted to him that
the Communists could not be stopped from winning control of America, so he
might as well sell them his industrial trade secret for how his great food
industrial process worked. He refused to sell as reported in the Catholic
Digest even though Stalin offered a lot of money for world rights to his trade
secret food process. The Soviet spy ring mocked the "dumb" Blacks who
the Soviet spy ring said would bring Communism into national power and then the
Communists would kill off all the Blacks in America. The Blacks were an
"inferior" race and you could not build a successful Communist
society based upon an "inferior race" they said. The Blacks
would be tricked into going into federal work camps and from there using
captured Nazi concentration plans the Soviets captured when they entered Nazi
concentration camps, the Communists would trick the inmates (Blacks) while they
exterminated all the Blacks in America. Even Obama may not know that this was a
major platform of the secret Communist plan for America then and unless
dropped, still is a major plan to kill off all the Blacks once they
successfully take over America.
The Soviet spy ring boasted that they had heavily infiltrated the American news
media where they would not report on Communist activities in America, heavily
infiltrated American education where American history had been rewritten from a
Christian version to a Marxist version of American history, and had plants in
American society who would call anyone "crazy" who claimed that there
was a "Communist conspiracy" in America. They said they had
successfully brainwashed the American people where like a Pavlov's dog they
automatically rejected anyone labelled this way and so would not listen to
them. Once the Communists won control of America, they would systemically then
kill off those who did not accept Communist rule in America from Wash., D.C.
The American people do not like details which makes them very vulnerable to con
propaganda. It was already claimed years ago that America had over 66 million
statute laws on the law books and an estimated over one billion or more
regulations spun off of them all Americans are supposed to automatically
obey and know. You know the old saying "Ignorance of the law is no
excuse!" So folks, recite from memory those 66 million or more statute
laws and then the billion or more regulations spun off from them. If you already
have this many so-claimed laws and regulations in America, then America is
already Prison America as you have no legal rights nor freedom offered to you
in America. Lawyers elected to office can spin off trillions of laws as basic
decrees when they think the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights should be
no more respected than written on toilet paper! But these laws and so-called
laws are invalid and worthless when based not upon constitutional law, but
rather the whim of the would-be tyrants now elected to Congress and sometimes
but less to state legislatures. The American Declaration of Independence in
1776 called laws not based upon common law and constitutional law "acts of
pretended legislation" meaning not valid or binding laws on the American people.
And laws based upon decrees and not upon valid delegated legal authority from
the people also "acts of pretended legislation" and
"tyranny" under law!
You live in Prison America today as nothing you do in life is really
"legal" under this flood of decreed laws that have no basis in
constitutional law or retained common law which the Americans revolting in 1776
said the English Government had no legal authority to take away from the
American people their common law rights retained in the Thirteen Colonies.
These originally came from England and are listed in the Blackstone
Commentaries on Common Law which was a standard legal textbook in America after
the American Revolution was over! The American people today know next to zero
of the origins of their legal rights under law in America in 1776. The main
reason for trial by jury in America was to block legal tyranny from government.
The government could not take away your money, your property, or your free
legal rights without jury trial ruling this and allowing the government to take
away your money, your property, etc. The government could not just seize your
money, your property, or throw away your rights without a jury judging this
justified and lawful. The first U.S. Supreme Court decision in America on trial
by jury was legal confirmation of the right of "jury nullification"
and judge both the laws and the facts in the case. The jury could reject any
law as unlawful which violated concepts of justice in society and if a
government tried to abuse the law, the jury could judge both the facts and
justice of the law and not blindly follow what any judge said they must do in a
jury trial. In plain language, if a passed law did not represent justice, the
jury could ignore it in 'jury nullification." If a person was charged
under a law violating the legal rights of the people including the U.S.
Bill of Rights, the jury could ignore it and not rule on the side of the
government. If the jury judged the evidence or testimony smelled of fraud or
conspiracy, they could ignore this and not rule for the government in that
case. The jury was the legal guarantee that our God-given rights would be
respected by the government and if the government refused to obey its
constitution, they could decide to rule against the government as they could
not see how the constitution used gave the government the authority it claimed
for itself in the involved case whether civil or criminal by trial by
jury. This importance of the jury is not taught in the schools of America today,
but this was the original concept behind trial by jury as confirmed by the
first U.S. Supreme Court decision on the rights of the jury in any trial by
jury in America.
The Communist influence in Wash., D.C. is very strong now. This following report
I just received shows how the Communists successfully penetrated American law
until they finally are inches away from total takeover of America for Communism
as most Communists in the government including Obama do not admit to you that
they are covert Communists seeking the total overthrow of the U.S. Constitution
to be replaced by a Soviet style approach to law from Wash., D.C.
Friday, October 04, 2013 9:20 PM
Subject: Notes on Saul Alinsky and Neo-Marxism: both hillary clinton and obama are followers of alinsky.
Notes on Saul Alinsky and Neo-Marxism: Alinsky's tactics were based, not on Stalin's revolutionary violence, but on the Neo-Marxist strategies of Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Communist. Relying on gradualism, infiltration and the dialectic process rather than a bloody revolution, Gramsci's transformational Marxism was so subtle that few even noticed the deliberate changes. Like Alinsky, Mikhail Gorbachev followed Gramsci, not Lenin. In fact, Gramsci aroused Stalins's wrath by suggesting that Lenin's revolutionary plan wouldn't work in the West. Instead the primary assault would be on Biblical absolutes and Christian values, which must be crushed as a social force before the new face of Communism could rise and flourish. Malachi Martin gave us a progress report:" By 1985, the influence of traditional Christian philosophy in the West was weak and negligible.... Gramsci's master strategy was now feasible. Humanly speaking, it was no longer too tall an order to strip large majorities of men and women in the West of those last vestiges that remained to them of Christianity's transcendent God." Also, Obama has several times away from the American public admitted that he is a Muslim to others including to one of the Ambassadors from Egypt who told on Egyptian TV what Obama told him back then. The following email shows that Obama dearly cares about the Muslim cause in America, but remains silent when Christians are being mass killed at this time by Islamic extremists in Muslim nations in the Middle East. And Obama sees nothing wrong in the various attempts of Islam to invade Western Europe before the Crusades started in attempts to conquer Europe back then including Spain and France in the early days. And the way the Middle East which originally was heavily Christian was "converted" so heavily to Islam was killing and enslaving Christians in the Middle East until many gave up their Christian faith to save their lives from having their heads chopped off or else made slaves for life to Muslim masters. Obama sees nothing wrong in all this Muslim history, but he sees it terrible that the Christians started the Crusades both to save Christians in the Middle East from Muslin tyranny and death and enslavement throughout the Middle East. And also to block the Muslim nations from further attempts to invade Western Europe by destroying the Muslim military power at their power base in the Middle East. And I have copies of Muslim publications where they are supposed to kill all the infidels in the world once they conquer the world. So much for Islam being a religion of "brotherly love" and "toleration for all" as claimed by Obama. Following now is Obama declaring how the Muslims have been massively wronged by the West when they have been so wonderful before then. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to any story, not just one side! Now for the quote showing Obama praising Islam as the most wonderful movement in the world. By the way, Obama put out his own money to open a museum of Muslim history in America, but would be horrified if asked to sponsor a museum of Christian history in America! He is a hypocrite and a con artist trying to play on the gullibility of the public in many major issues. And as many of the educated in America already know, it is a fact and not rumor that Obama was legally born in Kenya, not America, and could not legally run for the White House under the U.S. Constitution. But is it $5 billion from George Soros in 2008 to finance Obama's run for the White House that overthrew the U.S. Constitution in 2008 on this legal issue? Now read what Muslim Obama says next.
Subject: Notes on Saul Alinsky and Neo-Marxism: both hillary clinton and obama are followers of alinsky.
Notes on Saul Alinsky and Neo-Marxism: Alinsky's tactics were based, not on Stalin's revolutionary violence, but on the Neo-Marxist strategies of Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Communist. Relying on gradualism, infiltration and the dialectic process rather than a bloody revolution, Gramsci's transformational Marxism was so subtle that few even noticed the deliberate changes. Like Alinsky, Mikhail Gorbachev followed Gramsci, not Lenin. In fact, Gramsci aroused Stalins's wrath by suggesting that Lenin's revolutionary plan wouldn't work in the West. Instead the primary assault would be on Biblical absolutes and Christian values, which must be crushed as a social force before the new face of Communism could rise and flourish. Malachi Martin gave us a progress report:" By 1985, the influence of traditional Christian philosophy in the West was weak and negligible.... Gramsci's master strategy was now feasible. Humanly speaking, it was no longer too tall an order to strip large majorities of men and women in the West of those last vestiges that remained to them of Christianity's transcendent God." Also, Obama has several times away from the American public admitted that he is a Muslim to others including to one of the Ambassadors from Egypt who told on Egyptian TV what Obama told him back then. The following email shows that Obama dearly cares about the Muslim cause in America, but remains silent when Christians are being mass killed at this time by Islamic extremists in Muslim nations in the Middle East. And Obama sees nothing wrong in the various attempts of Islam to invade Western Europe before the Crusades started in attempts to conquer Europe back then including Spain and France in the early days. And the way the Middle East which originally was heavily Christian was "converted" so heavily to Islam was killing and enslaving Christians in the Middle East until many gave up their Christian faith to save their lives from having their heads chopped off or else made slaves for life to Muslim masters. Obama sees nothing wrong in all this Muslim history, but he sees it terrible that the Christians started the Crusades both to save Christians in the Middle East from Muslin tyranny and death and enslavement throughout the Middle East. And also to block the Muslim nations from further attempts to invade Western Europe by destroying the Muslim military power at their power base in the Middle East. And I have copies of Muslim publications where they are supposed to kill all the infidels in the world once they conquer the world. So much for Islam being a religion of "brotherly love" and "toleration for all" as claimed by Obama. Following now is Obama declaring how the Muslims have been massively wronged by the West when they have been so wonderful before then. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to any story, not just one side! Now for the quote showing Obama praising Islam as the most wonderful movement in the world. By the way, Obama put out his own money to open a museum of Muslim history in America, but would be horrified if asked to sponsor a museum of Christian history in America! He is a hypocrite and a con artist trying to play on the gullibility of the public in many major issues. And as many of the educated in America already know, it is a fact and not rumor that Obama was legally born in Kenya, not America, and could not legally run for the White House under the U.S. Constitution. But is it $5 billion from George Soros in 2008 to finance Obama's run for the White House that overthrew the U.S. Constitution in 2008 on this legal issue? Now read what Muslim Obama says next.
Obama Uses Own Money To Open Muslim Museum Amid Government Shutdown
Posted about 4 hours ago | 94 comments
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures in Jackson, Mississippi is temporarily funded by President Obama. Washington, DC — While up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck as Day One of the government shutdown kicked in, President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he is using his own money to open the federally funded International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
“During this shutdown, people will have to deal with some of their favorite parks and museums being closed,” Obama told reporters. “Just keep in mind, they will always be there. The Grand Canyon and the Smithsonian are not going anywhere.” Obama continued, “The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is sacred. That is why I have taken it upon myself to use my own personal funds to re-open this historic piece of American culture.”
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures closed its doors Tuesday as parts of the federal government shut down after Congress failed to reach an agreement on spending. On Monday, the Senate rejected the latest budget proposal from the House of Representatives. The fiscal standoff stems in large part from Republican attempts to block President Obama’s healthcare initiative.
“The Muslim community deserves our full acceptance and respect,” Obama said. “We have killed millions of Muslims overseas since the September 11th attacks. They are not all bad. In fact most of them are good. So during this shutdown, now is a great time to learn about the faith of Islam. I encourage all of you to celebrate the Muslim community, the ‘Sunnah’ and the magic of the ‘Quran’. All of this can be found at the newly re-opened International Museum of Muslim Cultures.”
Khaled Matei who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood‘s Freedom and Justice Party told CNN he is pleased with Obama and his actions. “I spoke with President Obama by telephone yesterday and personally thanked him for what he is doing for the Muslim community,” Matei said. “This is definitely a step in the right direction I explained to him. Praise Allah.”
Obama finished the press conference explaining to reporters how thrilled he is to see the museum open again. “Folks, this is a time to focus on things that are important to us in America. Sure, we would all like to see the government open, it just is not that simple. What is simple is me funding the International Museum of Muslim Cultures so that it can stay open during this horrible time in our nation’s history, all thanks to the echo chamber which is called the Tea Party.”
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is located at 201 E Pascagoula Street in Jackson, Mississippi. It is open Tuesday – Friday from 10:00 am – 5:00 PM. The museum is closed Friday from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM in observance of the Jumah Prayer.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/obama-uses-money-open-muslim-museum-amid-government-shutdown/#sthash.S46Sm3Yt.dpuf
Posted about 4 hours ago | 94 comments
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures in Jackson, Mississippi is temporarily funded by President Obama. Washington, DC — While up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck as Day One of the government shutdown kicked in, President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he is using his own money to open the federally funded International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
“During this shutdown, people will have to deal with some of their favorite parks and museums being closed,” Obama told reporters. “Just keep in mind, they will always be there. The Grand Canyon and the Smithsonian are not going anywhere.” Obama continued, “The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is sacred. That is why I have taken it upon myself to use my own personal funds to re-open this historic piece of American culture.”
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures closed its doors Tuesday as parts of the federal government shut down after Congress failed to reach an agreement on spending. On Monday, the Senate rejected the latest budget proposal from the House of Representatives. The fiscal standoff stems in large part from Republican attempts to block President Obama’s healthcare initiative.
“The Muslim community deserves our full acceptance and respect,” Obama said. “We have killed millions of Muslims overseas since the September 11th attacks. They are not all bad. In fact most of them are good. So during this shutdown, now is a great time to learn about the faith of Islam. I encourage all of you to celebrate the Muslim community, the ‘Sunnah’ and the magic of the ‘Quran’. All of this can be found at the newly re-opened International Museum of Muslim Cultures.”
Khaled Matei who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood‘s Freedom and Justice Party told CNN he is pleased with Obama and his actions. “I spoke with President Obama by telephone yesterday and personally thanked him for what he is doing for the Muslim community,” Matei said. “This is definitely a step in the right direction I explained to him. Praise Allah.”
Obama finished the press conference explaining to reporters how thrilled he is to see the museum open again. “Folks, this is a time to focus on things that are important to us in America. Sure, we would all like to see the government open, it just is not that simple. What is simple is me funding the International Museum of Muslim Cultures so that it can stay open during this horrible time in our nation’s history, all thanks to the echo chamber which is called the Tea Party.”
The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is located at 201 E Pascagoula Street in Jackson, Mississippi. It is open Tuesday – Friday from 10:00 am – 5:00 PM. The museum is closed Friday from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM in observance of the Jumah Prayer.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/obama-uses-money-open-muslim-museum-amid-government-shutdown/#sthash.S46Sm3Yt.dpuf
Now on a surprising different angle in this report which is exposing how Obama
is trying to make America a combined Communist-Muslim nation if we the American
people allow him to. Under Communist concept of law, America becomes Prison
America for all ordinary Americans. Under Suria Islamic Law, America becomes
Prison America for all ordinary Americans threatened with convert or off with
your heads! (What do you think all those federal guillotines bought from China
for America are for? Nursury school for American kids?) Why does
Wash., D.C. have a reported 30,000 drones in America which can be used to mass
kill Americans? Again, for nursury schools for American kids? Convert to Islam
under Obama in America or off with your heads! If some are allowed to live, you
are supposed to become the slaves of your Islamic masters in America then! If
you resist, the federal drone air fleet of 30,000 federal drones can attack any
Americans or part of America trying to resist the Islamic takeover of America
by Islamic Obama in the White House.
direction now. Of course feel free to pass this report all over America before
it may be too late to save America now. And passage of my Omni Law by members
of Congress and state legislatures will disarm the conspiracies of high treason
now going on in Wash., D.C. and con artist Obama is in charge of the high
treason now being attempted in Wash., D.C. The proposed Omni Law is on my
national website and will change the direction of America away from police
state government back to constitutional government and a U.S. Bill of Rights in
force over American law.
of my latest technical report of Oct. 1, 2013 brought in a surprise I did not
expect. My report was "7 Suppressed Angles How To Greatly Improve Your
Health Or Lifespan Or Both" - By Erasmus Of America (my pen name). The
first reaction to this report starting to go out across America is the material
in it is incredibly powerful and never seen by the public before. A brilliant
scientific brain who I know called me up last night and was so excited over the
release of this technical report of mine. He offered me an angle and explained
to me how it should be possible to do. I can't say that he has to be right, but
his theory has a lot of credibility to it and I told him that I will back his
concept with research work at my Camelot location once set up. He and I are
both familiar with a major scientific breakthrough the public knows nothing
about at this stage. This angle as he pointed out should potentially be able to
reprogram our DNA in our bodies to carry out new functions they are not
currently doing. Grow teeth back where they are lost. Grow hair back where lost
or take old grey hair and make it change to its younger color and looks younger
again. And take old skin and make it look youthful again. And the bombshell
comes here. His concept which made pretty good sense technically and might
well work (tests could fast confirm that) could reprogram your DNA to give
you physically a body maybe 20 years or so younger than it is now. In other
words, the health and strength of a younger man or woman could be restored to
the body of maybe even a 60 to 70 year old man or woman. He wants my Camelot to
have this technical answer as a trade secret of Camelot once we are ready to
test it and then use it if tests confirm it works as evaluated it can. Almost
forgot to mention it. Regrow back damaged parts of the body to health and thus
potentially eliminate diabetes, heart disease, and many other things so many
Americans and others suffer from today. This technical angle works and I will
invite John of Nesara News to get a new reborn, super healthy heart to reward
him for his patriotic services in running Nesara News for the good of the
American people and America as a nation. As for building my proposed Camelot, I
will use an old Walt Disney construction tactic and it should fly up in
construction and within a few months enough of it will be built to start
operating this Camelot for the purposes it will be built for including the
largest research and development center in the world. Also, bet it becomes the
most popular tourist attraction to visit and live at in the world before it is
over! Those who have already backed our Omni Law Drive by purchase of products
and/or financing of our loan program to finance the planned passing of the Omni
Law, you will be eligible to have access to this special treatment if you want
once we have tested it and confirmed that we are satisified that it is quite
safe and does what it is intended to. Those who now put in $25 or more into our
Omni Law Loan Program will be listed in the order we receive your support to be
eligible to receive this treatment if it works as intended. We will first test
out on animals and then do like Dr. Max Gerson did, test those who are already
written off as hopeless by the medical field and if they are suddenly healed of
what is killing them, then we expand the use of this to those we choose to be
allowed access to it. This DNA teatment system will only be eligible to those
who have backed our Omni Law Drive and not for others. We will let those who
are Christian backers as shown by our records to have access to this, but those
who back evil and drives for legal tyranny, go to the Illuminati for your hoped
for cures, but not to us. We will have more powerful answers than the
Illuminati or any other source on earth in medical answers, but this answer is
only for our side and not for those who did not care to support what we stand
for. If this treatment works, then in the order that you entered our list by
backing us, we will allow you access to this treatment if you want it and no
one has to take it who does not want to. Even without this treatment, we
already have powerful answers that we know will work in general health and
medical treatment, but this would be the crown jewel of our answers if it works
as it may well do. Tests will verify or else disprove what it can do or not do.
But this fellow is brilliant who talked to me last night and I am very
suspicious that it will work as theorized. Has to be verified first before I
would ever release it for any reason. We reward our friends and at the least
ignore those who would want to be the enemy of what we stand for. Those
members of Congress and state legislatures who back the passage of our proposed
Omni Law will be eligible to this DNA treatment if they want for themselves,
their wives, their husbands, or their children. Those who oppose us in passage
of the Omni Law, we will receive their message loud and clear that they do not
want the Omni Law for the American people and America as a nation. We will not
reward would-be treason in America in our leaders, but will reward
patriotism in those leaders who show it by action and not just idle words
meaning nothing!
For those
wanting it, our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our email address is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com
Our mailing address for any wanting to order by mail instead of through our
website, our address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make any checks,
etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether products or else
backing of our Omni Law Loan Program for passage of the Omni Law as posted on
our national website. Let elected officials know about this pending DNA
Treatment we may soon have and maybe this will push them over the edge so they
will push for and pass the Omni Law now instead of politician tactics of stall
and stall and hope the public forgets that they want the Omni Law passed and
Since the churches are sitting on the sidelines too much when the future of the
nation is being decided, my report of Miracles Of God is on the website and the
atheists crumble before it as they cannot answer it. I will restore the faith
of almost all people to a belief in God. After that, it is up to the churches
to see which church or churches appeal to the people who now rediscover God in
their lives and think that church will help them best to be a decent Christian
before God.
And a final thought before I sign off on this report. The ancient Roman
historian Tacitus who also wrote about Christ in the same century that Jesus
lived in and was rated the greatest Roman historian of his age once commented,
"The more corrupt the state, the more laws!" As America has more
so-called "laws" on the statute books than probably any other nation
in human history, does that make American government the most corrupt in human
history? When laws are constantly passsed to try to correct the previous damage
done by prior decreed laws, does that imply that we have a Mickey Mouse
governmental system in power where they do not know how to manage the
economy of the nation and so play the "blame game" all the
time? They don't seem to seriously solve the problems of the nation
that they created by their prior stupidity and corruption in government!
Pass the Omni Law and we will have America, Land Of the Free instead of
Prison America under the corrupt, stupid, and fanatical leaders in key
positions of government today. By the way, just added a banner to our
website for a special water that is saving the bees from pending total collapse
in America which means in turn this can save America from pending collapse into
national famine. We push responsible answers for America. Wash., D.C. does not!
Pass the Omni Law! By the way, this special water that can be produced with the
supplies offered by a website we carry the banner for to help America with also
has shown spectacular results in improved crop production when used and we are
hearing some very powerful comments from people who now use this for their
drinking water! Click the banner on our website to read more information
and purchases for this special water.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for a leader who dares
to tell the truth and stand for what is right for America!)
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