Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dinar RV Intel TNT

TNT Tony Really Late Tuesday Night Update


Tuesday Night Update 11/12/13

11/12/13..........How many times in your life time (or any other) will that date show up again?  That's right, this day/night will be like no other.

Our 72 hr wait is almost over.  There are no hold ups at this time and no one sees any in the next couple of hours.  Do not be surprised if you don't see the RV for another 2-6 hrs after it is to go in effect.  It will be processed by the UST as fast as possible.

Employers in Iraq were told not to expect any Iraqi employees to show up for work tomorrow.  The banks in Iraq were surrounded today by both Iraq and US military.  They have their crowd control ready.

Bank personnel are.....right at this moment sitting at their terminals waiting for the go signal to start taking your calls.
Read More Link on Right

They have already been told that the RV is scheduled for sometime tonight.  They have also already been told that they will be busy the rest of this week.

I want you guys to listen to me carefully now...........If there is any information that you want off off this site, I highly suggest that you copy it right this moment.  I cannot tell you how long this site will be up after tomorrow morning. 

I know that there are some very good instructions on what you should do after the RV announcement and I highly suggest that you copy them now.

It was confirmed to me again today that I would be getting the 800#s and I will post them as soon as I get them.

Now do what you need to do on the site (copy what you will need) and then go to bed.  You do not want to be sleep deprived tomorrow.

Tomorrows call may not be on time, but it should be the call you have waited your whole life for.  Pray and hope that nothing changes.




P.S... For those of you in the chat, it took so long because RayRen called so he could get a personal update before you guys.  So it's his fault.

1 comment:

ruch70 said...

this is pathetic in Usa and people involve in other countries.TNT TONY is lying to people. as you all aware he was a scam he undertake a very positive and live deal of international currency of dinar.but he is managed to do it in very creatively.guys he says , he has so many links and finaly he say something came up and now its revised.i do not know what to believe and what to say.
if you go on chat on tony site, if you say something negative right way your ip address will be banned permanently.he does not want his follows to see logical negative of his call and information . for last 3yrs has been saying that this any time.and its 99.9% now its gone to in his view point 100000% .but still RV has not happen.
the people following his site live in RV mentality , USA rate of 29.87 to 43$ now.people do not think what this guy says is acceptable or not???? so many people just living in RV fantacy. rather seeing what is right or wrong just go on blind theory and following this scam master TNT tony.look his new site( see upcoming events and his plans ??? he is doing TNT call to about 20k people.having web master and promoting dinar business in a very sharp manner.posibly all these dinar brokers and sellers must be paying this guy to maintain this site.
dur to high buying pressure ignorent people buy lots of dinars daily basis.all this people okie oilman.TNT dinar ect re taking people a ride.see the ( this site. you will know how nice he indirectly getting money from people putting positive feedback on the site and convincing people that he is doing a grate help for people.
unbelievable how things happen.i would like if FBI listen to this site and watch what he is doing? why you can not arrest this guy for giving wrong information ...
some knowledgable people also got trap by his way of expressing things....if he is not gaining anything he will never maintain this kind of a site. gods know about it.
i have see some people so much blind and they almost treat this TONY and his wife as like saints...oh my godness this world is fill with crooks, thats why people get cheat easily by others, no common sense, investigative mind, ????
check only cbi site and forex, when that activate will see the real cbi rate ,,,but we do not know the date, only god all have a wonderful aware of thiefs,,,and blind peopel,,,

November 27, 2013 at 10:35 PM