It's Questionable That Feinstein Was "Elected"
------------------------- Like so many of the 'gang', the incredibly deceitful despots such as McCain, Feinstein, Liberman, et al, NO ONE EXCEPT THE MOT UNINFORMED retards would cast a vote for them. Voters will never know, and will NEVER see, any TRUE 'election results'. With Dibold 'voting' machines DESIGNED to be easier to hack than McAffe security software, there will never be another real election in America. Everyone involved - except those who vote - knows the game is rigged. Voting is only a sick joke, played on the unsuspecting sheepole. The controllers keep their mouthpieces in place to do their bidding. Feinstein is an empty shell, void of humanity - a monster who does the bidding for her gods of evil. She 'wins' because they need her to 'win', and others like her to carry out their agenda of total fascist control. Lion --------------------- : I hear Diane Feinstein wants to mute the Internet voices of : anyone who isn't part of the Mainstream Media or who isn't : at least a 'qualified' journalist? I have two questions. : First, why would anyone with half a brain vote for this : slimeball? And second, Do you need any more proof that she : is part of the Cabal? Yet over and over she gets : re-elected. How is that? Are people so apathetic they have : no time to pay attention to what their government is doing; : to the changes being made that will impact their lives far : into the future? : What was it Thomas Jefferson wrote? "We in America do not : have government by the majority - we have government by the : majority who participate....All tyranny needs to gain a : foothold is for people of good conscience to remain : silent." : But first people need to be informed with facts, not carefully : contrived prattle from the 'bought and paid for' mainstream : media. There was a reason why the major newspapers, radio : and TV stations and publishing houses were purchased by : TPTB. : That is why the Cabal are trying so hard to gain control over : the Internet. There are sites where you can go to find out : the truth of what is going on in our country, what has : really transpired in the past and what the Cabal's plans : are for our future. Of course this upsets them. They are : being exposed in a way that has never happened before. We : are connecting with like minded people. We are sharing : information and growing stronger every day. : And by the way, Senator Feinstein, I don't need any special : privileges from the government to speak what is on my mind : and I don't have to be a 'qualified journalist'. That right : is guaranteed to me by the Constitution. : "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment : of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or : abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the : right of the people to peacefully assemble and to petition : the Government for redress of grievances." : And any attempt by you or any member of Congress, the : president or member of the Supreme Court to do so is : TREASON. But then, you've already crossed that line by : initiating legislation and supporting gun control measures : that would violate our second amendment rights. "It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was : made to guard the people against the dangers of good : intentions....There are men (and women) in all ages...who : mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise : to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters....They : think there need be but little restraint upon : themselves....The love of power may sink too deep in their : own hearts." Daniel Webster : "Say whether peace is best preserved by giving energy to : the government, or information to the people. This last is : the most certain and the most legitimate engine of : government. Educate and inform the whole mass of people. : Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve : peace and order, and they will preserve it. And it requires : no very high degree of education to convince them of this. : They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our : liberty." Thomas Jefferson : Hmm, they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of : our liberty? That is true, because politicians who are not : restrained by term limits or an informed public, who will : vote them out of office when necessary, will become corrupt : in an effort to retain their position of power. It can be : no other way. Had the changes to our Constitution been brought about quickly : like a tsunami, the people would have risen up and fought : that tyranny with all their might. But when the changes are : more like a trickle of water, few pay attention and the : ones who do are vilified - like Alex Jones; or taken out : like William Cooper. : Lenin understood that quite well, which is why he advised : those seeking the power of a political office to be as : cautious as they could in telling their true motives. They : were to keep those hidden until they actually took power. : That is why TPTB can't tolerate the free Internet. Good : Heavens, people are talking; they're researching, checking : voting records, past speeches and campaign promises. : They're sharing this information with others. This has to : be stopped. The people have to be kept in a constant state : of fear of the future, of some nameless horror that will : disrupt their perfect lives. : Werner Von Braun, of all people, warned us in the seventies : that there would be a series of 'enemies' used as bogymen : to justify the huge military expense and manpower that : would normally have been decommissioned after WWII. First : it would be the Russians, then the terrorists, then rogue : nations, then the ET's. And the mainstream media would : carefully craft these stories and play their part in : sculpting how we were to think. But they would be lies. : In 1961, upon leaving the office of president of the United : States, Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "In the councils of : government, we must guard against the acquisition of : unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the : military/industrial complex. The potential for the : disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. : We must never let the weight of this combination endanger : our liberties or democratic process." : I see it as more military/industrial/political/financial : complex. Each has it's part to play. Each wants the average : citizen kept as uniformed and dumbed down as possible. The : Internet is a real threat to their agenda. Pay attention to : any threats or perceived threats against it. Be prepared to : rise up with one voice of protest over any attempt to : control, surveil or destroy it. I hope the group Anonymous : is ready to stand between TPTB and the free Internet. We're : counting on you guys. |
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