Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Each and every time you Sheriffs fill out the Form W-4 and the 1040 form you have Committed Perjury!


Each and every time you Sheriffs fill out the Form W-4 and the 1040 form you have Committed Perjury!
So therefore You CAN NOT be an Oathkeeper!
According to the Internal Revenue Code You are NOT a Corporation or else you are a SLAVE per your Birth Certificate and You DO NOT have an Income Tax Liability!
If you want to believe that each of us MUST be a UNITED STATES Citizen and are Required to pay the Income tax then you are Ignorant of the laws since 1861!
Then I want each of you to search in your state as to whether that state Ratified the 16th Amendment, but Bill Benson has already done that and was told to SHUT UP as he found ALL 48 States' documents that ONLY 3 States Ratified it!!!
Also EVERY Judge in your county that follows what Judge Victoria Roberts has done in putting people behind bars or having them pay the IRS taxes and Penalties you are to ARREST them as they Committed a Felony!!!
"Render to Caesar what is Caesars" is NOT Biblical for YOUR WAGES!!!

IRS Defeated by Hung Jury Against Tax Resister
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 11:27
One juror stood up to the others, stood up to the IRS (no small undertaking) and to the judiciary — who was clearly making decisions on the side of the IRS.

Get more details here:
Doreen Hendrickson: The IRS Attempts to Suborn Perjury
By Sally Oh, on November 2nd, 2013
Judge Victoria Roberts suggested that Doreen sign the form and attach an affidavit stating her reasons for not wanting to sign.

Doreen said great and went home to write up the affidavit. The IRS called: not good enough.
Two Lies in the Judge’s Instructions to the Jury
The first is the tired old lie that the jury may not judge the law. The judge said that SHE will tell them what the law is and they must judge the case based on the what she says the law is.
Judge’s Instructions: Lie #2
The IRS requested that the judge give the following instruction:
“It is not a defense to the crime of contempt that the court order was unlawful or unconstitutional.”



Anonymous said...

Whether the 16th amendment was ratified or not makes no difference since the Supreme Court has ruled the 16th amendment did NOT give Congress any new taxing powers. All the 16th amendment did was merely confirm the taxing powers Congress already had before the 16th amendment.

The key word in the 16th amendment is "INCOME"

It confirmed Congress powers to tax "INCOME"

The word "INCOME" is not defined in the IRS code, but the Supreme Court did define the word "INCOME" as to its meaning within the tax code. The Supreme Court said "INCOME" means "profit and gain"

One being paid in exchange for his labor does not result in any "INCOME"

To say ones pay in exchange for his labor is all INCOME would mean one's personal time taken off his life to give his labor would have ZERO VALUE thereby resulting in one being nothing more than a SLAVE! A clear violation of their 13th amendment.

The 16th amendment clarifies Congress has the right to tax INCOME from whatever source derived, which means Congress can tax PROFIT AND GAIN from whatever source derived.

There is no PROFIT AND GAIN from one's own personal labor. To claim otherwise amounts to pure slavery.

Anonymous said...

Every drone with a gun and a badge has committed perjury when they signed their oath of office when they don't even understand or know the first amendment, because if they did they wouldn't be committing the acts of treason on a daily basis as they do because they have been brain washed and indoctrinated into believing what they do is just and the law. Who's law? We'll just leave out the part that the IRS is nothing but a rogue foreign criminal collection agency for the rogue foreign Federal Reserve as well, but I guess that is irrelevant according to these black robbed devils and empire prosecutors, all foreign agents as well.