Friday, November 8, 2013

"Houston, we have a problem! Something is Not Right!"

Reader: "Houston, we have a problem! Something is Not Right!"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Nov-2013 00:33:00

(Thanks, j. :)
(That the CIA has "talked about doing a grid-down" is based on one person's telling Ben Fulford something, which might or might not be true. Even if true, it's one thing to plan something, but another thing to carry it out. :)
Reader j. writes in follow-up:
Please take this email as serious as I send it. This is a follow up email.
Tonight a teacher in North Tarrant County, Elementary School, told me of drills they had in the last weeks which scared her and her students so bad she quit!!!!
This is my neighbor! Not normal drills, Please dear God take this seriously.
What is this Urban Shield drill in North Central Texas about, and why has the C.I.A. talked about doing a grid down on the 11th, and the GridX 2 planned a grid down for Nov. 13-14th?
Houston, we have a problem! Something is Not Right!
Please tell me I am wrong on this...Please.....Or is this all bullsh*t, and they are just screwing with us?
I don't think so, and I so hope I am wrong.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're wrong about this. More fear mongering.

Jim Costa said...

11/6/13 7:30 AM Jim's Rant For The Day. Canoe Spiders And Other Concepts.

The thrill about being an experienced canoer is that every now and then you are joined by first time canoers. You are guaranteed a good laugh at the end of the trip by paddling alongside of them and saying, “My God, look at the size of that spider on the side of your canoe!” That statement will always invoke the same response. Both parties will lean way over the same side of the canoe, tipping it over. It has worked every time for me. The neat thing is if they get upset about it they need not know it was a joke. If they laugh then you can share the joke.

So too with Martial Law. How do you invoke Martial Law in a fashion that it is welcomed? You bring down the power grid to create panic, then invoke Martial Law to quell the chaos, then return the power while leaving the Martial Law in force. I believe that if the good guys do bring down the grid that this is why. Not only that, but it might be a way to close the banks to ALL customers. Otherwise a bank closing might occur with wealthy depositors still buying preferential treatment behind closed doors. In addition, the resulting Martial Law would lock down the country's borders to facilitate arrests.

If I were the military and was being forced to step into an impossible position I might indeed consider this grid blinking tactic. If we assume that the dollar must collapse, if the military steps in and then the dollar collapses, then the people will scorn the military for a generation. However, if the banks collapse on the same day as the grid goes down, then the military can come in and calm things, restore the Republic, and get the attention and respect needed to buy time while the world tries to figure out who we all wish to be in our new lifetimes.

Believe me, I have looked at this for years and can assure you that there is no canned solution in hand as we go over the cliff. There will just be changes followed by more changes until we all settle down in the boat and start pulling together. That will take time and gained experience. Nothing can take its place if we are to be free to create the new systems that we the people choose to establish. Otherwise we will have the same wise guys doing it to us again. We need the transparency of the time and incubation to know it is what we all are creating and not what is given to us. We need to know that they are not going to be playing spiders with us.


Dan said...

This is just a Rumor, just like the drills for Planes Flying into buildings on 9/11, just like the movie they made Prior to 9/11/2001?
The biggest Worry is ALL the Prisons and how they will be operating if this Actually takes place and then lasts a week or more because they failed on getting the power back in time as it should have!
Do the Prisons have generators to run that long?
Will they have enough Fuel to keep them going for weeks on end?
Will they even be able to get Fuel as they thought the pumps where they get the Fuel could be working, but they weren't?
Will the doors be locked if the power goes out and NO Manual devices to open them, thus both guards and inmates will die of starvation for being in so long?
Will the doors be automatically opened and ALL inmates be Free to escape, millions of them?
This is JUST what the Feds wanted in purchasing the millions of rounds of ammunition to shoot anyone on the street as they could be an inmate!

Anonymous said...

2013 is running out. Had the people wanted to be free in the true sense of the word they would have made every effort to deconstruct the fraudulent systems posing as reality. Meanwhile the pacific ocean is dying, from the north to the south pole and both the North and South American continents are likewise affected. If we cared enough about our own state and that of our planet we would know what needs to be done. How much writing on the wall does it take?

Dan said...

This could be the last time that Obama has a chance on declaring Martial Law before the Republic wants to take over!
The Banks and Elite Companies are planning to have the Grid Shut Down on November 13-14, but I think the Rumor got out that it would go Down by the Good Guys on 11/11/13.
Thus the banks won't be prepared that Early and Fail to get their Jobs done for the Elite!
That is a Federal Holiday as well, so many will be on a short vacation and NOT be able to be properly prepared!