I refer to previous correspondence concerning corruption and
a Constitutional crisis:
Karen Hudes
Law Offices of Karen Hudes
Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes <h.k3511@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: Constitutional Crisis
To: Friend
From: Karen Hudes <h.k3511@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: Constitutional Crisis
To: Friend
Dear Friend,
Thanks for asking. Aren't you
concerned at the deliberate censorship and control over the media?
The state capture is mind-boggling. There is no rule of law
in these United States. The United States is ignoring 188 Ministers of
Finance, who are trying to prevent a currency war. On the eve of the
Spring meeting of the World Bank in April 2013, the Federal Courts simply
stonewalled these Ministers of Finance. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/fjudicialconferencetraxler.docx Federal Courts are masquerading as courts of
equity when in reality they sit in admiralty. http://www.scribd.com/doc/106226872/Retired-Judge-Spills-the-Beans
This corruption is against the
national security interest of the United States. Here is my question to General
Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at his town hall meeting on
December 2, 2013:
With the Federal Reserve Note weakening
against other currencies, 25% of international trade no longer denominated in
US dollars, and the US credit rating on the verge of being lowered by the new
Universal Credit Rating Group, do you think it is time to accept the offer of
the authorized signatory to the Global Collateral Account to release the uncut
dollars issued by the US Treasury department and back them with the 170,500
metric tonnes of gold on deposit in the Bank of Hawaii? https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/embennell.docx
Why would the United States want to
refuse delivery of 170,500 metric tonnes of gold on deposit in the Bank of
Hawaii allocated under the Global Collateral Account? The cartel identified in
http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf (which owns the Federal
Reserve and controls our country and its media) is also trying to
frustrate the people's right to a Constitutional Convention. Congress is
illegally refusing to convene the Convention https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Karen-Hudes+(2).jpg .
42 state legislatures have requested the
Convention under Article V of the US Constitution. http://my.firedoglake.com/danielmarks/2013/04/30/congress-needs-to-comply-with-state-demands-for-article-v-constitutional-convention/ .
Congress is stonewalling the American people. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/CREC-2013-10-24-pt1-PgH6775-6+(1).pdf and https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/congressionalrecord-pp64-highlighted+(1).pdf
And in case the Constitutional Convention goes forward as required under
Article V of the Constitution, the cartel is trying to wreck the
Convention with rules to prevent it from ending the corruption.
Here is my comment that Forbes refused to
Thank you for submitting your
comment: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ralphbenko/2013/12/09/the-big-political-story-of-2016-will-not-be-about-who-replaces-obama/2/
The Constitutional Convention needs to take
the United States back from the Jesuits (who currently collect two thirds of
our tax revenues via the Federal Reserve) and the British Crown (which collects
the remaining third of our taxes.) http://blog.ucadia.com/2012/08/uofu-episode-92-america-sea-of-souls.html The UK and the City of London have been subservient
to the Vatican ever since the Concession of May 15, 1213. http://anationbeguiled.com/?p=1277
The Joint Ministerial Committee of the
Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources
to Developing Countries has allocated 170,500 metric tonnes of gold in the
Collateral Account that is on deposit in the Bank of Hawaii as collateral for
the issuance of United States Dollars by the Treasury Department. Uncut US
Dollars issued by the Treasury Department are ready for immediate release.
These Dollars were printed in connection with the Green Hilton Agreement that
was signed by President John F. Kennedy on November 14, 1963.http://www.scribd.com/doc/157112633/Social-Justice-Doctrine-the-New-World-Order-and-Operation-Heavy-Freedom
Most Americans are unaware that the US
remained a British colony, subject along with the UK to Rome; our ignorance can
be attributed to lawyers' gobbledygook and the complicity of the media, owned
by the cartel mentioned in: “The network of global corporate control“, ETH
Zurich, http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf
The lawyers thought they could keep people
from figuring out what is happening. Maury Maverick was the first lawyer who
warned another lawyer, "Stay off the gobbledygook language. It only fouls
people up." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gobbledygook
The people in the United States got so mad
at lawyers' gobbledygook that they amended the United States Constitution to
protect themselves from lawyers. The lawyers fought back by erasing the
amendment. http://www.gemworld.com/usa--original13thamend.htm And then the lawyers decided to enact a hidden
Constitution. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Two_Constitutions_in_US.pdf For good measure the lawyers decided to louse up
the courts so nobody would find out what they had done. http://www.scribd.com/doc/106226872/Retired-Judge-Spills-the-Beans
If you think that this could not possibly
be true, here is a meeting of citizens in Charleston, who researched their
state house records: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/two+constitutions.pdf
The US Government Accountability Office
recently reported on the corruption previously documented with Congress (See http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-696 )
Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin
Dempsey, Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Verga, and the Council of
Governors established under Executive Order 13528 can make sure the run-away
bankers and their masters the Jesuits do no mischief in the interim [See http://www.nga.org/cms/CoG https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/fdod37.pdf ] The Constitutional Convention under Article V is
necessary to restore a strong dollar and the Constitution of the United
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 1:20 AM, karen hudes <h.k3511@gmail.com>
Subject: The Vatican
Message Body:
Dear Karen, I have been watching some of your videos and have found them fascinating. I need to ask you about a statement you made about the Vatican. You stated: Our taxes we send out to the IRS actually goes to the U.K. 40% and they send the rest 60% to the Vatican. How do you know this? Where can I find more about this? It's shocking ... so how would I find the proof of this. Thank you Karen. It's all fascinating.
This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes http://kahudes.net/contact-us/
Subject: The Vatican
Message Body:
Dear Karen, I have been watching some of your videos and have found them fascinating. I need to ask you about a statement you made about the Vatican. You stated: Our taxes we send out to the IRS actually goes to the U.K. 40% and they send the rest 60% to the Vatican. How do you know this? Where can I find more about this? It's shocking ... so how would I find the proof of this. Thank you Karen. It's all fascinating.
This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes http://kahudes.net/contact-us/
Really Hudes, you know some may not doubt your sincerity yet I do doubt your motives, all of your motives.
There is no requirement of any approval from Congress, or government for the Article V Convention to take place. This has been the case since the Constitution's ratification.
What Jesuitical sources are telling you this load of garbage? It is all a fictional psy op and the Zionists you are listening to are playing deadly games. Forgive the public if they don't jump on your bandwagon, an Article V Convention for the States is already arriving shortly.
It was the next logical step and only step save you want to see a police state invasion. They are outnumbered and outgunned, so the next step is simply to force their surrender. The Article V convention will do this and it won't come lightly. Your "evidence" has been passed onto Rand Paul and other lawmakers, who don't have any kind of ties to Marxist Jesuits and others that are affiliated with your firm Karen Hudes Inc.
Why is it you and Ben Fulford et. all, make all these claims yet never disavow your oaths to the corporation on which ALL claims are based? The "fictional corporation", the straw man on every single person.....is how they succeeded. Perhaps you might remember this and start applying the law instead of your pocket book.
Hey Anonymous, show some guts and reveal who you are. Your personal motives and information sources. Hudes and Fulford have the guts to say what they believe and take the scrutiny ....DO YOU?
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