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Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 20-Apr-2014 12:57:58
Published on the 20 April 2014 00:06
ALEX Salmond is on the brink of securing a historic victory in the referendum, according to an exclusive poll suggesting Yes Scotland needs a swing of just over 2 per cent to win independence.
Sunday, April 20, 2014 9:09 PM
Yes votes increasing for Scotland leaving UK: Polls
The gap between the yes and no camps for Scotland independence has narrowed down. The gap between the yes and no camps for Scotland independence has narrowed down. Scotland is five months away from a referendum that is getting more likely to mark the Scottish Independence, as polls show.
A referendum on whether Scotland should be an independent country will take place on Thursday 18 September 2014.
Following an agreement between the Scottish Government and the United Kingdom Government, the Scottish Independence Referendum Bill, setting out the arrangements for this referendum, was put forward on 21 March 2013.
The question to be asked in the referendum will be "Should Scotland be an independent country?"
The gap between the yes and no camps has narrowed, suggesting a two-point swing could be enough to secure independence on 18 September.
An ICM poll for the Scotland on Sunday newspaper shows support for independence is at 39%, while opposition has fallen four points to 42%. Excluding people who have not yet made up their minds, the results put yes on 48% and no on 52%.
It is the highest level of support for independence since last August, leading the Yes Scotland campaign group to claim it is confident of securing the necessary two-point swing.
A second poll by Survation for the Sunday Post puts a yes vote up one point to 38% and a no vote down one point to 46%.
When the "don't knows" are stripped out, the results are 55-45 in favor of keeping Scotland in the UK.
Scottish first minister Alex Salmond said, "These are very encouraging polls and show the yes campaign has the momentum because it is more positive and more trusted than the no campaign,” according to the Guardian.
"In contrast the no campaign is in a panic because they are seen as negative and unbelievable.”
It is also very encouraging that women and Labor supporters are moving to yes and with a third of English-born people already voting yes, we are confident that more will follow as momentum continues, he said.
The principal issues in the referendum are the economic strength of Scotland and whether the rest of the UK will agree to share the pound sterling.
There are also defense arrangements to be considered and continued relations with the rest of the UK, and membership of supranational organisations, particularly the European Union (EU) and NATO as well.

Got confused about source. Perhaps this:
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