RV Train is Moving once Again" By Mnt.Goat Thursday PM 4-17-14
(Note: Thanks GeorgeH
for sending this update to us tonight!)
Hi Everyone So now let us get to our business at hand, that of the currency re Today’s News I must explain some recent events that occurred this week concerning the 2010 IMF Reforms and news from Iraq how it all affects the global reset process. In my last news letter from earlier in the week I stated there was ongoing global meeting about 2010 IMF Reforms consisting of finance ministers and heads of the central banks of G20. The meeting began last Wednesday and concluded on last Tuesday 4/15. It was held in Washington D.C. I also stated the primary objectives of the meeting where to iron out and negotiate how they could proceed with or without the USA in the global reset process. There were penalties to pay if USA did not accept these reforms, something by the way they agreed to in 2010 in order for the IMF to even think about going forward with the global reset process in the first place. A process that has taken many years to put together, to plan and to finally implement. As speculative investors in the IQD, VND and other currencies we have seen the lack of much cooperation with the USA. The recent delay for the RV partially has been the reluctance of the USA in giving up it's veto power regarding IMF mandates and rules. This has now all changed, so the good news of today. I have some more news on this topic for you as I literally just go off the phone with my IMF contact. Today is early Friday morning and the news could not get any better. Let me first remind you that I have said repeatedly that the passing of the Iraq 2014 budget is dependent on the IQD currency revaluation announcement and not the other way around. In other words watch for the GCR and you will then see the announcement of passing or the high likelihood of the Iraq budget passing in the near future. The two would coincide nicely. Watch for one and you would see the other. If you were listening then to my past news letters you can now see the connection and what is about to happen. Significant Recent Events First I have found out the USA and the IMF have reached a mutual decision on how to handle these reforms, in particular the voting rights issues. I do not have all the details and if I had them probably could not share them anyhow, but I have been assured the issue is no longer a problem for the process to move forward. Secondly, another reason for the delay has been the release of the new UST notes to the general public in USA. These notes are now sitting in the USA banks ready to be disseminated. The plan is now to carryout the original plan with minor change and will more forward. Remember do not expect to see these notes all at once. There is a plan to gradually introduce the notes as the older, worn out, torn and marked up currency is turned back into the Federal Reserve for destruction. It’s like recycling money…..lol…. Thirdly I have been told today also the Iraq GOI has reached an agreement with the Kurds on the budget. In the news in Iraq today an MP for the State of Law coalition has announced that an agreement was reached between them and the Kurds on the budget issues....and the bill should be passed……da,,,da,,,da, We have heard like news before then nothing happens, the voting is postponed again. So what makes this news today any more special? Read on I will tell you. Summary So this news today from Iraq is very special since it coincides with what we are now hearing from the IMF on progress made at the meeting this past week in DC. So what came first the chicken or the egg? Will some other issue arise before they can finalize this process? I am now hearing they have a target end date of April 30 to complete the current phase of the global reset process. They can now move forward. The stalemate between the IMF and the USA is over! Hurrey ,,Hurrey ! Do you see now why they are making all these announcements in Iraq today ? Remember the events of the IMF global reset and the budget announcement news articles go hand in hand. We have seen this all along in the global reset process. If Iraq should, for some reason, stall on the budget passing once again we will know the global reset is also stalled, once again. But for now I see no new issues. We are so close to the final activation of these currency rate changes at the banks I can hardly stand the excitement. Mein hubby told me to calm down and just let my readers know what is going on. So here is the news today. I have watched the contact in the IMF now (once again) notify Iraq that these changes were about to be effective and that their currency was about to go international. Iraq then took the necessary steps to tell their people, they then move ahead on their part. The RV train is moving once again …..lol…. Let’s all hope and pray it makes a stop now at our bank….lol… Peace and Luv To Ya, All, Mnt Goat
04/17/2014 11:43pm
Wow great post thanks would like to see a town party where all gets
together and has fun together god bless lol jyburt
04/17/2014 11:56pm
Thank God!! & Thank You Mt Goat!!
Ken Smith
04/18/2014 12:14am
Tipped Kai Yay! Yahoo. Thanks Mt.
Shy Mass
04/18/2014 12:20am
Thanks Mt Goat, Come on RV we are ready and no NO"s Its our time,
Thank you dear Lord thank you.
04/18/2014 12:55am
Yes, the RV is so needed. Thanks
Steve Van Osdell
04/18/2014 12:55am
Mtn Goat, my wife comes to Germany for her work at least once a year. She
is coming in a few weeks. She comes to Wolfach in Black Forest area. I love
your posts and I also love listening to Melanie Oesch jodel! I'm going to
come with my wife on a trip soon. We live in Ohio now.
04/18/2014 1:06am
You Go Girl !!! I greatly admire smart women!
04/18/2014 1:20am
Mountain Goat you have done it again with great news. Thank you for taking
the time to get and typing the news. Give your 2 kinders greetings from an US
grandma in the state of Texas. I can just imagine all the happy time when you
all get together to dance, to sing, to visit and to eat during the two days.
04/18/2014 1:28am
This is so very EXCITING, I very much needed this news today. THANK YOU SO
MUCH Mt.Goat And Dinar Recaps you all are in my PRAYERS from the bottom of my
04/18/2014 1:32am
Thank you so much for this post and for all the work you have done for all
of us.
04/18/2014 1:35am
04/18/2014 1:40am
Tks MTG. Luv the food & beer bit.....
04/18/2014 1:44am
Sie sind ein Engel - I hope that means you are an angel. Thank you so much
for your continued efforts and taking the time to share with us.
04/18/2014 2:04am
Mnt Goat, thank you very much for the highly Intelligent Information about
the Dinar and Global standing.... you are highly trusted in this home....
your information about your Countrys traditions is also interesting.... I lived in Europe for 17yrs in Holland & Belgium working for NATO so I have a good understanding of European traditions and how Important they are.... I hope the Dinar and other currencies come to completion soon or the end of the month.... many people will prosper and their lives will change for the better... then some of these people can go visit Europe and enjoy what it has to offer.... tks for your dedication to this project on honestly keeping people informed ... a friend in America.
philip tilton
04/18/2014 2:39am
Top shelf dear thank you good intel
horst f. kramer
04/18/2014 3:53am
Hi, Mtn.goat, I am a german, living half in the USA (Florida) and half in
Germany (Frankfurt). Just a correction. The Maibaum will be errected begin of
Mai, correct, but Pentecost is Pfingsten and this year four weeks later. I
would love to contact You one day direct, my Sohn lives in Munich with his
sechs Kinder and we go to Lake of Starnberg and Garmich all the time. I am
partner in an american company and there are, I believe 112 dinariens all waiting
for the day to come. They expect from me to get some news from Germany
because we are 6 hours earlier here. I like very much to read Your posts,
they are informative without too much bla-bla, like some others. It would be
great if You send me an email one day. Personal regards und alles Gute
wuenwcht Horst
04/18/2014 5:09am
Good morning Mt Goat...just woke up this morning (5 AM) and read your post
and it's great news! Hoping with you that there are no more delays. The sad
news is that many of us appreciate you're reaching out to us, sharing the
info but once RV, will probably never hear from you again. Thanks for all you
have done. God bless you Mtn Goat :)
04/18/2014 7:16am
Mountain Goat, thanks for the info! Glad to see that YOU are excited!! I
use to be excited at posts just as Okies latest post was encouraging.
Fortunately I am healed (or numb). I no longer get excited about any post the
is stated. It has been too many false alarms. I decided that it is better for
me to wait to hear the OFFICIAL proclamation of the RV and then use all of
the energies saved and stored for one HECK of a shout to be hear AROUND THE WORLD!!!!
So bring us facts but deliver to us the JACK!!! Hope everyone has a BLESSED
EASTER !! Keep GOD growing within.
04/18/2014 8:31am
Thank you for the great post. I am holding my breath.
04/18/2014 8:33am
Same info some of the others are saying, just different words.Great news thanx.
04/18/2014 8:56am
that sounds like fun.
04/18/2014 9:58am
Jere Shaw
04/18/2014 10:29am
Thank you for your time, caring and sharing information with us in such a
manner all can understand. And no cryptic bla bla!...
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Saturday, April 19, 2014
"The RV Train is Moving once Again" By Mnt.Goat Thursday PM 4-17-14
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