Monday, October 29, 2012

Arrogance + Ignorance + Incompetence = CALAMITY, via Political Ideology

Dear Patriots (1,400 bcc herein w/permission to forward),

The dilemma confronting the People of this Country today, as it relates to the Economic Debacle affecting one and all alike, and the accompanying International Crisis that worsens daily,
resulting Clearly & associated with a Political Ideology of unbridled magnitude, has further contributed in making of America a Third Rate Power totally dependent on former Enemy’s for
‘their’ Economic Resuscitation, Assistance & ‘Cooperation’.

When Once this Nation’s Character was Bourne of Spirit & Character associated with a Resolve of Self-Dependency,
the Washington Moguls have made of that Greatness, through various processes- a degenerative people, half of whom are now dependent upon one form or another of Government Subsidy.

The Net Result of these endeavors have combined to create the conditions that are now destroying us, one and all, thanks to a National Government’s policies that have promoted this ‘Sterilization’ process over the last 150 years.

Entitlements are NOT only those associated with Government Social Programs, but those that Equally serve to advance their Special Interest Proxies through various Government Agencies.

Those, in of themselves, are probably far worse than Social Entitlements for they advance and create the worst Demagogues- particularly in the form associated with Social Unions.

When the elements of this ‘Perfect Storm’ are ultimately combined, as they are Today, forming at the ‘Center’, the catalyst for complete destruction is now in place.

And thus, a Dumbed Down electorate of many years serves the Mighty Few by becoming Their un-willing and un-knowing servant in the contribution of Their own Annihilation.

America today is NOT a Country Divided, BUT- a Country with TWO DIFFERENT IDEOLGIES.

One holding steadfast to that Fabric associated with Individual Reliance and Self-Subsidy Bourne from our Revolution of long ago, while….

The other has been perpetually raised, particularly since the 1960’s, on a pabulum of dependency associated with a Socialist Ideology that was ‘officially’ launched & described
back then, by this National Government, as “The Great American Society Program” under LBJ.
Socialism 101.

The Masters of Deceit have clearly written their Intentions via their Political Profiles & have clearly telegraphed their intentions to anyone with an ounce of common sense who was willing to remain alert and cognizant of their hateful madness.

Marx, Engel & Alinsky immediately come to mind and the current Government’s CADRE has Graduated MANY of its Officers from Saul Alinsky’s ‘School for Radicals’.

Thus, there are NOW TWO TYPES of People within this Country- Ideologically….and I believe that DIFFERENCE is simply far too great to overcome that would result in various Electives being elected within this National Government that could or would work in a collaborative manner, resulting in any worthwhile manner & measures that would positively affect one and all alike.

Ultimately, these Ideologies WILL CLASH!

That is the real Dilemma and the Ultimate Reality that NONE in Government or ELSEWHERE will REMOTELY touch upon,
because the ‘Contrast’ OF THIS TRUTH is simply too damning for any to reveal.

As I have stated in numerous communiques heretofore on behalf of The Confederate Society of America- we are on a Collision Course With Destiny.

The American Civil War was Fought to prevent these contemporary Pre-Cursor’s from ever realizing their stations.
It was, in fact, the Second American Revolution but its merits and purpose, as we all known only too well, has been so demonized and so altered to blacken ANY TRUTH
from ever being known since!

Thus, ‘The Cause for Which it was Fought, Will Again, sadly & unfortunately, be Repeated because…..

Ultimate Arrogance, Ignorance & Incompetence have combined to bring forth upon this once Great Dais a Hegemony of Evil that only 3-Decades ago would have been recognized for what it is and represents….
And That is Why this ‘Race’ is so close for….

‘One Eye is Blind while the other can Clearly See’!

It was Once- All for One & One for All- but Never ALL for Some and None for All- c. maus

Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Separation IS the Only Solution from which this Divide can be Satisfied withOUT horrific consequence.
We MUST go our way & those who subscribe to Socialism, go theirs.

Deo Vindice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better be backing a 3rd party like Paul then, because Romney is just as fabian socialist.