Monday, November 26, 2012

Ascension Earth 2012

Subject: Ascension Earth 2012

Ascension Earth 2012

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:09 AM PST

As channeled through Karen Noonan

Greetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and support ALL at this time of mass transition and mass heightening of vibration. Those of you who are in the midst of this process we salute you, for you have begun a tidal wave of vibration that is now speeding up the entire process. Those who are now beginning the transition we implore you to look within and to KNOW that this process is one that will bring joy and abundance to you daily life experience. It is heartening to KNOW that ALL are now in vibration with the new earth, even if you read our words and this does not resonate with you at this moment in time we encourage you to carry on and allow the transition to show YOU TRUTH. The new earth is being populated moment to moment and as you begin to release and to anchor the new then TRUTH is revealed to SELF.

Events will now transpire within the human life experience at society level that will confirm our guidance and our support. For as ALL work to release ALL from the bonds of the veils of the teachings of distortion then more is available to see and to anchor. That which you may have glossed over or paid little heed to will now be shown to YOU in technicolour. For many of you are under the impression that only small sections of humanity are able to understand the bigger galactic picture and this is NOT TRUTH. Those who have connected with us are now more able and more willing to state this publicly and this will once more increase the vibration of all. Those teachings that kept their words and their actions below the surface are now unable to hold back to the flood of information that will now begin to pour across and within planet earth and we guide for ALL to realise and accept this.

There are those in the public eye who will now begin to reveal TRUTH to ALL and we guide that this is part of the unfolding. For whilst you believe yourself to be in a minority you are still bound in the veils of the teachings of distortion. The ability for ALL to speak their TRUTH and have that TRUTH heard is now expanding. Support will now show for YOU where it has been “lacking” before. We say “lacking” as that is a human phrase and the one that perhaps best fits. ALL has been before YOU as ALL now is before YOU but the vibration of the planet and of the human race may have hidden this from YOU. As YOU now move in vibration, as the planet moves in vibration and as human consciousness in general moves in vibration then more will be revealed.

Ancient knowledge will now pour across and within planet earth and we guide this is not restricted to “few” for that is not TRUTH. The ancient knowledge is within each and every human BEing upon planet earth for you may be in human form at this moment but YOU are more than human, do our words resonate? Do you understand how the ancient knowledge that YOU contain will now be accessible by YOU through YOU?

THIS is the information that has been kept from your grasp, it has been kept energetically inaccessible to YOU for aeons within your human form and this will now shift and move as YOU shift and move in vibration. Those who are now remembering will continue to remember at deepening levels and we call out to those who are now beginning the process for ALL is a process. Reach out to those around YOU, allow TRUTH to be shown to SELF on ALL levels and as with all information please process through your heart, for the heart KNOWS TRUTH.

The landscape of planet earth is changing vibrationally as YOU change vibrationally and this will continue to expand and grow as once more the energies heighten. YOU have all passed the point of no return and we guide to confirm that ALL is perfect. That which YOU came here to BE is revealed within SELF. Let not another try to hide YOUr TRUE identity for that is not TRUTH and will not be supported by the new earth energies. We ask for ALL to anchor TRUTH and to accept that ALL are vast BEings of LIGHT within the universe.

That which has stopped your inner vision will now be revealed to SELF in order that you dissolve the teachings that have blocked said vision. We ask for ALL to hold SELF in the LOVE that IS and to pour the LOVE that IS through ALL for ALL ARE ONE. Do you understand our guidance dear ones? Do you understand that the great unveiling of TRUTH begins within SELF? Do you understand the need for self to KNOW SELF?

The work done within SELF is the key to the work done at planetary level, for YOU are planet earth and planet earth is YOU for ALL ARE ONE. The planet you have incarnated upon is now aligned with SELF and we ask that YOU align SELF with planet earth. YOU may be a child of the stars but YOU also inhabit the vehicle of a child of planet earth and we guide for ALL to anchor this TRUTH.

“Do unto others as YOU would do unto SELF”, is the phrase that we would guide for you to anchor at this time for ALL are a reflection of SELF. That which you are working to dissolve may be shown through the reflections of those around YOU. That which is trying to be revealed as TRUTH will also be reflected in the mirrors that are around YOU in the form of other human BEings. ALL are reflections for ALL, do you understand our guidance ? our analogy?

TRUTH just IS dear ones, it has no right, no wrong for ALL just IS. As YOU move into balance and harmony this TRUTH will be revealed at ever deepening levels. We are the High Council of Orion and we are here with YOU as you now walk a new landscape. Take time to venture around this landscape for at first it may seem somewhat strange, even “alien” to you but soon YOU will recognise it for in TRUTH dear ones it is YOU. We wrap YOU in the LOVE that IS dear ones and we ask that YOU embrace ALL for ALL ARE ONE. We are YOUr galactic brothers and sisters from the stars and WE ARE YOU.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.
Article may be reproduced in its entirety of it remains unchanged and intact and author and authors websites are clearly stated.

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:00 AM PST

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Posted: 25 Nov 2012 10:27 PM PST

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff

Welcome, Cosmic Awareness. We are wondering if you have a message that you would like to give to us tonight.
That this Awareness, this Cosmic Awareness, is indeed available tonight to share a thought, to give information, to provide insight in these most interesting times. That this Awareness declares that It is indeed the time of the ending or that which has often been referred to as the End Times, a phrase that has historical precedence. This time period does indeed mark the final phase of a journey that has lasted thousands and thousands of years. That the experiment into dualistic reasoning, dualistic reality, dualism of mind and heart, is now complete. And that, indeed, these times, these interesting times, mark a great success in the experiment of the negative force being stronger than the force of Light, or that which would be understood to be the essence of God. This experiment was designed to see what would occur if those of spirit who descended into the body did not realize their fullness of being, did not truly evolve to a point where they understood that they are indeed spiritual beings having a physical existence.
At the same time, it was determined in this experience of consciousness, that the negative would be predominant, that it would take ultimate control and lead the planet to the brink of destruction. That this situation had indeed occurred in other times, that which is of great importance, is the time that is the time of Atlantis. And it could be said that this time around, it was decided to see if the result could change. That this has been a continuance of those Atlantean experiences and experiment, for many who are the leaders of nations, many who are the authorities, are indeed the same ones who were there during Atlantean times, and who misdirected that continent towards a merging in dark forces, the reptilian/Orion forces, which did eventually take control there. Just as they have taken control once again in this modern historical time. The difference this time is that it will not be allowed to again occur. That these dark ones completely submit this planet, Mother Earth, Gaia, to the same fate that occurred on the continent of Atlantis, which also led to a downfall of civilization at that time.
Indeed, at this time, the intent and design of great spirit, of the Divine, of the essence of God, has been and is to allow these ones to come to this point, but, instead of destroying the continent of North America and subjecting the whole world to catastrophe, a greater event would occur. This greater event is the extinguishing of that experiment and the uplifting of human consciousness, as well as the planetary consciousness. The planetary consciousness did not evolve at the time of Atlantis. That is why the experiment continued onwards, after those peoples of Atlantis reassembled themselves in various locations around the world. That, on this occasion, the force of consciousness has indeed finally reached a point where Mother Earth, Gaia, is ready herself, first and foremost, to ascend into a new level of consciousness that will be 5th dimensional in nature.
That humanity has also come to a point of crucial decision. And that while the forces that are in control and in power still would have it their way, there is a sizeable number that constitute a tipping point, that has finally been reached. That number is one that is in some ways irrelevant. For what is of more importance is that the tipping point has been reached, and a sizeable number of humanity has reached this point. That there is some speculation by individuals of what that number needs to be. But, it is inconsequential, for truly, what is of importance, is not even the amount of people on the planet’s surface who have reached that point, but that many have reached a high point of conscious awareness.
And that also what is of extreme importance is that individuals are taking responsibility for their own journey towards evolution of spirit and soul. Ultimately, it does not matter if two billion reach this tipping point, or twelve million or ten. What ultimately matters here is that each individual takes full responsibility for their own ascension process. And that in achieving this, they will spread their consciousness outward and they will connect with the many others who are also blossoming at this time, who are also spreading the wings of their consciousness outward to touch the many who have reached this point.
Why this is relevant is because it now means that the living force of the Divine can be stronger than it has ever been. Can be of a nature that it can promote even more, this acceleration of consciousness. That many are concerned that in these times, mass destruction will occur. But, as the web of consciousness spreads around the planet, and as many more are reaching this tipping point, the web creates a matrix of higher consciousness. The living force that is the Divine, indeed, is such that It now is available and is accelerating in these end times. This means that it is not only the machinations and plans of those dark ones who have, indeed, a hidden agenda that are in force, but also that the Divine essence of God Itself is participating now in ways that have not been seen before on this planet. And the ways of the Divine are much more powerful than any machination and plans of the dark ones who have had control for so long.
Many find it hard to believe that the force of the Divine could be as potent or as powerful, for the truth of the matter is, for most they have not ever experienced this in a personal way or a collective way. Thus, many would energize the dark force before the forces of Light, before the forces of the Divine.
That this Awareness brings this information forward at this time to assist the many of the lightworkers, those who have volunteered to be in physical existence during these crucial times. To have hope. To have a deeper understanding that one and all of those who are the lightworkers are not alone. That you, each individual hearing these words, who is of the light, who is of the Divine, who has been seeking their inner awareness and connection to the Divine, awaken now to a much greater truth than has ever been popular in recent times. That the presence of the Divine God essence is now available, and can be tapped into. It is increasing in Its strength and it will bring about a mass conversion of many who are straddling the fence, who have some precepts of these times and of their purpose and plan here, but have doubts, are still held back and constrained by their negativity and their lack of faith and belief.
That the living force of the Divine is in all things, is in the air and in the earth. It is in every creature, every plant, flower. In every molecule and cell. It is in the essence of Mother Earth, in her being. It is in the fabric of each human being. In each cell. In the DNA structure itself. And as the tipping point has been reached, as the energies of the Divine have touched a significant number, that this consciousness will begin to spread very quickly to those who have long prepared themselves, and even to those who have waffled, who have toyed with and played with, but have not yet made the deeper commitment. This energy is now available on this planet. And this Awareness wishes at this time to make this announcement, that it is so.
Do not simply look to the proof that is being presented on your television each and every night, that it is a dark world and that there is brutality and violence with little hope. Look instead inside of yourself to see the burgeoning energies of the Divine that are now increasing. Look around you to the planet herself. See her beauty and her radiance. Understand that as you accept this living Divine force, it will energize you. It will enhance you. It will elevate your frequencies and vibrations and it will lead you forward. This is not, unfortunately, to say that all will be open to this living force, all will understand it or accept it. For many have stayed asleep. Many have as their spiritual purpose, the intent and desire to have the experience of a planet in chaos and destruction while the ascension process proceeds, not ever understanding that this is a moment of a shifting consciousness, of the intervention of Divine consciousness and it is a state of ignorance and being asleep.
But, as it was and is the soul purpose to have such experiences, this Awareness says that, even this is part of the higher plan of the Divine. It is part of the ongoing and the evolution of each and every soul, and each and every aspect of the soul that is having a physical experience.
For those who are awakening more and more to the Divine essence that is beginning to truly stir now and will accelerate over the next three weeks until the 12th and then go into super mode from the 12th of December until the 21st of September. This Awareness says to you: all, look for the miracles and the magic of life. Look for the wonder and the joy in the unfolding events. Recognize the greater purpose behind the events. Do not be fooled or misled by those who preach violence and destruction, chaos and doom. That even while the events unfold around you, that are chaotic and upheaval, that are destructive and demoralizing, do not be led into these energies. Recognize them for what they are: the death throes of a experiment in consciousness.
That you are, each and one of you, Divine in your nature. That each and every one is a part of the Divine plan for these times. And that many have come specifically, indeed, this Awareness would say, all have come specifically at this time to have the experience of these times. Those who have volunteered to be present in this time of unfolding, this time of ending, this time of new beginnings, have done so with clear inner awareness that they indeed did volunteer. They have come to the planet at this time to have this experience. Those who stay asleep, those who stay within the control and the manipulation of those dark forces also have come onto this planet at this time to have their own unique experiences. And those who have played in darkness, taken control, enslaved, destroyed, manipulated, and controlled the masses for so long are also here by intent, even if it is not recognized by them ultimately. They may think that they have control yet. They may feel that they can still manipulate events in their favor and maintain the blindness and ignorance of the masses to their benefit, but they are wrong.
Many forces are at movement here, are in movement now, in motion now, beyond any plan, thoughts, ideas that those who have played in darkness for so long can even fathom or entertain. That they cannot fully see the future any longer, for even though they are based in a 4th-dimensional consciousness and have much of their information from this level of consciousness that is not controlled by time, thus they can see many of the timelines, many have been hidden from them. And, therefore, they have continued on their way in the assumption that their viewing of future scenarios will all work to their benefit. They will not.
There is indeed the X-factor that is now beginning to make itself understood, known, perceived and recognized. This X-factor is the Divine spark, the Light and Love of the Godhead, the God essence, the Divine being that is all and everything. It is even beyond that of the comprehension of many of the lightworkers, but it is in unison with their inner perception, their inner feelings, their inner sensitivity. They understand from places beyond the rational that they are here to be part of this great unfolding. As each understands this, each moves towards a greater participation in these unfolding events. Move beyond the point where fear dominates and controls, for they will see the unfolding events as those that have so long been promised, both in many of the historical predictions made throughout the centuries, as well as the inner state of awareness that is rapidly accelerating. Absolutely expanding into new levels of comprehension that have for so long been unavailable and inaccessible. Thus, it is that this Awareness says: be joyful. Be uplifted. Be spontaneous in the celebration of the Divine and the unfolding events. This is not a tragic time, but rather the heralded time that has so long been predicted, so long awaited by so many. That this is indeed the end times of the old and the new dawn of the enlightenment and ascension of consciousness.
That this Awareness is open for questions at this time.
Thank you, Awareness, for that opening message. I would ask for further clarification regarding a statement you made in the opening message where you indicated that the influx of energies coming through, which would start to increase on the 12th of December through to the 21st of September, I think it was that you said. Does this mean that this energy will take around the 21st of December and then slowly taper off towards September of next year? Or what entirely was the reason for you mentioning September?
That indeed you are correct. This Awareness will explain further, though. That the 21st of December is the time of completion. That on some level, this Awareness meant the 21st of December as the date of completion, and that the nine-day period between the 12th of December and the 21st of December would see the most intense events of all, the most intense energies at play, in order to bring the planet to that time of transition and ascension.
But, that this Awareness is also stating that there will be a continuance of those energies after the date of completion, as things indeed wind down. That it took many months to build the energies to this point. Indeed, this Awareness would even say it took many years, decades, and centuries to reach this point in time. And it will not simply shut off for those many timelines that will continue on the Planet A/B and A. And that for those who move into the balanced and harmonized energies of timelines that will be on the balanced and harmonized Planet A/B, that there will be a continual wind-down until the 21st of September, 2013.
That many do think and believe that the planet will be destroyed or completely wiped out up until the 21st, which is final destruction at this time. This Awareness does not entirely see it that way for all timelines. There are several scenarios, indeed, that will lead to Planet B, where a huge extinction event will occur and life on the surface of this planet will no longer be as abundant or fertile as it once was. And many of those timelines in this post-apocalyptic scenario, these post-apocalyptic timelines, will experience the destruction of the planet to a large degree and will exist underground. It is the main reason why so many of the Powers That Be have focused their attention to building their bases and habitats underground, for they know what is coming above ground. And that for them, they will scurry into their rat holes in order to survive, allowing the masses on the surface to be eradicated. But, this is only in those timelines of a Planet B scenario. And it is seen that on those levels, that what will be left is not the fertile and vibrant planet that exists now, Mother Earth, Gaia, but rather the shell of Gaia. The essence and consciousness of Gaia having left, having ascended, leaving that which is the shell of her former body behind, which will become the Planet B location for many of those who wish to experience timelines in such a survivalist environment. There are many timelines involved on the Planet B scenario. Not all will be of this nature, but this Awareness speaks of this now so that it is distinguished that the energies that this Awareness was speaking of, of winding down, will not apply strictly to the majority of timelines experienced by those choosing a Planet B experience after the completion of the ascension process on December 21st.
But for those who will continue to experience the dualistic experiment in consciousness, but a new variation of that theme, one that will no longer have those dark forces in control and dominant, will no longer see the imbalance that has been the design and purpose of this present experiment. That these are the ones that will be experiencing the winding down of the energies that have ramped up over the weeks and months of this past year, 2012. That if it is so that they have experienced major events of chaos and destruction, it will take many months to clear things up for those who have those timelines that they will be experiencing.
There will be others who will go through the three days of the void. And it is during these three days, that the planet itself will be reformed and reintegrated into the new matrix and model that will be the new version of Planet A/B. This, of course, the balanced and harmonized Planet A/B. Let this Awareness be clear: It is stating that some will come through the event and they will remember the upheaval. They will remember the chaos and they will deal with this and recreate their societies, energies being available to assist them over a period of time, coming to a gradual tapering and ending, in and around September 21st, 2013. Yet, there are other timelines on the Planet A/B scenario, where many will not be as subject to the memories of the upheaval and chaos. This is that period of time that this Awareness has referred to as the three days of the void. Many call this the “three days of the darkness.” But it will be a period where many who choose to carry on without the traumatic stress that might accompany such upheaval will indeed go into this state of suspended animation, if you will, while all around them is reformed and re-installed. And that they will come out of it, seeing the planet in a way as if all continued without interruption, and they will not necessarily have the trauma experience that others, who choose to have it, may have.
That this is why this Awareness inadvertently spoke of the 21st of September, without first mentioning December 21st. It is simply seen as a winding down period. But let this Awareness be very clear again here: that the period of time between the 12th of December and the 21st of December will be that which is the most crucial period available in the ascension process, and it is here that the greatest changes will have affect. Is this clear?
Yes. Thank you, Awareness, for making that clear. Can you also help us at this time in giving us some idea of how we should be using our imagination?
That this is extremely important at this time. That this Awareness has talked of the importance of imagination, previously. But It wishes to re-emphasize what It has said before. That it is imagination about all that will assist individuals during these times to create the timelines that they will choose to experience. Imagination is a very powerful force of creativity and creation. And the Powers That Be know this. They know it so well that they have tried to extinguish it in the human psyche. They have created educational systems where those who have strong and powerful imaginations are restricted and even sometimes punished. Their educational system does not value free thinking and imagination, but repetitiveness and no thought, no thinking, original thinking, that it is rewarded when one simply follows the teachings given. Whereas free thinking is often punished, as this Awareness has said. This does not stop imagination, it simply makes it harder for those who have imagination in the school system, especially in America at this time. But, this is a world-wide trend as well.
That imagination is the tool of the mind and the heart and the spirit, that can see something being so, can image it or imagine it. It is that which will most direct the individual in the creation of the timelines that they wish to experience and are guided to experience. Imagination works both in the light and in the dark. That those in power have manipulated for a long time, the imagination of the populace with their films and their books and their news and their teachings. Thus it is, when there is a preponderance of negative films, for example, stressing and emphasizing time and time again, the violence of the world. The negativity. The brutality, that is there. That the imagination is funneled into such perceptions and the individual begins to believe, because they imagine it, because their imagination is being coerced to the belief that it is a violent world and they thus believe this to be so.
And they create the timeline experience that validates this. They live in cities of violence. They experience random acts of violence. They do not trust one another any longer. They do not help one another. This was seen, unfortunately, during Hurricane Sandy, when individuals barred their doors to others in need of help. One case, where a woman in desperation knocked at the door of one who refused to open the door and her two young children were swept away. This is the type of world that those in power have created and it has been created by the manipulation of the beliefs of individuals by curtailing and restricting their imagination and their ability to free think, think freely.
That the imagination can also be that of the Light, where one imagines and images the new world, the world that the individual, each individual, would love to live in and exist in. Where they can imagine a planet free of pollution. Free of violence. Free of the dark ones. All of this is part of the imagination.
It has often been said that truth will set one free, but imagination will see it to be so. Will create it. Imagination is truly that which sets one free. And that this is something that all must understand and use in these times now, where the Divine spark is indeed finally coming through strongly, where one can align their imagination to this new energy and allow themselves, each and every one, to see themselves in the energy, to experience the energies of the Divine, and to imagine the bright new world that lies ahead. Does this answer your question?
Yes. Thank you, Awareness. In a recent personal reading, you mentioned the term, “The Children of God”. Would you like to explain that concept in relation to what you have just told us about using our imagination as being part of the Divine?
Indeed. The children of God are all of those on the planet at this time. That all are the children of God, if one understands that all are spirit beings having a physical existence.
But, more specifically, that this term, “The Children of God”, is in direct reference to the many who have come onto this planet, specifically from those higher levels of consciousness, as volunteers to assist this process of ascension of Mother Earth, Gaia, and humanity. That they are also often called the lightworkers. The Wanderers. The Servants of the Divine. But, that the term “The Children of God”, also refers to those who are the Elohim. The Elohim are those who were of the original inhabitants of the original experiment of Planet Earth, millions of years ago. They evolved. They moved into higher levels of spirit, higher levels of consciousness. They have always been involved with this planet and her evolution, and the evolution of humanity as well. That there are many who come from this level of consciousness, who are inhabitants on the planet itself, inhabiting the bodies of the many who are the lightworkers.
That these are the ones that the term “The Children of God”, or alternatively, the Children of the Elohim, refers to. That this Awareness also suggests that there are two versions of the Elohim as well. There have been the Elohim of the Light and the Elohim of the Dark. The dark ones are also participating on the evolutionary process of Mother Earth, as well as those who are indeed in cooperation with the dark Elohim. The Orions are also part of that construction in consciousness.
But that it is now time for the light Elohim, the children of god, to make their move, to come into power, to guide humanity forward. Thus, the lightworkers, the wanderers, the servants of the Divine, the children of God, are now indeed coming finally into their power. And it is a power that will lead the planet to her ascension and those, the many who are the servants, the children of god, into their ascension.
Thank you. Thank you for explaining that.
We have no further questions tonight. Do you have an ending message for us?
That this Awareness says, in speaking tonight of the introduction at a higher level than ever before of the Divine energies as they now begin to ramp up, gear up, involve themselves to the highest degree in the unfolding events, It has spoken of imagination and how powerful the tool of imagination is in this process of imagining oneself connected to the high Divine energies, of creating the timelines that one wishes to participate in and not simply being prisoner to the machinations of those Powers That Be, who have operated in darkness and from the dark.
It has mentioned as well the children of God, the children of Elohim, that those who are the lightworkers, the wanderers, the servants of the Divine, will begin now to recognize themselves more and more as those who are the children of God, participating with their imagination in the acceleration of the Divine energies that are coming forward at this time to redefine the world. Redefine consciousness. To elevate humanity and Mother Earth into higher states of consciousness.
That all of this and more is indeed that which is present now and is ramping up, as this Awareness has said. It is crucial to hold these thoughts, this knowledge, this knowing, for there will be many forces there, out there, that would knock one off of the log, would divert one, would entrap one in these false imaginings, that it is a world that is being destroyed, that is hopeless, that is without merit and without reason.
That this is a planet of ultimate reason, God’s reason, the Divine reason, and that as these times unfold, remember always that you, each and every one of you, who hear these words and those who know it from within who have not heard these words, that they are the sparks of God, they are the acceleration of Divine consciousness into the darkness that has been bringing new light, new love, new hope, new compassion, and new joy into this new world. It is a time of great rejoicing and celebration that, finally, the forces of the Divine that has seen to be so absent for so long are indeed making themselves known, showing themselves. That the illusion of destruction, death, chaos, that many will see around them, must always be remembered as that which is necessary at this time to sweep away the old, to sweep away the dross, and to clear the way for the recreation of the planet and the matrix that is now being formed. That they do not descend down into the chaos, but rise above it. Know that as things seem to vanish and extinguish and are removed, it is simply part of the reformulation of the planet that is underway, and that this will be completed by December 21st.
For those who feel nothing is changing, be, indeed, satisfied that you are creating a world where you are not necessarily needing to go through the death and chaos. But, even on those levels, there will be many changes and simply because it seems that there is no change, does not mean that change is not happening and that many timelines are full of change. It simply means that the timeline you are creating as the individual is one where you may not necessarily perceive these changes. But, this Awareness says indeed many will see and know the changes. Many will see and know the inner truth of these changes, and many, indeed, will move now towards acceleration and expansion, will move now towards the attainment of that which they have come for: planetary ascension, personal ascension and ascension of that group of beings that this Awareness calls the Children of God.
This completes tonight’s message. It is done. In beauty, it is done. It is complete.
Thank you, Awareness. We appreciate the message that you have given us tonight.

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 10:17 PM PST

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Posted: 25 Nov 2012 10:00 PM PST

Montague Keen

The propaganda machine is no longer able to fool the people. Every day it is being exposed for what it is. Their game is up ! Now, they will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. They have destroyed much of what was good in your world. You are gathering the right people around you now to enable you to complete your mission. It will be done. My last words to you, on the night that I passed to Spirit, were "When the timing is right". It is, of course, our timing, not yours.

We guide you every step of the way. We bring the right people in, to give you the strength and the benefit of their knowledge and skills. Your team is growing. They are specially chosen to blend together as one when the time comes to move and bring to a conclusion what was planned nearly 2000 years ago. The enormity of your task is only now being realised by those around you. They must support and assist you through these difficult times. It will bring peace to humanity. Enough people are aware that they must desire peace in order for peace to become a reality.

Many beings of light from other planets are making themselves known to you and assuring you of their commitment to your planet. They have so much to share with you. They are watching over you and guiding many of you through these last dying hours of darkness. So much is happening that you are, as yet, unaware of, because the media is controlled by the dark forces. The plans of the Cabal are being blocked: they are floundering on the rocks, unable to regain control. This is when they are at their most dangerous, since they have nothing left to lose. You must not fear them, no matter what they come up with to induce fear. There are only a few things left that need to be put in place before the Cabal concedes defeat and leaves your planet forever. Truth always triumphs over EVIL.

Stick with what is NATURAL, both in food and in medication; become selective in all that you choose to put in your body. Respect your body: it houses your soul and should be seen as such. The Cabal uses every opportunity to find new ways to slow you down mentally and to create health problems, so you "need" medication that will destroy your health and speed up your demise. It is all part of the plan. Many illnesses are created in the laboratory and are released on the unsuspecting public. Those you have trusted, have lied to you and mislead you. The old ways were the best and safest.

One day, in the near future, all will become clear. You will realise just what you have lived through and the manipulation from birth to death. They control every moment of your lives, and it is shocking that this has gone on without most of you ever suspecting any of it. The manipulation of mankind was a masterpiece of planning. They got into positions of power in every field. It was a silent take-over. Even I was not aware of this when I was on Earth. I was always too busy with my own research into the paranormal, etc. I failed to see the bigger picture until I passed over. It was then that I was able to expose it through Veronica, whom, I may say, saw very quickly what was happening all around her. She was shocked to see that so many people were blindly unaware of what was being done to them. Their surreptitious infiltration everywhere, without ever giving even a hint of their plans, was clever indeed. Now, people are seeing with eyes wide open and they cannot believe how they could have been so naive. Nothing was as it seemed. To wake up from such a control system has not been easy for many of you. Do not be frightened. It is what is meant to happen. The time is now.

Your planet will be restored in all its great beauty with a little assistance from all of you. Everything negative is being removed, even as we write. It is being dismantled and disposed of. You will come to know the whole planet and you will be free to explore and investigate all that was kept hidden from you. Getting to know your fellow man as an equal, and learning that each is a part of the whole, will be exciting. You will become one big happy family of Earth humans who will welcome all who have helped bring about the transition from darkness to light. What more could one ask for ?

My dear, you are working too hard. You have another exhausting week ahead of you. Please concentrate on the work with "The One". This must be your priority from now on. You now fully understand why he was brought to your attention in such a dramatic way. We are the movers and shakers. We create situations that bring the right people together. People who would never otherwise meet. It is amazing what we can achieve from this side of life.

Veronica, my dear, do as I ask. I will guide you every step of the way. I never leave you. Our bond is forever.

Always, your adoring Monty.

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 06:45 PM PST

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Posted: 25 Nov 2012 06:24 PM PST
Edgar Cayce

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Posted: 25 Nov 2012 06:00 PM PST

As channeled through Bella Capozzi

There is a fascinating, but somewhat lesser know company of Angels around us at all times. A type of Guardian Angel, they stand ready to come to our aid at a moment’s notice, and always with an air of joviality and bright smiles on their faces. This group identified themselves to me simply as the “Travel Angels”, a name that pretty much sums up what their mission with us is on the planet right now.

With the Holiday Season upon us, placing most of us out on the roads and airways more than any other time of the year, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce these wonderful helpers to those of you who haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting them.

I first got to know the Travel Angels back in 1996, when my son was still a little baby. Like most first-time-Mom’s, I was incredibly protective and often unsure of what I was doing. Several of my friends had also been pregnant at the same time I was, and we were going through the learning experience together.

We each had our own particular quirks and worries, where our new babies were concerned, and my two were kidnappers and motor vehicles. Yes, all types of motor vehicles, strange as that may sound. At the time, I was unable to pinpoint where this fear came from. I meditated, prayed about it and asked my Team for help, but no definitive answer was forthcoming. I was told, as we all often are, that I had to work through it on my own and the answers will come to me.

Whenever I strapped him into his carseat, to go shopping or to the pediatrician, I would find myself gripped by a crushing fear. My solar-plexus would contract, and often I would would have to stop and breath deeply for awhile, before I felt ready to get safely behind the wheel. I kept telling myself that this was silly.

I had to face my fears and conquer them. I had to take control. It was not until I had thoroughly encased my SUV in an impenetrable fortress of white light that I would be able to calmly drive with my baby in the car. This sudden phobia was so puzzling. I, myself, have very little history on this planet and I’ve never been in any type of car accident or anything. However, I’ve since learned that my son (who is actually my brother in “real”, “off-planet” life) has a very lengthy and tumultuous history here on Earth. He went down with Atlantis, and has been a warrior and rebel throughout his lifetimes. This, in addition to his time spent fighting in the Galactic Wars.

So, needless to say, the first time I had to travel with my son on an airplane, I was beside myself with worry. But I was anxious to go home to Connecticut to see my family, so I bravely boarded a flight that would take us from Orange County, California to the Westchester County airport in New York.

I had purchased my son his own seat (what if there was turbulence? Would he go flying across the cabin? And so on and so forth…). The plane was delayed on the runway, and as we sat awaiting our turn for take-off, I proceeded to surround the plane with an thick orb of white light. I prayed, asking God and my Team to safely get us to Connecticut. And then I saw them…

Angels! To say that they were beautiful would be an understatement. They were breathtaking, stunning, their faces so flawless that they looked like they were carved from the finest white marble. They each looked somewhat alike, sharing the same wavy auburn hair and tall, slender build. They were very clearly a mixture of males and females, and wore pure white clothing in a variety of current styles.

This, I found aspect especially intriguing! Along with the fact that several of the females had what looked to be long, floral-printed scarves around their necks. We were seated just behind the wing, and as I looked out the window I saw that there were possibly hundreds of them lined up around the perimeter of the wing.

Glancing across the aisle, I could see that they were lined up around the other wing as well. They seemed to be chatting happily among themselves, telepathically, only moving their mouths to laugh and to smile. Their hands lightly touched the edges of the plane, and even though the aircraft was still parked, they floated outward as if we were already flying in the air!

To this day, I never go anywhere without these loving companions. Ever since that that day on the plane, my fears went away, and I have the Travel Angels to thank for that. These Angels are available to each and every one of us, and they are really fast to arrive. Ask them to surround your car, bike, airplane, and most especially – your children’s schoolbus. No ritual is needed. Just ask for them.

You will know them by their distinct physical appearance, whether you see them physically or in your mind’s eye. They have explained to me that this is their chosen means of assistance to us, during our Earth experiences. For some reason, I find that my verbal communication with them is sort of patchy and choppy. They tend to come in with very short, direct sentences and ideas. But they do wish to begin sharing with all of you, so here is a little introductory message that I got while I was typing this up:

The Travel Angels;
“We are a younger band. We are recently formed. Formed in conjunction with the populating of Earth. For the Earth’s people. From the earliest days. Long ago, according to the measurement of time. We came from all over. The call went out by Divine Decree. The band was formed. Ours is a deep love for the Earth’s people.

This planet and everything she represents. Our demeanor is bright. But be not fooled by our prettiness. This is a revolutionary band. The call went out to warrior bands, only. To protect. No small job is this. The protection of you has been a battle. This lessens, now. You require less protection in the days to come. You remember how to protect yourself. Though, we are here for you. And we shall speak again.”

I hope you’ll take the time to get to know these wonderful Angels, if you don’t know them already. Wishing you all safe and happy travels!

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 04:42 PM PST

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Posted: 25 Nov 2012 01:35 PM PST

As channeled through Celia Fenn  11/25/12

Beloved Family of Light….what a Joyful moment as we approach the final moments of the Earth’s Transition and Transformation into a Multi-Dimensional Environment for the Children of Light! The Earth Keeper Council and the Council of Elders stand ready to begin their work with the Solar Council and the Galactic Council as the 2012 Stargate opens…..
Beloved Ones, this is a time of Great Celebration and Achievement. All that you have worked for is about to manifest before your eyes! We know how hard you have worked in this period of Transition, and how you have held the Energies of Peace and Balance within your own lives, so that these might also manifest on the Earth. You have created the Crystal Temple of the Divine Flame within your own Hearts, and this Sacred Space that you hold within is now ready to begin to manifest in the material world as well. We would say again to you that it is so important that you hold this energy of Balance in your own Heart, and that you be the center point for Heaven and Earth and Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. As you hold these energies in your Hearts, you become the transmitters for the Light Codes for the New Multi-Dimensional Earth!
At this time, the Energies will be intense, and you can imagine it as though the Earth were a space ship and as she passes through this Stargate there is great turbulence in the hyperspace continuum. You will feel this turbulence as energetic disturbances in your life, but if you hold that center of Light and Balance in your Heart, you will align with Divine Love and Compassion, and you will become that Still Point at the center of all. Others will appreciate the Calm and Serenity that you are able to bring to their lives at this time.
As you prepare for this Moment of Culmination and Graduation, we ask you to be aware of your Feelings and Thoughts and Actions. Hold within yourselves always the Highest Frequencies of Light and Peace, and know that you are helping to hold a Field of Divine Love, Peace and Compassion for the Earth as she passes through the 2012 Portal to take her destined place within the new Golden Rose Galaxy and on the Galactic and Solar Councils of Light!
The 11/11 Stargate and the Initiation of the Light Codes of Athena Solara and Apollo Solaris
Beloved Family of Light, it was also our Joy and Privilege to work with you at the time of the 11/11 Portal on the 11th of November and the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November. At this time, the Earth made her final alignments for the transit of the 2012 Portal, and also your Light Bodies made new connections that would assist them to work with the energies of the 2012 Portal. At this time, the Energies of Athena and Apollo were intiated into their New Era roles as the Guardians and Custodians of the Earth/Solar portals that connect the Earth with her Twin Flame Star, the Sun or Solaris. They were given the names Athena Solara and Apollo Solaris. Together they embody the Solar Energies of the New Sun, Solaris.
Athena was previously the Archetypal Feminine energy of Wisdom and Strength, and also the Goddess of War. Now, as the New Earth rises, she is reborn as the Solar Divine Feminine Goddess of Light, embodying Wisodom, Strength, Compassion, Power and Peace. In the New Earth there will be no more war, and where the presence of Athena Solara is found, there she will shower the Golden Energy of Divine Compassion and Wisdom. After she was activated into the Earth’s Harmonic Field at the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November, she immediately went to work to assist in bringing Peace through the Solar Light Codes of Compassion and Power to those areas where it was most needed. You may call on her presence and energy wherever you would like to bring Peace and Compassion, and the deep gentleness and power of the Light Consciousness of Athena Solara.
Likewise, her partner Apollo Solaris, embodies the Light Codes of the Solar Divine Masculine. Apollo was always a Solar ar chetype, but in his new Archetypal role he becomes the embodiment of Light and Power, of Creativity and Manifestion and Joy. Where Athena brings Peace and Balance, Apollo enables the Creativity and Manifestion that will create the Structures of Peace that will form the New Earth.
Beloved Ones, you may choose to work with these New Energies in different ways, but they will support you in the expression of your desire to being Peace and to Create a New Earth Society after you have passed through the 2012 Stargate.
The 2012 Portal and the Star Grid Energies and the Multi-Dimensional Light Cities
So, Dearest Family of Light, we would also speak with you about the work that we have engaged with together with Family of Light in 2012. We have worked to create a Grid system of Geometrical “Stars” or Merkabas, that Encode and Transmit the Higher Frequencies and the Intentions of Peace. These Stars were designed as Co-Creations with Family of Light, and their purpose is to strengthen the Field of Peace as the Earth transitions through the 2012 Portal and into the Multi-Dimensional New Earth.
The first star was created together with Family of Light in April of 2012 in Riga in Latvia, in the presence of the Devas and Elementals of the Forest World. Family of Light there had gathered together to share in a number of Ceremonies to activate and connect with the Elemental Energies of the Sixth Dimension and the Forest World, and to connect with the Rainbow Bridge to the Higher Dimensions that had been activated in Lapland in Northern Norway and Finland in 2011 and 2012. The Bridge had been reconnected and the Energies were flowing freely, and so the Star of Riga was co-created in a powerful Ceremony and celebrated with Song and Dance.
This was followed by the Creation of the Star of Moscow in July, where Family of Light came together, including some of those who had co-created in Riga, to work together to create the Star of Moscow. Then in August, Family of Light in Turkey came together to co-create with Us the Stars of Istanbul, Izmir and Damascus. This was followed in October by the Creation of the Star of Berlin, in northern Germany, and the Star of the Bodensee in southern Germany and on the border with Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
Each of these stars is a Sacred Geomterical Icosa-dodecahedron Crystal of Light, spinning at high frequency and transmitting the intention of their Creators, to bring Peace and Love to the New Earth and to the Cities where they are located. They work with Free Will and Choice, making the Light Codes available to those who would open their hearts and receive. The Stars are also linked together in a Star Grid that will asisst the Ascension of the Earth at the 2012 Portal.
The last of these Stars for the 2012 Star Grid, will be Co-created in New York City in December 2012. We shall be present there to work with Family of Light once again, and to co-create the Star of New York that will carry the Intention of Love and Peace for the City. At this moment the stars in the East will link with the Stars in the West, to create a bridge between the USA, Europe and the Middle East as an Activation Point for the Ascended Earth energies.
But, we will also work to initiate the first Multi-Dimensional Golden City of Light in New York City!
Beloved Ones, know that as the New Earth is born, the Paradise Codes that were activated in 2005 will move into Higher Activation and will begin to work also with the Great Cities of the Planet. It is in the Cities that Transformation is most needed, and the Golden Multi-Dimensional Citie will be focal points for the seeding of the New Energies and for New Ways of Living in Harmony with the Earth and all her Beings.
At the 2012 Portal, the Star Grid will assist in activating the New Earth Light Codes for each of the Citie where the Stars were created, and in transmitting these Codes to those Cities who choose to make the shift into Multi-Dimensional Golden Cities of Light!
We do invite you, wherever you may be, to join with us in holding the energies for the Multi-Dimensional Golden Cities of Light of the Future New Earth.
Beloved Ones….it is indeed a most Wonderful and Exciting Time for All on Planet Earth!
What You Can Expect at the 2012 Portal
Beloved Family of Light, contrary to what many others have said, we have always old you that the 2012 process would be carried through with the Intention of Peace and Grace, and without Disaster and Catastrophe on a Global Scale. And so indeed it Is! You, as Awakened Family of Light, came here to serve this very Purpose of holding the Sacred Space of Peace and Love so that the Earth could enter into the New Dream of the New Earth without having to go trough the upheavals and traumas of destruction.
But we aks you to be aware, that there are many prophecies and “dreams” that suggest choas and fear, and it is necessary that you do not allow these to create an energy of anxiety and stress at this time. We ask you to turn away from fear and any who seek to create fear, and rather celebrate what has been achieved on your Earth and in the Galaxy!
You will pass through the 2012 Portal with the minimum of disturbance and with Joy!
Those who are “seasoned” Lightworkers and who are on the Ascension 2012 Teams, may indeed feel very tired, even to the point of exhaustion. You are holding the energy for the great change in your Light Body and in your Body. You are transmitting the New Light Codes day and night, so yes, you may feel very tired, but it will pass as you emerge on the “other side” of the Portal. Imagine that you are holding the spaceship steady as she transits the stargate, and that it is hard work, but yes indeed, Beloveds, it is worth it!
You may experience chaos in some way…chaotic dreams maybe…as the Collective Consciousness tries to deal with the Shift into Multi-Dimensional functioning. You may experience sleeplessness and anxiety and even a little depression and sadness as you deal with these energies, but focus on being within the Crystal Temple of the Heart, which is your own Sacred Space, and all will be Well!
Yes…it is the End! The End of the Old Earth of lower frequency, which is slowly disintegrating like an old and worn out dream. And it is the New Beginning of the New Earth…the New Dream of Peace, Love and Abundance!
So, until we meet again on the “other side”…We wish you a Joyous Celebration of the 2012 Portal and Welcome in the Multi-Dimensional New Earth!

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 01:18 PM PST

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Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:45 AM PST

As channeled through John Smallman

The November 22nd global meditation went very well, with millions holding the intent to awaken into fully conscious living and being. The enormous changes for which you are all hoping are soon to materialize as the divine field of Love continues to strengthen and intensify in line with your collective free-will choice to awaken.

In the spiritual realms - where we are far more aware of you than you can imagine - our exhilaration and joy continues to intensify as we see you making great efforts to bring in the new age in which all humans will experience loving acceptance, a fruitful abundance that will fulfill all their needs, and the peace and harmony that only Love can provide.

There has been a great opening to the divine field of Love that surrounds you at all times, and when you do open yourselves to it, as increasing numbers of you have been doing for the last two or three decades, the results are amazing. Your joy will soon match ours as you awaken into the divine Reality where all that exists is eternally present, open, transparent, and utterly loving.

Your ongoing journey has demanded much from you because, when you became embodied as humans, the various cultural imprints of the area in which you were born were, so to say, seeded into your growing human forms. This has had the effect of closing down or at least severely weakening your awareness of your eternal spiritual heritage, and following on from that, the cultural codes of belief and conduct of your human home environment became firmly etched into your personality, thus supplying you with your human identity.

Some of you realized very early in your lives that you were most definitely not the person or identity that had been assigned to you or was being imposed upon you, but the vast majority of you succumbed to the constant environmental pressures to conform. Yes, you may have rebelled a little as you grew up, but basically you accepted your cultural imprinting by modifying it very slightly to give yourselves a sense of individual identity, a sense of specialness.

Every sentient being that God has created has an eternally present God-given individual identity. All are one, but each also has an individual divine creative talent or aspect that is unique. And while you all always remain Whole - one with each other and with God - there is a part of the divine in each of you that can and does express itself individually.

So, while growing up as humans, you had within you, at a much deeper level of yourselves than you can normally access within the illusion, an intense sense that occasionally broke the surface of your consciousness, that you were far, far more than you were given credit for by your human companions and by the culture within which you were living. And of course your egos often took that sense and ran with it, frequently causing chaos and mayhem.

The illusion is really a very strange and confusing environment where nothing seems to make much sense. You are all human, you can cooperate very successfully together to achieve common ends if you choose to, and yet most of the time you only partially cooperate while at the same time trying to improve your own personal situation at the expense of everyone else. And yet within each one of you there is a sense that this does not make sense!

And so you seek out loving relationships with another - maybe countless others - or with religious, political, cultural, corporate, or any number of other organizations that seem to offer you something special or enticing, and which, in return for your loyalty, seem to offer you some kind of security and acceptance. But if you break the rules you are out, ostracized, abandoned.

This fills you with a deep sense of insecurity and anxiety which you are forever attempting to relieve. That insecurity and anxiety, if it did not drive you to maintain an extreme egoic passion for personal power and control, eventually induces you to seek more meaning, more fulfillment, more creative possibilities in life, and this leads you towards a longing for your spiritual destiny.

You start to uncover the hidden depths within you where the divine and inextinguishable flame had been established to assist you at this precise point in your ongoing evolution. What is happening now on Earth is that more and more of you are, in every moment, uncovering these inner hidden depths and longings and responding to the love that they offer.

In truth they can no longer be suppressed. As they bubble up to the surface of your consciousness they are bringing with them the many deeply buried emotions of anger, fear, resentment, injustice, and betrayal that, for a variety of reasons, you have been unable to express.

For most of you this upwelling is shocking, uncomfortable, and painful! You thought you were reasonable, kind, honest, and caring people - how could you have all this stuff coming up? It could not possibly be yours! Again, it is all part of the illusion! Do not let it worry you; it just needs to be released.

Some of it may well not be yours personally, but it is part of the enormous negative karmic energy field that humanity has built up over the eons. Do not engage with it or try to make sense of it. Instead, let it flow through you and dissolve into the field of divine Love surrounding you, as it will. It is uncomfortable, but it has to be released, and if you are experiencing it, it is yours to release - your task as you assist in humanity’s grand awakening.

This discomfort and the confusion it causes you will be short-lived. It is like the intense pain before the bursting of a massive furuncle filled with poisons that has been causing fevered disharmony. It has to burst to release all that toxicity - and afterwards there is great relief and healing occurs.

A great healing of humanity is in progress, and the conflicts and suffering that are being reported worldwide are indications of the release of all this accumulated toxicity. It is very painful for those directly involved, but they are not accidentally involved, and the relief that they will experience when it is complete will more than compensate for what they are presently undergoing.

You can all help enormously by intending to send love, compassion, and healing to where it is most needed every time you are meditating. Remember, all is divinely taken care of, and each one of you has an essential and intensely loving part to play as the moment for awakening approaches.

Focus your attention on the field of Love surrounding you all. Intend to engage with it, and allow the awakening to unfold as divinely intended by holding on high the Light you are bearing for this purpose.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:36 AM PST

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Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:29 AM PST

As Channeled through Patrick Sullivan 

Hello we come from your inner planet known to you as Agartha. We are physical as you however we have advanced into a higher dimension, one that you reading this are transitioning into in each moment of the now. As you release your fears, your judgments, your feelings of lack you now can feel as we do of the spiritual realms. These thought states have been perpetrated upon you over millennia of your time in an effort for you to forget your essence, to forget where your true power and growth lie, within.

You of the light are now shining bright as you send your continued light, your steady stream of love and forgiveness to blanket Gaia. In spiritual terms the more you give of your selves the more is reflected back onto your being. This is because when you do give of yourself freely you are letting the universe know you have an abundance of you to give that you do not lack and that you know of your true essence of the One.

It is true we can project our beings to where we desire and our physical beings experience no sense of separation as we are in these moments of ‘travel’. You, our brothers and sisters, are entering these states and it is our joyful honor to assist you into stepping into your rightful place in the cosmos, one where you have returned to your family.

It is in times of great uncertainty on the surface of your planet when your greatest attributes shine through. As in all things relative you will be able to shed a light of positive certainty onto a world where the majority see uncertainty. This is also known as living within the light.

Those that are of love and knowingness bring forth certainty to those that have chosen to remain within the veil of fear, those have continue to choose to live in uncertainty and desperation as if there is no way out and any occurrence that may shed some ‘light’ on their future is wiped away by the ensuing thoughts of lack or their thoughts of despair.

We of Agartha address these messages to those that can hear the messages, see the writings, and know the truth behind the intent of that which you are reading. As always please discern all messages you may deem from spirit as to having a joyful pulse within your being, one that you feel inspires. Anything else, discard and move on.

We come to day in order to release information to those working for light and the love one possesses within their grasp. Allow us to portray a picture to better assist in the understanding of where each and every one of you is now standing. There are now 42 days until the 12/12/ opening and each of you have asked to be of assistance in one aspect of his and her design.

Do you wish to assist in the organization of those that are confused, do you wish to assist in energy or education or healing or do you wish to ride with us on our journeys and explore? These are but a few of the choices presented and bear in mind that choices in how to be of service are limited only in your thoughts of what can be conjured. You all have agreed to be of service before the veil was draped over the third eye and for that we are all grateful.

Allow us to suggest that your assistance will not be drudgery yet quite the opposite. Your need to purchase items and be indebted will cease and your desire to assist in a joyful manner will replace this old paradigm of thought of one step in front of the other. Your ‘daily grind’ will be replaced with a daily infusion of joy as what you will be ‘doing’ will be also whom you are being, one that has now chosen joy and beingness rather than one that has chosen doingness.

This will be a new concept to some but the being of a new embodiment will feel as if you have been wearing this skin for all of your ‘life’, and indeed you have.
There is much being done out of the eyes and news of the majority and it is better left in this manner until such time its exposure will be a benefit to all. That time is near upon all.

Our allies in the sky, our friends of formlessness and our brothers and sisters that reside with us below the surface of Gaia have been tending tirelessly to the awakening of the political machinations of your USA and as a direct consequence the organizations that are in place to capitulate their own countries into the new shift away from control and indebtedness.

There are now currently 143 countries signed on to instill a newly formed system of economics which would be one of abundance for all, not just a few and not even for the majority but for all that exist in this time and place of the now. This plan has been in place for some time and is being implemented discreetly as to not fracture the current beliefs that currently exist within the mainstay of the various populations. WE choose to not move too quickly as we do not want to create more fear.

How can there exist an economy that does not survive on imposed debt and its cousin desperation, those unaware will ask? If all one has had to do was to follow the current news is FOX and CNN then it will be easy to see how your peers will ask such questions. But for those that have been within the light there is knowingness, a belief (which is a result of your thoughts) that in a spirit based living paradigm there is no misery, there is no uncertainty, there is no self-created fear, there is no lack and there is only joy and a belief that there is nothing else but joy and abundance.

When we speak of abundance we not only are referring to financial gain but abundance that occurs when a vast majority of those that have chosen to believe, believe that that is truly all there is…an abundance in all that one deems beneficial in one’s life according to which beliefs one holds. All those things deemed necessary to one’s joyful plan will be provided in an instant.

Allow us to offer this; Fear, uncertainty, health problems, unresolved issues, sadness, judgment and other 3rd dimensional thought patterns are not within you to torment, they have been sent by a most benevolent creator to assist you with lifting you up, relatively speaking. Let us first consider that your beliefs now are of an inclusion based environment.

That which you give your thoughts to will inevitably show up in your physical experience if they are held long enough within. If one is living by means of knowingness that assistance is and always has been present to lift you up in the form of your inner self and your beliefs then your experience of that will pervade. If you believe that all things exist to scare you into reaction than chances are fear will guide and your path will be crosshatched as best.

We wish to let you know now that everything you will ever need to be fulfilled is and has always been within. We know this for we are of the same energy as you all.
We speak now to those that have been of light and love as You have chosen a path that has felt good to you.

This path cannot be found in your news nor from friends or the internet this has been a calling from within and you intuitively knew you were being called. Please do not discount these sources as sometimes needed messages do come from these unlikely sources so always listen and feel with an open mind. You may have even set yourself up to ridicule but continued nevertheless on your journey of self, knowing that the rewards were always within you, never outside of your being.

Yet you will be called upon with a task of assistance to those that may have ridiculed and you will smile a knowing smile and be there with all your heart to extend your hand in love for this is who you have chosen to be. You know deep within that you do not derive your esteem from what others are saying or doing, that you derive your spiritual essence deep within your soul, within your beingness and know that you are of the One and as such you have the same power to create that which you choose to experience.

This is a part of the knowingness we speak of, knowingness that you can alter your experiences to joyful ones by experiencing that which you do not choose to experience. If you see sadness you can now choose joy, if you see fear you can now choose knowingness that in spirit all IS okay, if you experience lack you can sense that there is now plenty of everything you believe you will need.

You will also be financially stable so as to be able to assist where you have chosen to be so we suggest that you not worry about the finances of yourself or of your family for we do know who you are and we are quite aware of your needs at this present time. This will continue until such ‘time’ that an economy is not needed within the constructs of where you say you wish to go. We will not cut off the current economics of the surface in one swoop (we enjoy that word) but will implement a system that you of the light are aware of, one of equanimity and equality.

Please know that it is assured that your ‘worries’ will be null while you are in the process of the tasks you have chosen. Please be open to the changes that are even now in construct. Watch what comes out of your Washington DC and see the small subtle changes beginning to emerge as those in political prowess will begin to create this change for a more ‘by and for the people’ government. The divine decree has been instigated.

We welcome you to a new and improved world, one of your making. As we have always communicated; continue to think and dream bigger than you can possibly imagine. This is where bigger than life experiences materialize, within the core of each and every one.

WE are communicating as a collective from Agartha of the Inner Earth. We will return soon and have enjoyed our communication with you. Continue to give of your light for there is no other force that can be reckoned with as you send it outward into and onto the planet Gaia, there is no weapon that they could think of that can counter its effects. Love truly is ‘All you need’.

Hang on to your seats we promise the ride will be brimming with joy.

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:05 AM PST
As channeled through Magenta Pixie

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is the praise to God in these channelings or whatever you want to call them? Where are the words to thank our Heavenly Father or to glorify Him? It is always about me, you and some kind of questionable spirit being...never about HIM! Remember, Satan appears as an Angel of Light or he wouldn't be able to deceive people. Is all this really just foretelling the appearance of the Antichrist leader and the Beast in the end time? Certainly there is absolutely no Biblical basis for this!