Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Global Financial Meldown – Coming to a bank near you. Check Local Listings!!!

Global Financial Meldown – Coming to a bank near you. Check Local Listings!!!

 The globalists want a worldwide 100 trillion dollars for every ten year tax on SDR’s, carbon taxes and EVERY HUMAN ACTIVITY to shutdown the economy and transfer all wealth into their social engineering systems, to remake society and a nightmare eugenics based system. The E.U as Gerald Celente predicted is a receivership arm designed to implode Europe and consolidate it. One of the more recent articles I’ve read was: “Bankers Declared They’ve Conquered Europe And The United States” and it breaks down where they’ve planned this. Then there are many socialists defending the E.U. because they like authoritarianism, and they say the bankers want to loot the Euro. They built the Euro to implode it into a greater Euro. The Euro is like the Soviet Union; it’s evil and must politically die!

The head of the big German Central Bank is now calling for a 15% tax across the board on any country in the Euro that “Owes Money” to the private central banks. They owe them money because the governments, since 2008 have publicly signed on from Japan to Germany, from Greece to the Unites States, from Canada to Australia. They’ve all signed on to Too Big To Fail. And 92% on average of the debt worldwide is not humans debt. They keep talking about the welfare debt and the smart card debt and the food stamp debt and the college debt, government debt, county debt, that’s all real but they get you into that debt to then sign you on to their larger debts and they get government to invest these private pension funds into “Too Big To Fail” policies. In many countries they’re taking over the private and public pension funds in these derivatives and I feel it’s just a matter of time before our Government begins to adopt these same European policies and wrong principles right her in the USA. For years, Europe has been the “New Policy” model before coming to the United States. Call me paranoid, but If Europe begins to follow the same political banking structural policies of Cyprus, than, WE ARE NEXT, and I’m not waiting for the banks to charge me ridiculous fees so that these greedy bankers can get their next $$$ fix. I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night!!!

Jackie Blue

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