Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),
Thank you John for your reply and sharing with ALL bcc herein.
The Folks need to know that there are MANY who feel, think and share their displeasure with this OmniCast of Liars, Cheats, Ideologues, Pervs and Colossal Demagogues that are so entrenched in the Body Politic of this Nation that Washington should be Quarantined for the Toxic Waste Dump it has become.
How many remember Vince Foster and ALL those Mysterious Papers that simply disappeared and re-appeared years later on a table in their White House?
How many I wonder whose suicide was ‘Investigated’ entirely by the Parks Department because he committed his demise with a .45 on Parks Grounds (rather convenient) whose gun was still in his hand?
How many?
I suggested to anyone ‘listening’ at the time that it was OUR belief here in Dixie that Hillary was ‘doing Vince’ in ‘retaliation’ for what Willie was doing to anything in a skirt whose Numbers could fill a
Hotel Ledger Sheet.
But you know by NOW, how that was received like much else and coming from a Confederate no less.
Funny how the years underscore that old analogy about what Goes around Comes around…..doesn’t it?
But the list of those whose ‘untimely demise’ who were ‘once associated’ with these TWO is Equally disturbing and yet, ONE has to ask Oneself what Power is running Washington that would force Hillary to MOVE ASIDE FOR A BLACK SENATOR FROM ILLINOIS- WHAT POWER?
Sadly John, many Americans still want to believe in FairyTales because the TRUTH that will set them FREE, should they ever decide to open Their WIDE SHUT EYES, would reveal much and tell a story of the MOST FABLED TALE EVER CONCOCTED SINCE 1865 CALLED WASHINGTON, DC.
The REALITY of the sum total of ALL that has occurred since that year of long ago is that it WILL NEVER BE CORRECTED because the Two-Party Oligarchy whose many Secret Wizards who control this Emporium of Deceit have NO intentions of EVER reversing conditions.
In Fact, they are INTENT ON GROWING THIS LIE AND ADVANCING ITS HEGEMONY at OUR EXPENSE furthering the deception of their 3-Legged Stool, as I call and refer to it as (The Political, Economic & Cultural RECONSTRUCTION of this Republic) until such time and a generation or two at the most from NOW, WILL HAVE NARY A CLUE AS TO WHAT THIS REPUBLIC WAS EVER ABOUT!
The ONLY ALTERNATIVE is the one that we Patriots have dared to exclaim for years that will Indeed set us ALL Free once again…..and that, simply, IS:
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
‘ It was Once ALL for One and One for ALL….but NEVER ALL for Some and None for ALL’- c. maus
From: john deaton []
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2013 11:29 AM
To: Craig Maus
Subject: Re: FW: Bimbo eruptions...
I'd like to point out the serial opportunity rapist Bill Jefferson (BJ) Clinton proved how once you get into power, you can cover it up. Weinerhead just isn't there, yet. Who was that French idiot, last year.
It's not just the pervs, it's all sociopaths (as I suspect Hillary is) lean that direction, building their own empire.
But I wrote to mention that Hillary worked at Rose Law Firm with Vince Foster, and there were rumours of an affair. He later became White House Counsel or some high office and they mysteriously officially committed suicide, as did many others associated with the Clinton Gang.
But maybe for "celebrities"--which includes all dirt from "news" to politicians and beyond--one affair isn't that bad. After all, those people are all about themselves, and perhaps less resistant to temptations, I don't know.
Regardless, "What difference does it matter" is that no one from Clinton/Gore or Bush/Cheney or ANY Bush or Hussein's group today must ever be allowed into any public office--like the proper traitors-who-should-be-impeached they are.
Alas, the judges have colluded with them.
And they all look so good in their coats and ties and hair on TV.
And those in power control the Electronic Voting Machines.
What's Latin for, "we are toast"?
On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 12:51 AM, Craig Maus <> wrote:
Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),
Sharing with ALL bcc herein my Friend. (below& herein)
What more can be possibly said relative to ALL that has occurred, particularly since the 1960’s, regarding the Meltdown of America?
BOTH PARTIES are beyond complicit in the Political, Social & Cultural Hegemony that continues to Destroy this Country.
Those many ‘yesterdays’ when Folks such as we, who were literally pleading with the American People to ‘listen up’, wherein we were being castigated and portrayed as something less than what one finds on the soles of their shoes, have ALL become today’s Reality.
We warned of this Coming Condition and the manner in which it was descending upon us & how it was coming about!
Today, Washington’s current Magistrate in Charge of this Hegemony is one Barack Hussein Obama whose various policies have ALL contributed to this on-going nightmare that has been long in the making as we have asserted.
Now it is an advanced stage of acceleration and this current ‘Magistrate’ calls it TRANSFORMATION!
His predecessors had ‘other names’ but their definitions & purpose were ALL the same.
What’s sadder yet is that many Americans know that something is wrong but either can’t, won’t or simply don’t associate the travails they find themselves in thanks to Obama and his many demagogues, but don’t think he is responsible for them.
This is how far down the rabbit hole of Indoctrination many have already gone thanks to the malaise of said TRANSFORMATION that has been effectively underway for the last 150 years.
How said is that? A continued ‘Free Get Out of Jail Card’ as this insipid devil lands on ‘GO’ every time while the ‘opposition party’ stands on the sidelines & DOESN’T hold him to a single account citing the blatancy of his actions along with his many comrades?
The Republicans are NOT that stupid.
Thus, the element of complicity MUST be weighed & examined in a larger context whose only logical conclusion would more than suggest that Washington, DC has become the Two-Parties’ Den of Inequity whose free-wheeling and growing government is nothing more than a dark albatross pretending to be riding the American Stallion on our behalf.
NO WHERE can this Logic be found to the extent its conclusion can be championed on our behalf.
NOT even the so-called ‘Conservative Talk Show Hosts’ will ‘Connect the Last Prevailing Dot’ exposing this Colossal Lie called government and associating it ALL to that which occurred 155 years ago when these same TWO Elements- Good & Evil- came to heads at First Manassas.
It’s ALL so elementary &, at days end, it comes down to this ever obvious observation:
Liberty & Independence vs. Central Control.
ALL the elements within each- the Political, Economic and Cultural are worlds apart.
And NOT a damn public official anywhere has the gonads to step up and make this obvious distinction.
We have been living a Colossal Lie for over 150 years & ever since 1865.
This is that ‘Road’ the Founders predicted for us if & when God is Forgotten whose Country, America and her Original Republic, were once ALL based upon.
We Confederates Told You So and, Your Only Hope is,
Deo Vindice,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
‘When YOU combine Political Incompetency with Special Interest Influence, and MARRY that Incompetency with Marxist Ideology, the environment for the Perfect Political Storm is Realized’- c. maus
From: Ca Shu []
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2013 1:38 PM
Subject: Bimbo eruptions...
Isn't it simply amazing how many democraps are now being brought up short by their extra-marital sexting peccadilloes? Besides the Spitzer running for office again, Mr. "Peter Tweeter" Weiner is simply the most visible of a number of embarrassments on the left - from coast to coast - right now. And lo and behold, now we are being entertained by a blast from the past, with the recently revealed audio sex tape of Monica talking dirty to Bill and setting up the next Clinton "blowfest." But old "cast-iron balls" Hillary won't blink over this tape, grimly ignoring yet another "bimbo eruption" caused by that "vast right-wing conspiracy," and the ultra-liberal main stream media will make sure the brain-dead sheeple in the country take the "proper viewpoint" as it tries to keep her insulated and protected so she can be carefully installed in the WH in 2016.
It's amazing how the prurient tone set by liberal philanderers since the 60s, like the Kennedys, Clinton, Gary Hart, etc. is now simply "ho-hum" passe, and how their example is being honored by their brethren of today. Truly, WDC is inhabited by some slimy amoral worms in both parties.
The main stream media is increasingly red in the face, but determined to ignore these embarrassments as much as possible when they're committed by democraps. Of course, when republicons are exposed, they're all over it like a bad paint job. Thank the Lord for a free, uncensored internet. We're still able to find and evaluate the truth. without being forced to rely on the propaganda controlled by the MSM...
Hillary Clinton’s Sexting Problem
August 2, 2013 by Chip Wood
You know Hillary and Bill Clinton wish that Anthony Weiner and his wife would just disappear. Vanish into thin air, never to be heard from again. They’ve got to be sick and tired of hearing people say that Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is “just like Hillary.”
You would have thought that after a sexting scandal that forced him to resign from Congress two years ago, Weiner would have learned his lesson. But, no, the contender to be the next mayor of New York has sent sexually explicit text messages to several other young women over the past couple of years. And still, his long-suffering wife says she has forgiven his wayward ways and will stick by him.
It’s just like Hillary Clinton did for husband Bill 15 years ago, when news got out of his sexual hanky-panky with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Remember how Hillary Clinton tried to blame reports of her husband’s indiscretions on a “vast right-wing conspiracy?” That didn’t work very well, did it?
Apparently, the comparison of the two scandals is driving the Clintons bonkers. The New York Post reports that a top Democrat told the paper: “The Clintons are pissed off that Weiner’s campaign is saying that Huma is just like Hillary. How dare they compare Huma with Hillary? Hillary was the first lady. Hillary was a senator. She was secretary of state.”
And for much of that time, Abedin was there beside her, both as a friend and as an employee. Columnist Christine M. Flowers pointed out: “Huma Abedin has been by her mentor’s side for almost two decades, and it is reasonable to think that she spent a large part of that time taking notes about how to thrive and prosper in the political jungle…. Anthony’s wife has taken a page from her pseudo-mama’s dog-eared book and has perfected the art of damage control.”
Flowers wrote: “[W]e are now in the presence of Hillary Clinton, version 2.1.”
Maureen Dowd, the preachy liberal columnist for The New York Times, reminded her readers that Bill Clinton officiated at Abedin’s and Weiner’s wedding in 2010. And she managed to find one positive result from the latest Weiner escapades: “Aside from being a gift to clowns, hacks, punsters, rivals and the writers of ‘The Good Wife,’ Carlos Danger [one of Weiner’s texting non de plumes] is also a gift to political-scandal survivors. His behavior is so outlandish and contemptible — the sort of thing that used to require a trench coat and a park — that it allows Eliot Spitzer and Bill Clinton to act huffy.”
“Huffy” isn’t quite the right word to describe how Bill and Hillary Clinton feel about the constant comparisons — and reminders. A much better description would be “furious.” And no wonder. Of course they’d be angry about anything that reminds voters of the Lewinsky scandal. After all, it was Bill Clinton’s less-than-honest testimony back then (remember his claim that “it depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”?) that led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives.
Yes, if the media keep reminding people of what happened back then, it just might cut into the millions of dollars in speaking fees that Bill Clinton is earning today. Even worse, it could affect Hillary Clinton’s chances to be elected President herself in 2016. So no wonder they both wish that the comparisons would stop. And that Weiner would cancel his campaign for mayor and just quietly fade away.
The New York Times says it has seen and heard enough. An editorial on the subject concluded, “The serially evasive Mr. Weiner should take his marital troubles and personal compulsions out of the public eye, away from cameras, off the Web and out of the race for mayor of New York City.”
But it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen anytime soon. In fact, Weiner himself has repeatedly vowed that he won’t drop out of the race, no matter how many editors and politicians urge him to do so. “Quit isn’t the way we roll in New York City,” he declared.
He also said he didn’t much care what Hillary or Bill Clinton thought. “I am not terribly interested in what people who are not voters in the city of New York have to say,” Weiner told reporters.
Apparently, he doesn’t much care what likely Democratic voters in New York City think either. According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, a majority of them also say that Weiner should withdraw from the race.
Nor is Weiner’s sexting scandal all the negative publicity his campaign is receiving. Now it’s his communications director, Barbara Morgan, who’s making headlines. Seems she went on an expletive-filled rant against a campaign intern. And she did it while a reporter was recording every word.
I can’t repeat most of what Morgan said, because it was too X-rated for this publication. One of the few allowable epithets she used was “slutbag.” Will Morgan’s dirty language take the spotlight off her boss’s dirty text messages? Not for long.
In the meantime, there’s another election in New York City that will also test voter forgiveness. Former Governor Spitzer is running for city comptroller. Spitzer resigned as Governor in 2008, after only a year in office, when revelations emerged that he was Client No. 9 of a high-priced prostitution service.
And through it all, Spitzer’s wife, Sida, also stood by her man. That scandal was said to be the inspiration for the popular TV show “The Good Wife.”
So far, the media response to all of this has been to treat Weiner like a laughing-stock, his wife Abedin as an unfortunate victim and Hillary Clinton like an innocent bystander.
Hillary Clinton gets to enjoy lunch with the President outside the Oval Office, far above all the mud that’s being flung below her. She’ll pretend she doesn’t hear any of the comparisons with her former friend until New York’s mayoral election is over and Weiner’s sexting problem is finally forgotten.
At least, that’s what she hopes. Based on what’s happened since her husband’s sex scandal 15 years ago, Hillary Clinton has every reason to be optimistic.
Isn’t it wonderful what can happen (and what won’t happen) when you have the mass media running interference for you?
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
– Chip Wood
Thank you John for your reply and sharing with ALL bcc herein.
The Folks need to know that there are MANY who feel, think and share their displeasure with this OmniCast of Liars, Cheats, Ideologues, Pervs and Colossal Demagogues that are so entrenched in the Body Politic of this Nation that Washington should be Quarantined for the Toxic Waste Dump it has become.
How many remember Vince Foster and ALL those Mysterious Papers that simply disappeared and re-appeared years later on a table in their White House?
How many I wonder whose suicide was ‘Investigated’ entirely by the Parks Department because he committed his demise with a .45 on Parks Grounds (rather convenient) whose gun was still in his hand?
How many?
I suggested to anyone ‘listening’ at the time that it was OUR belief here in Dixie that Hillary was ‘doing Vince’ in ‘retaliation’ for what Willie was doing to anything in a skirt whose Numbers could fill a
Hotel Ledger Sheet.
But you know by NOW, how that was received like much else and coming from a Confederate no less.
Funny how the years underscore that old analogy about what Goes around Comes around…..doesn’t it?
But the list of those whose ‘untimely demise’ who were ‘once associated’ with these TWO is Equally disturbing and yet, ONE has to ask Oneself what Power is running Washington that would force Hillary to MOVE ASIDE FOR A BLACK SENATOR FROM ILLINOIS- WHAT POWER?
Sadly John, many Americans still want to believe in FairyTales because the TRUTH that will set them FREE, should they ever decide to open Their WIDE SHUT EYES, would reveal much and tell a story of the MOST FABLED TALE EVER CONCOCTED SINCE 1865 CALLED WASHINGTON, DC.
The REALITY of the sum total of ALL that has occurred since that year of long ago is that it WILL NEVER BE CORRECTED because the Two-Party Oligarchy whose many Secret Wizards who control this Emporium of Deceit have NO intentions of EVER reversing conditions.
In Fact, they are INTENT ON GROWING THIS LIE AND ADVANCING ITS HEGEMONY at OUR EXPENSE furthering the deception of their 3-Legged Stool, as I call and refer to it as (The Political, Economic & Cultural RECONSTRUCTION of this Republic) until such time and a generation or two at the most from NOW, WILL HAVE NARY A CLUE AS TO WHAT THIS REPUBLIC WAS EVER ABOUT!
The ONLY ALTERNATIVE is the one that we Patriots have dared to exclaim for years that will Indeed set us ALL Free once again…..and that, simply, IS:
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
‘ It was Once ALL for One and One for ALL….but NEVER ALL for Some and None for ALL’- c. maus
From: john deaton []
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2013 11:29 AM
To: Craig Maus
Subject: Re: FW: Bimbo eruptions...
I'd like to point out the serial opportunity rapist Bill Jefferson (BJ) Clinton proved how once you get into power, you can cover it up. Weinerhead just isn't there, yet. Who was that French idiot, last year.
It's not just the pervs, it's all sociopaths (as I suspect Hillary is) lean that direction, building their own empire.
But I wrote to mention that Hillary worked at Rose Law Firm with Vince Foster, and there were rumours of an affair. He later became White House Counsel or some high office and they mysteriously officially committed suicide, as did many others associated with the Clinton Gang.
But maybe for "celebrities"--which includes all dirt from "news" to politicians and beyond--one affair isn't that bad. After all, those people are all about themselves, and perhaps less resistant to temptations, I don't know.
Regardless, "What difference does it matter" is that no one from Clinton/Gore or Bush/Cheney or ANY Bush or Hussein's group today must ever be allowed into any public office--like the proper traitors-who-should-be-impeached they are.
Alas, the judges have colluded with them.
And they all look so good in their coats and ties and hair on TV.
And those in power control the Electronic Voting Machines.
What's Latin for, "we are toast"?
On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 12:51 AM, Craig Maus <> wrote:
Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),
Sharing with ALL bcc herein my Friend. (below& herein)
What more can be possibly said relative to ALL that has occurred, particularly since the 1960’s, regarding the Meltdown of America?
BOTH PARTIES are beyond complicit in the Political, Social & Cultural Hegemony that continues to Destroy this Country.
Those many ‘yesterdays’ when Folks such as we, who were literally pleading with the American People to ‘listen up’, wherein we were being castigated and portrayed as something less than what one finds on the soles of their shoes, have ALL become today’s Reality.
We warned of this Coming Condition and the manner in which it was descending upon us & how it was coming about!
Today, Washington’s current Magistrate in Charge of this Hegemony is one Barack Hussein Obama whose various policies have ALL contributed to this on-going nightmare that has been long in the making as we have asserted.
Now it is an advanced stage of acceleration and this current ‘Magistrate’ calls it TRANSFORMATION!
His predecessors had ‘other names’ but their definitions & purpose were ALL the same.
What’s sadder yet is that many Americans know that something is wrong but either can’t, won’t or simply don’t associate the travails they find themselves in thanks to Obama and his many demagogues, but don’t think he is responsible for them.
This is how far down the rabbit hole of Indoctrination many have already gone thanks to the malaise of said TRANSFORMATION that has been effectively underway for the last 150 years.
How said is that? A continued ‘Free Get Out of Jail Card’ as this insipid devil lands on ‘GO’ every time while the ‘opposition party’ stands on the sidelines & DOESN’T hold him to a single account citing the blatancy of his actions along with his many comrades?
The Republicans are NOT that stupid.
Thus, the element of complicity MUST be weighed & examined in a larger context whose only logical conclusion would more than suggest that Washington, DC has become the Two-Parties’ Den of Inequity whose free-wheeling and growing government is nothing more than a dark albatross pretending to be riding the American Stallion on our behalf.
NO WHERE can this Logic be found to the extent its conclusion can be championed on our behalf.
NOT even the so-called ‘Conservative Talk Show Hosts’ will ‘Connect the Last Prevailing Dot’ exposing this Colossal Lie called government and associating it ALL to that which occurred 155 years ago when these same TWO Elements- Good & Evil- came to heads at First Manassas.
It’s ALL so elementary &, at days end, it comes down to this ever obvious observation:
Liberty & Independence vs. Central Control.
ALL the elements within each- the Political, Economic and Cultural are worlds apart.
And NOT a damn public official anywhere has the gonads to step up and make this obvious distinction.
We have been living a Colossal Lie for over 150 years & ever since 1865.
This is that ‘Road’ the Founders predicted for us if & when God is Forgotten whose Country, America and her Original Republic, were once ALL based upon.
We Confederates Told You So and, Your Only Hope is,
Deo Vindice,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
‘When YOU combine Political Incompetency with Special Interest Influence, and MARRY that Incompetency with Marxist Ideology, the environment for the Perfect Political Storm is Realized’- c. maus
From: Ca Shu []
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2013 1:38 PM
Subject: Bimbo eruptions...
Isn't it simply amazing how many democraps are now being brought up short by their extra-marital sexting peccadilloes? Besides the Spitzer running for office again, Mr. "Peter Tweeter" Weiner is simply the most visible of a number of embarrassments on the left - from coast to coast - right now. And lo and behold, now we are being entertained by a blast from the past, with the recently revealed audio sex tape of Monica talking dirty to Bill and setting up the next Clinton "blowfest." But old "cast-iron balls" Hillary won't blink over this tape, grimly ignoring yet another "bimbo eruption" caused by that "vast right-wing conspiracy," and the ultra-liberal main stream media will make sure the brain-dead sheeple in the country take the "proper viewpoint" as it tries to keep her insulated and protected so she can be carefully installed in the WH in 2016.
It's amazing how the prurient tone set by liberal philanderers since the 60s, like the Kennedys, Clinton, Gary Hart, etc. is now simply "ho-hum" passe, and how their example is being honored by their brethren of today. Truly, WDC is inhabited by some slimy amoral worms in both parties.
The main stream media is increasingly red in the face, but determined to ignore these embarrassments as much as possible when they're committed by democraps. Of course, when republicons are exposed, they're all over it like a bad paint job. Thank the Lord for a free, uncensored internet. We're still able to find and evaluate the truth. without being forced to rely on the propaganda controlled by the MSM...
Hillary Clinton’s Sexting Problem
August 2, 2013 by Chip Wood
You know Hillary and Bill Clinton wish that Anthony Weiner and his wife would just disappear. Vanish into thin air, never to be heard from again. They’ve got to be sick and tired of hearing people say that Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is “just like Hillary.”
You would have thought that after a sexting scandal that forced him to resign from Congress two years ago, Weiner would have learned his lesson. But, no, the contender to be the next mayor of New York has sent sexually explicit text messages to several other young women over the past couple of years. And still, his long-suffering wife says she has forgiven his wayward ways and will stick by him.
It’s just like Hillary Clinton did for husband Bill 15 years ago, when news got out of his sexual hanky-panky with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Remember how Hillary Clinton tried to blame reports of her husband’s indiscretions on a “vast right-wing conspiracy?” That didn’t work very well, did it?
Apparently, the comparison of the two scandals is driving the Clintons bonkers. The New York Post reports that a top Democrat told the paper: “The Clintons are pissed off that Weiner’s campaign is saying that Huma is just like Hillary. How dare they compare Huma with Hillary? Hillary was the first lady. Hillary was a senator. She was secretary of state.”
And for much of that time, Abedin was there beside her, both as a friend and as an employee. Columnist Christine M. Flowers pointed out: “Huma Abedin has been by her mentor’s side for almost two decades, and it is reasonable to think that she spent a large part of that time taking notes about how to thrive and prosper in the political jungle…. Anthony’s wife has taken a page from her pseudo-mama’s dog-eared book and has perfected the art of damage control.”
Flowers wrote: “[W]e are now in the presence of Hillary Clinton, version 2.1.”
Maureen Dowd, the preachy liberal columnist for The New York Times, reminded her readers that Bill Clinton officiated at Abedin’s and Weiner’s wedding in 2010. And she managed to find one positive result from the latest Weiner escapades: “Aside from being a gift to clowns, hacks, punsters, rivals and the writers of ‘The Good Wife,’ Carlos Danger [one of Weiner’s texting non de plumes] is also a gift to political-scandal survivors. His behavior is so outlandish and contemptible — the sort of thing that used to require a trench coat and a park — that it allows Eliot Spitzer and Bill Clinton to act huffy.”
“Huffy” isn’t quite the right word to describe how Bill and Hillary Clinton feel about the constant comparisons — and reminders. A much better description would be “furious.” And no wonder. Of course they’d be angry about anything that reminds voters of the Lewinsky scandal. After all, it was Bill Clinton’s less-than-honest testimony back then (remember his claim that “it depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”?) that led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives.
Yes, if the media keep reminding people of what happened back then, it just might cut into the millions of dollars in speaking fees that Bill Clinton is earning today. Even worse, it could affect Hillary Clinton’s chances to be elected President herself in 2016. So no wonder they both wish that the comparisons would stop. And that Weiner would cancel his campaign for mayor and just quietly fade away.
The New York Times says it has seen and heard enough. An editorial on the subject concluded, “The serially evasive Mr. Weiner should take his marital troubles and personal compulsions out of the public eye, away from cameras, off the Web and out of the race for mayor of New York City.”
But it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen anytime soon. In fact, Weiner himself has repeatedly vowed that he won’t drop out of the race, no matter how many editors and politicians urge him to do so. “Quit isn’t the way we roll in New York City,” he declared.
He also said he didn’t much care what Hillary or Bill Clinton thought. “I am not terribly interested in what people who are not voters in the city of New York have to say,” Weiner told reporters.
Apparently, he doesn’t much care what likely Democratic voters in New York City think either. According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, a majority of them also say that Weiner should withdraw from the race.
Nor is Weiner’s sexting scandal all the negative publicity his campaign is receiving. Now it’s his communications director, Barbara Morgan, who’s making headlines. Seems she went on an expletive-filled rant against a campaign intern. And she did it while a reporter was recording every word.
I can’t repeat most of what Morgan said, because it was too X-rated for this publication. One of the few allowable epithets she used was “slutbag.” Will Morgan’s dirty language take the spotlight off her boss’s dirty text messages? Not for long.
In the meantime, there’s another election in New York City that will also test voter forgiveness. Former Governor Spitzer is running for city comptroller. Spitzer resigned as Governor in 2008, after only a year in office, when revelations emerged that he was Client No. 9 of a high-priced prostitution service.
And through it all, Spitzer’s wife, Sida, also stood by her man. That scandal was said to be the inspiration for the popular TV show “The Good Wife.”
So far, the media response to all of this has been to treat Weiner like a laughing-stock, his wife Abedin as an unfortunate victim and Hillary Clinton like an innocent bystander.
Hillary Clinton gets to enjoy lunch with the President outside the Oval Office, far above all the mud that’s being flung below her. She’ll pretend she doesn’t hear any of the comparisons with her former friend until New York’s mayoral election is over and Weiner’s sexting problem is finally forgotten.
At least, that’s what she hopes. Based on what’s happened since her husband’s sex scandal 15 years ago, Hillary Clinton has every reason to be optimistic.
Isn’t it wonderful what can happen (and what won’t happen) when you have the mass media running interference for you?
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
– Chip Wood
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