Sent: Sat, Aug 3, 2013 9:40 am
Mountain Goat said many months ago that Maliki was the
problem! People bashed him.
This explains in more detail for what Tony has been saying,
Why the hold up, but it looks like truely, we are there now!
Come on RV!!!!
From: Bavaria Germany
Registered: 7/06/2013
Posts: 17
UU1832- Lastest news
from Iraq - Mnt Goat
Hi Everyone,
Wanted to get on and deliver quickly what I am now hearing from my multiple sources that are in Iraq. This is an amazing story and someone could write or should write a book about this someday.
This could have been a simple process but instead due to political strife it was all mucked up, which seems to be the order of the day in Iraq. Just remember the lack of total support and commitment in Iraq from the USA policies in the next 2016 presidential elections. This has been a mess since day one, one bad decision after another.
If you can remember in my last post I stated the IMF contact said that the Iraq currency must go live internationally and that USA would see an active rate at the banks before the end of this week, I still believe this to be true and I have confirmed this today once again. Anyhow this is still their plan. Will it happen? I certainly wish it is true. I am so ready as I suspect you all are too.
Next let me address something that is very sensative. In my last post I mentioned that there was a lot of concern for civil disobedience in Iraq. This situation can not be taken lightly and it is getting worst by the day. Some provinces are worst off than others. It is felt the if they can keep it isolated the activation of the SMART cards will help the situation and quite it down. Also go back to some of my post from 6 months ago and longer. What did I say about Maliki? Many sites bashed me for this attitude and were so determined to state that this was out of Iraq hands. Noone could however seem to come up with the culprit as to who or what then holding it up. I was not making it up. I was only transferring the information from Iraq itself at the time. I said that Maliki would be an issue at the end and would not allow the RV as long as he was in any power. We have seen the decline of his power base but still parliament and the political leaders do not have the guts to enforce their own constitution. This I believe is their inability and lack of fortitude that will ultimateley be the decline of Iraq as a great nation. It will cause constant future political strife. But it is their choice. Each choice we make one day at a time has great impact on our lives. We may not see it then but it does. Great nations are born not just because they have great wealth but because they have great political leaders who are capable of managing the wealth and affairs of the nation. These leaders have the abilityto bring the citizens together in national unity- one cause under one flag. Maybe someday they will understand that their sectarian differences and mere petty issues can be set aside for the good of a nation not themselves. I have yet to see such a leader in Iraq. It is time for them to begin to look at themselves as a nation and not a bunch of waring tribes. We will be long gone and out of our investment very soon. I say good luck to them!
So how did the activation of the cards happen?
I asked this question to my IMF contact today. If Maliki was holding it up how did they finally get him to agree? What he told me was that they had a meeting with Iraq officials. It was decided in the meeting on Weds of this week to go ahead with the activation buy enforcing the separation of powers between the CBI and the government. Finally some guts! It was reminded that when Dr. Shabibi was heading the CBI he made an agreement with parliament not the the government. The agreement stated that he would accept the decision to implement the revaluation of their currency given a written notice of approval from parliament. He did this out of courtesy and respect, from one gentleman to the next. This letter was given to the CBI last year 2012. We all saw it in the articles from the news media that followed. This agreement is still enforceable, as other agreements are and should be enforced. Maliki confronted the situation and this is how it was presented to him. He backed down since there are many agreements he himself has not met in his obligations as the prime minister. He would only incriminate himself and open many more cans of worms if he pressed the issue. The next step taken was to put yet more pressure on the government. This was done by an article published from the speech from the acting governor of the CBI who stated that- the CBI is now ready and that it is the government now who is holding it up. This was a well thought out, intentional speech to push this over the edge. On 8/1, late in the day they began the activation of the SMART cards.
Status on the RV
The IMF is waiting for the final go ahead from the CBi on the completion and success of the activations. We will not see the global reset until this is done since the Irsq dinar is the king pin for the global reallignment of currency values. As I write this post I am also hearing it is done and I will try to confirm this today. We are still on track to see the new rates at the bank this weekend. I was told they are going to push out the new rates very soon.
Still our biggest fear
We should still all be very concerned about this mad man Maliki. We do not know what to expect from him. Usually, as in the past, once he is corned and has to cave in on an issue there are reprocussions later on as he devises yet another wayto cause yet more caos to show who is still in control. I wait for this. I only hope they also know this too in Iraq and brace for it. I think they are going to push this RV through to avoid this.
I wanted to let everyone know I support the information that Tony is now providing. I believe he is spot on since I too am hearing the same kind of news. I too think we are at the doorstep just waiting for someone to answer the door.
Peace and Luv to ya all,
Mnt Goat
Wanted to get on and deliver quickly what I am now hearing from my multiple sources that are in Iraq. This is an amazing story and someone could write or should write a book about this someday.
This could have been a simple process but instead due to political strife it was all mucked up, which seems to be the order of the day in Iraq. Just remember the lack of total support and commitment in Iraq from the USA policies in the next 2016 presidential elections. This has been a mess since day one, one bad decision after another.
If you can remember in my last post I stated the IMF contact said that the Iraq currency must go live internationally and that USA would see an active rate at the banks before the end of this week, I still believe this to be true and I have confirmed this today once again. Anyhow this is still their plan. Will it happen? I certainly wish it is true. I am so ready as I suspect you all are too.
Next let me address something that is very sensative. In my last post I mentioned that there was a lot of concern for civil disobedience in Iraq. This situation can not be taken lightly and it is getting worst by the day. Some provinces are worst off than others. It is felt the if they can keep it isolated the activation of the SMART cards will help the situation and quite it down. Also go back to some of my post from 6 months ago and longer. What did I say about Maliki? Many sites bashed me for this attitude and were so determined to state that this was out of Iraq hands. Noone could however seem to come up with the culprit as to who or what then holding it up. I was not making it up. I was only transferring the information from Iraq itself at the time. I said that Maliki would be an issue at the end and would not allow the RV as long as he was in any power. We have seen the decline of his power base but still parliament and the political leaders do not have the guts to enforce their own constitution. This I believe is their inability and lack of fortitude that will ultimateley be the decline of Iraq as a great nation. It will cause constant future political strife. But it is their choice. Each choice we make one day at a time has great impact on our lives. We may not see it then but it does. Great nations are born not just because they have great wealth but because they have great political leaders who are capable of managing the wealth and affairs of the nation. These leaders have the abilityto bring the citizens together in national unity- one cause under one flag. Maybe someday they will understand that their sectarian differences and mere petty issues can be set aside for the good of a nation not themselves. I have yet to see such a leader in Iraq. It is time for them to begin to look at themselves as a nation and not a bunch of waring tribes. We will be long gone and out of our investment very soon. I say good luck to them!
So how did the activation of the cards happen?
I asked this question to my IMF contact today. If Maliki was holding it up how did they finally get him to agree? What he told me was that they had a meeting with Iraq officials. It was decided in the meeting on Weds of this week to go ahead with the activation buy enforcing the separation of powers between the CBI and the government. Finally some guts! It was reminded that when Dr. Shabibi was heading the CBI he made an agreement with parliament not the the government. The agreement stated that he would accept the decision to implement the revaluation of their currency given a written notice of approval from parliament. He did this out of courtesy and respect, from one gentleman to the next. This letter was given to the CBI last year 2012. We all saw it in the articles from the news media that followed. This agreement is still enforceable, as other agreements are and should be enforced. Maliki confronted the situation and this is how it was presented to him. He backed down since there are many agreements he himself has not met in his obligations as the prime minister. He would only incriminate himself and open many more cans of worms if he pressed the issue. The next step taken was to put yet more pressure on the government. This was done by an article published from the speech from the acting governor of the CBI who stated that- the CBI is now ready and that it is the government now who is holding it up. This was a well thought out, intentional speech to push this over the edge. On 8/1, late in the day they began the activation of the SMART cards.
Status on the RV
The IMF is waiting for the final go ahead from the CBi on the completion and success of the activations. We will not see the global reset until this is done since the Irsq dinar is the king pin for the global reallignment of currency values. As I write this post I am also hearing it is done and I will try to confirm this today. We are still on track to see the new rates at the bank this weekend. I was told they are going to push out the new rates very soon.
Still our biggest fear
We should still all be very concerned about this mad man Maliki. We do not know what to expect from him. Usually, as in the past, once he is corned and has to cave in on an issue there are reprocussions later on as he devises yet another wayto cause yet more caos to show who is still in control. I wait for this. I only hope they also know this too in Iraq and brace for it. I think they are going to push this RV through to avoid this.
I wanted to let everyone know I support the information that Tony is now providing. I believe he is spot on since I too am hearing the same kind of news. I too think we are at the doorstep just waiting for someone to answer the door.
Peace and Luv to ya all,
Mnt Goat
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