Are you there? Are you in
your Heart-Mind?
We have much to talk about; yet, not really that much.
Yes, this is the time. "Bottom Line," you might
say. And the words of this message have been flowing in my head
constantly, all day.
Then, before I could settle down
to write, another message came today from Prime Creator,
revealing our Destiny, our Plan, as well as a supporting message from Gaia Portal.
Both messages focusing our attention upon the critical time in which we
now live, and ... our choices. Choices which we must now make.
I talked to Zorra/Father God last night. I mentioned the ships,
all aligned now, on the grid lines which we now know
as their entry points ... encircling the globe. And He
agreed. Yes, we are that close. I asked if he could speak
to us on next Saturday's call, a bit in his familiar, gentle,
"fatherly" voice. And he agreed, with the caveat, "But, a lot could
happen between now and then."
So folks, dear Children ... be good to yourSelves. You are such
dear, precious souls ... you have come so far.
We are being tested now, so let us make choices only from our
Heart-Mind of Love. This is always our safe haven and Divine
connection. We always remember that Love is our Answer.
These last days will be critical, so be aware. And always
remember ... "If it feels good, it IS Good!" Embrace
And ... if it makes us uneasy, uncertain, even fearful .. RUN! Our
ONLY purpose is to raise and hold our vibrations in a high state of
Our very dear
children. This is your Graduation Day. It is no longer
appropriate to look for answers from other human, veiled, minds.
This is NOT our Source of Truth!
YOU have the Power! As Zorra/Father God has told us many times...
"You are Gods
and Goddesses. BE that!"
And so we close, endowing you with the most beautiful Truth and Love
which YOU
ARE. Honor this! BE the Grand Being which you
are! Allow your Self to BE!
In boundless Cosmic Love, we embrace you, knowing you can, and will, joyously Ascend!
Lord Jesus
Lady Nada
Galactic Federation of Light Hollow
Earth Network
The Good
Mother Hen
Jesus was not a white man. Nor a tan white man. This is a racist portrayal of the master. Jesus was from the Mid East and should be portrayed as that biological lineage.
I will contact Anne at Hollow Earth Network about this artwork. Jeeeesh.
Not so.
The lost tribes of Israel migtated to Europe.
Jesus certainly is white.
Forget the racism here...Sananda,Ashtar,Sanat,and the GFOL (Galactic Federation of Light)...are all a Reptilian based front with an extremely dark agenda. Sananda is NOT the real Jeshua (Jesus)...far from it. Please don't fall for this false love and light and stay far away from any of their so called 'light chambers'! None of this is for us Humans best interest and is certainly NOT from Our Real Creator!
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