The Catholic Church Ruined Mary Magdalene's Reputation by Lying that she was a "Prostitute"
Mary Magdalene was NOT A PROSTITUTE. She was a wealthy, honorable, respected and loyal woman. The ONLY reason anybody thinks she was a prostitute was because of a lie made by Pope Gregory in 597 AD.
Something that Mary Magdalene was not, is a prostitute.
All serious religious scholars agree on this point. If Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, why do so many people view Mary Magdalene as the 'fallen woman?'
It began as a shameful lie, invented by the Vatican. Yes, specifically by Pope Gregory I in 597 AD, in which he combined three separate women from the New Testament into one. He combined Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and a woman who is not named but is referred to as a 'sinner.' In The DaVinci Code, this horrendous Vatican lie is portrayed as part of a conspiracy on the part of the Catholic Church intended to slander Mary Magdalene and hide her true role as Christ's wife and the mother of his children. Others, who dare to believe the lies of the Vatican claim that "it must have been an error on the part of Pope Gregory I" and some even continue to defend it as truth.
'The Mary Magdalene Controversies: Was She the "Sinful Woman"? ,' part of the book, Secrets of Mary Magdalene, Arne J. De Keijzer offers this excellent explanation of how this erroneous idea of Mary Magdalene as "a sinner" rather than an apostle came about. He writes,
'The Mary Magdalene Controversies: Was She the "Sinful Woman"? ,' part of the book, Secrets of Mary Magdalene, Arne J. De Keijzer offers this excellent explanation of how this erroneous idea of Mary Magdalene as "a sinner" rather than an apostle came about. He writes,
'Pope Gregory accomplished this [the ruining of Mary Magdalene's reputation] in two steps. First, by declaring that the reading from the pulpit on Mary Magdalene's feast day, July 22, henceforth would be from Luke 7:'
Secondly, he [Gregory] delivered a Homily in which he charged the faithful to follow this interpretation of the verse:
In great part because of pressure from within, the Vatican finally over-ruled Pope Gregory's interpretation about Mary Magdalene in 1969, with neither an apology nor even an official statement. The Second Vatican Council simply altered the reading for the feast day as part of a general reform of the Catholic church calendar regarding the way these people were to be remembered. The Roman missal [book of readings for Catholic Mass] and the Roman calendar now directed the reading be changed from Luke 7 to the Gospel of John, Chapter 10, verses 1-2 and 11-18.'
The above-mentioned are the biblical verses that refer to Mary Magdalene by her name, rather than as 'a woman' or 'a sinner' and identify her as the first to witness the empty tomb and the first to see the resurrected Christ.
Another ignorant Catholic Bashing article. The "Da Vinci Code" as a source!?
So How can any individual be the Son of God Almighty if the Mother and Father are Both to be Human?
Maybe that was my misconception of what the Jews believe, as they believe that Christ has NOT come, as there is NO Proof that there was a Spiritual Being that planted His seed in Mary.
God created Adam and then pulled a rib from him to create Eve, but to plant a seed in a woman to produce a Human for His Son is showing that He is the Father.
Maybe Obama would like to Claim that he is the Son of God, yet it is NOT the Right timing to reveal this.
The Catholic church has been infiltrated by the fly-lickers as well.
@Dan - Yeshua came in a human form and to enter this world in order to save it from Sin, He had to be born from a human and Mary, being found worthy before G-d's eyes was chosen to be his mother here on earth and at the time she was engaged to wed Joseph therefore Mary carried Yeshua in her womb but the His Spirit is the Lord of Lords - the ONLY worthy being whether spiritiual or physical, whose blood was accepted before G-d to save us from our Sins. Although he initially came for G-ds chose people, the Israelites, through the mercy of the gentile woman in Matthew 15 - (The Faith of the Caananite woman) it opened the door for us gentiles to be saved aswell). Through G-d, Yes the G-d of the hebrews, ALL things are possible and you say He can take a rib from Adam to make Eve then he can take a seed and plant it in Mary simply by a word from His mouth. Yeshua was there from the beginning of time, and through the scriptures you will find that G-d makes mention that all things He knows, the Son knows also. When Yeshua was baptised the spirit of the L-rd was heard when the heavens opened and a voice called from Heaven and said "This is my Son, whom i am well pleased". Truth be told yet only a few will here. G-dbless you in your spiritual walk.
...What a huge error that this pope made, but if anyone was really looking for the truth, they'd find it.
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