Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Firm Accused Of Illegal Practices That Push Families Into Foreclosure : NPR

This should outrage every American.  When one thinks of the numbers made homeless, due to no fault of their own, or have no control over the dysfunction, or illegalities of others, as in this situation, or the HOA horrors and fraud closures, how would you feel if this were you? Your family, or friends?  Where would you turn for help, accountability and rectification?  The HOAs the homeowners, most owed nothing, no one. Their dilemmas, the legal abuses and crimes,  most were, or are fabricated to devastate, harass and abuse their lives and families, to drain their finances, destroy and steal their homes!  Where is the accountability in the US for the range of homeowner abuses and property and equity theft?
Thank you to Jim L. www,, for passing this along!

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