Wednesday, November 12, 2014




"There is only one tactical principle which is not subject to change. It is to use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wound, death and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time."
General George Patton
 It is fatal to enter a war without the will to win it."
General Douglas MacArthur

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
President Thomas Jefferson

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace."
General George Washington
     Obama practices the military principle of drawing defeat from pending victory. Obama has now fired so many top military commanders from the U.S. Military as to threaten the national survival of America if major war suddenly came to America. I know of only Stalin of the Soviet Union who ever purged his military of so many top military commanders just before war and so the Soviet military was no match for Hitler and the Nazis military invading the Soviet Union so they collapsed before them until basically reaching Moscow. Then the Soviet military regrouped and under the competent command of Marshall Zhukov the Soviet Union (Russia) was saved from military defeat by the Nazis forces of Hitler invading the Soviet Union.

     I must now borrow from the example of Gen. Charles de Gaulle who saved France from pending collapse due to the Algerian Crisis of then. On June 1, 1958, de Gaulle became premier and was given emergency powers for 6 months by the National Assembly of France and saved France from collapse as a nation. Then he had the national constitution reformed and established the Fifth Republic of France. He also made France a nuclear power under his national policy and reformed the economy and currency of France to more modern times. When ancient Rome ran into a similar threat of collapse of their government and nation, Rome took the statesman Cincinnatius who was doing farming after resigning from Rome as consul and gave him emergency powers when Rome was faced with military defeat by foreign armies of foreign tribes. He quickly defeated them and then resigned returning to private life. When Rome was threatened with overthrow of the Roman Republic from within, he was asked to take on all powers of government, overthrew the conspiracy of treason and tyranny, and returned to private life once saving the Roman Republic a second time. He was highly honored by early Americans such as George Washington who was the president general of the patriotic Society of Cincinnati named after Cincinnatus after the American Revolution was over. Its founding membership was composed of military officers who had fought in the American Revolution.
     I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, got the top weapon secrets from the top two enemy governments which were out to militarily defeat America, and am a descendant of several families that fought in the American Revolution of 1776. Whether Obama did this through being the most colossal idiot in military matters ever to occupy the White House or else as a knowing total Trojan Horse traitor to America, this is not necessary to decide if just one or both factors caused the following, but Obama has set America up for immediate nuclear annihilation if any world war suddenly occurs as the odds are strong can happen any time now. If I tell the American people the holes in national defense I see now exist due to Obama trying to destroy the military and national defense of America, I also tip off the military leaders of foreign enemy nations what are the key holes in American national defense I see now that Obama has created. Obama is the most concentrated high treason to America of any leader I have ever seen get into power and authority in Wash., D.C. If foreign leaders saw what I saw with my militarily trained mind, America could be militarily defeated or else annihilated even within 48 hours from now. The survival of America now dictates that I become the Charles de Gaulle and Cincinnatus of America and fast in order to undo the colossal damage that Obama has done to the national security and defense of America.
     Because the news media of America is heavily censored in order to control the thinking and political beliefs of Americans to be "politically correct" and in the direction the power elite want to control your mind, I step on big toes when I start to tell the American people the real truth hidden from the people by the power elite who judge they are ruling America and not the American people. Years ago by a clever maneuver in military intelligence I cracked the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies and got all the top nuclear plans of the Soviet Union for the intended nuclear annihilation of America. Until I told the Pentagon, I doubt that the Pentagon ever knew that the code name for the main Soviet plan how to annihilate America with nuclear bombs was called "The Ring Of Steel." And I knew of course why this name was used for the planned annihilation of America in case of World War III. But I admit that the Soviet Union had a brilliant backup plan for the annihilation of America or any other powerful nation on earth. I will call it "The Soviet Doomsday Bomb." It was designed to annihilate any nation or continent on the earth and to automatically break through any air defense system in the world. I am going to have to be made briefly the Military Regent for America for six months. I already know the Pentagon inventory and can build this colossal bomb for America very rapidly. Once built, America can automatically annihilate Russia, China, Middle East, or any other target area on the earth. As the defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies who was won over by me liking the ideals I stood for then trained me like a Soviet general in nuclear warfare tactics, I can teach Pentagon military personnel the Soviet way of using this ultra deadly ultimate weapon to defeat any enemy on earth that we want to. Bigger targets like Russia or China would be very easy to take out and totally annihilate. Smaller targets are tougher to do. For example, if we wanted just to wipe Iran off the face of the earth, it is harder to confine this ultimate weapon doomsday bomb to just a confined smaller area. We build it a little too big, it could also wipe out much or all of nations neighboring the target nation. We build it a little bigger and we might accidentally wipe out all the Islamic nations in the Middle East. This also means once built that Islamic hopes of conquering the entire world for Allah are dead in the waters and could instead wipe out Islam totally on the earth if tried by them. This means once built, it is smart of Middle East countries to not tolerate terrorists trying to strike at America, Europe, etc. And very smart to be on friendly terms with America and Europe after I have America build an arsenal of these for immediate use if ever World War III breaks out against America, Europe, or anyone else under our protective nuclear umbrella.
     I require that I be made the military regent of America for 6 months to upgrade and restore to total effectiveness all important aspects of the national defense of America. Congress can still meet and pass ordinary laws for the nation, but in military matters, I am the authority, not them, for this six months and can place the military into position to annihilate any nation trying to attack America then either in limited or else total warfare. In reality, I would freely share discussions with the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon on the best ways to restore fallen parts of American national defense and to upgrade to the Soviet Doomsday Weapon for insuring that Russia and China never have any intention of starting a nuclear war with America. Also, command for this Soviet era Doomsday Bomb is never to be under White House command, but command I see appointed over it and named successors to me. I wish I had no reason to ever have Russia included in potential target areas. I like the Russian people and Russia as a nation. This is really just so any military extremist elements in Russia will get no backing for a planned nuclear attack on America. When finally the extremists in Russia and America are out of the way, then let us talk of joint American-Russian command of these super ultimate weapon bombs and enforce the outlawing of nuclear bombs from other nations after that if we choose to. I am a descendant of a minor branch of the royal line of Russia and really have no wish to see Russia attacked by America in a totally unjustified war. I have a military code of honor I am bound by. If I am the military regent of America, then I am honor bound to defend America at all costs if needed. If I were the Czar of Russia and other side of the fence, then America would be in a colossal jam if it tried to hurt Russia as I am bound by my code of honor to uphold my word of honor. If sworn to defend Russia, then I would. Hope all sides understand me clearly! I was successful many times in military intelligence because all sides trusted me. I was known as the man who stood by his word of honor and also protected his sources in military intelligence from being exposed to their enemies.
    The enemy of Russia and America is Obama. Once military regent for America, I would want Obama arrested for high treason on a number of legal grounds and put him on trial where all of America and the world could see how truly evil that he Obama is. Right now America is a sitting duck for annihilation a number of ways. Within days of becoming military regent for America, American defenses would tighten up fast and the threat of nuclear annihilation of America rapidly disappear. When growing up I was raised a bit with some Chinese families and do not wish to see the Chinese people drawn into a suicidal war wiping out much to all of the Chinese people in China. We have some extremist Chinese generals who have talked of killing off two-thirds of the American people and making the other one-third their slaves for life. Also, other talk such as how they think that they can now annihilate America in nuclear warfare. I am too tough in military matters and will not let China carry out extremist plans like this against America.

     In another age, they might have said that I had the code of honor of like a Christian knight in the middle ages. My word is my bond. The code of honor of members of Congress is a joke! Obama has a highly falsified birth certificate as already clearly documented on the internet and as he was caught saying and recorded before running for the White House, he was born in Kenya, not America, and is a foreigner who lied his way into the White House. If members of Congress had a code of honor, they would have to remove him from the White House as the terms of the U.S. Constitution do not legally allow him to be claimed President of America. He most of the time violates the U.S. Constitution and members of Congress having no code of honor themselves do not legally censure him and potentially remove him from office when mocking the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights when he legally can get away with such high treason as claimed "President" of America. Also, it is highly unlikely that he was elected President of America two years ago as Democratic voter fraud was massive and it was claimed that he won a number of states that probably were really legally won by the Republican Party that round. This massive Democratic voter fraud of two years ago was never investigated by Congress showing the members of Congress have no legal integrity called honor to uphold the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as the national law binding on the ordinary people of America, but also binding on members of Congress, heads and personnel of federal agencies, federal judges, etc. Maybe the main military are the only ones who try to uphold their oath of loyalty to the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Bill of Rights, etc. and get fired from the military by Obama for trying to uphold their oath of loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and its later addition of higher legal authority called the U.S. Bill of Rights.
     Thomas Jefferson complained that he studied so much Roman history like other Americans when growing up that he was not interested in becoming a Roman, but just an ordinary American citizen. If any Americans studied and understand Roman history, I have a word of honor like the ancient Romans did. A Roman general was once released by an enemy army to deliver their message to the Roman Senate to surrender or else to them. And then based upon his word of honor as a Roman, he would return to them after delivering this enemy message to the Roman Senate. He delivered the enemy message to the Roman Senate and then strongly urged the Roman Senate not to surrender to this enemy army. Then he said that he now had to return to the enemy army. They said do not do this as they will kill you after urging Rome not to surrender to them. Then he said but he had given his word of honor as a Roman that he would return to them afterwards. As Romans they understood that he had to keep his word of honor as a Roman, and so he returned to the enemy army knowing that he would be killed by them after returning to them. If you know ancient Roman character, then you know my character. Americans whose characters are seriously formed by a military environment normally are pretty close to being Roman in character both in courage in battle and their code of honor is normally close to being Roman in character.
     For the sake of Russian intelligence and Putin analyzing how serious a threat I might be if ever faced in war, I knew the updated plan for the planned annihilation of America by the Soviet Union still in power then in 1990. If I had not tipped off the F.B.I. in Seneca, SC then partially of the misinformation Soviet intelligence tried to plant with Pentagon intelligence sources over the planned visit of Gorbachev to California then, America could have been annihilated by the Soviet Union then. if I had not warned Wash., D.C. enough, they would have fallen for the trick Moscow tried to pull on America then to set up the annihilation of America then. In capsule form, 5 minutes hesitation by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and America was potentially for all practical purposes guaranteed that America  would be annihilated quickly afterwards. Soviet Intelligence noticed that Washington intelligence knew the planted information was a psychological trick intended for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and so the planned nuclear annihilation of America was cancelled by Moscow. I have been the military guardian angel of America several times in the past, but now have to be more public by becoming the military regent of America for six months. Otherwise, the odds are overwhelming that America will be annihilated at some point after that. I knew what was going on in 1990 and that was after the time dealing with the defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. It is hard to hide secrets from me. I never shared with Wash., D.C. the entire Soviet operational nuclear attack plan as I judged Washington security too poor and might enable other foreign intelligence services to find out this very clever Soviet plan how to annihilate America then. And you could try this same attack method on America in 2014 if you want to. I keep up with what you are doing! And know the angles how to stop you if necessary!
     American people, copy and pass this report around to all of America. And also to members of Congress and military you know. As for the news media, they are not seriously loyal to America and the American people, so don't bother giving them copies as they will hide this information from the American people, not report this to the American people.
      For Congress, we will start with you give me a 6 month authorization to be the military regent of America. You can use my regular name then and don't have to use my pen name of Erasmus Of America. I have all authority for America in military matters. This doesn't mean I really make decisions alone. Any smart military leader pulls in smart military brains to work with him and all plans are carefully worked by a team of super sharp military brains. I have the final authority for commitments of decisions, but the brain power for the decisions is a team of super bright in military matters. This is the leadership system that was used by Gen. Eisenhower for the Normandy Invasion, etc.

     You pass my Omni Law as fast as possible by Congress and submitted to the state legislatures for ratification by them. This gives the American people final authority over the federal government by referendum vote when called for by the ten legal trustees over Wash., D.C. appointed the first time under authority of the terms of the Omni Law. Later, the ten legal trustees will be elected to office each four years by national vote of the American people on terms ratified by referendum by the American people. The federal government becomes the servant of the American people instead of their intended master. Also, this can break up gridlock in Congress by the people replacing Congress in action when Congress is playing too much politics and not serving the American people with legal integrity called personal honor in elected office. When important principles must be used to make national policy work right, you don't compromise the required principles until it is impossible for the suggested answer to solve the problems that America now faces. This is government by statesmanship, not by cheap and partisan politics as Wash., D.C. practices today! The ten trustees created by the Omni Law will work to make America a booming free enterprise economy, not a collapsing socialist economy such as under radicals like Obama at the White House.
     Without the Soviet Doomsday Bomb technology which I have and obtained by cunning from the Moscow Institute for Nuclear Studies, American national defense cannot be made strong enough to block a nuclear World War III against America. With it, this is called M.A.D. meaning Mutually Assured Destruction between America and Russia. Now America and Russia can never afford to start a nuclear war against each other. And as for the rest of the world, they are going to show great respect when dealing with America or Russia in the future. And when American and Russian interests cooperate closely enough, in the end Americans and Russians will become great friends of each other and no reason to view each others as enemies maybe ever again in history! One word of wisdom here. I hold aces of answers that can totally replace oil for the energy of the world. When the Omni Law is passed, always treat America with great respect and also respect for our currency which will be sound under the Omni Law but also very valuable for world trade. When the Omni Law is passed, America will hold the upper hand in world trade and so plans to bankrupt America by currency tricks should be forgotten before you ruin the future of your nation by unofficial warfare like this against the American people and America as a nation. The evil have run America for too long now. Now the good will run America and America will be a good neighbor nation for others to deal with and be friends with. The American people were not basically evil in character, but their government run by secret evil cabal interests was run for evil purposes too much of the time and not for good. And the evil kept the government basically hijacked from the American people so the government was master and the people basically subjects of a corrupt and evil government they could not control until passage of the Omni Law gave control of America back to the American people at last!
     Our Omni Law (full name Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America) is on our website  Our email is Until some other sources of committed finances kick in, we still use finances raised from the website to finance our national movement called the Omni Law Drive. We have products and our loan program called the Omni Law Loan Program on our website. If you need to order by mail, our mail address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for.
      When Congress finally decides to set up the military policy needed by America now to restore the national defenses of America damaged and destroyed by Obama at the White House, they appoint me Military Regent of America for six months with authority as stated, and also pass our proposed Omni Law as soon as possible. We start from there and we will save America from pending nuclear World War III and pending nuclear annihilation. And time for the world to live by peace instead of a constant sword of war for the world. While Military Regency, I and other legal trustees for the Omni Law will propose laws and policies for the American people to approve of or reject by national referendum. Remember the people now control the federal government, not the federal government the people. If we find federal policy of trying to target good citizens of America as "terrorists" for being Christians, believing in constitutional law as America was founded upon, and nonsense like that, might as well state the truth! I come to hang you through the Omni Law and by the time we are through prosecuting you through grand juries, etc., there ain't going to be one employee left in the federal government who does not firmly believe in the legal rights of the American people! And woe unto any federal employee, official, federal judge, etc. who thinks othewise!

     And also I believe my Camelot Project is vitally important to the future of America and other nations across the world, so once I have the six month appointment, I also will be working to start the Camelot Project and build it in America. The Camelot Project is dear to my heart! The military regent authority is a necessary evil to put up with until America is out of its military jam. If I don't help the American people with the Soviet era Doomsday Bomb answer, etc., the American people might end up getting nuclear annihilated. I don't want that to happen to the American people, so will dive into cesspool Washington dominated politics until America is safe. Once I can, I want successors to anything that should be done in Wash., D.C. so I can go to my built huge Camelot Project (biggest R & D center in the world and other things also!) and let Wash., D.C. run itself if it can! Remember the formula, when you have gotten rotten leaders, you have a rotten government under them, and a rotten society to live in as government corrupts everything it touches under corrupt, rotten leadership. Put in good leaders, then a good government is created, and you have a good nation to live in as you would not tolerate evil leaders to rule over you, but good leaders who would bless you and make life great to live in as American citizens in a great, good, and noble American nation.
     I have said my piece. Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who believes in putting into power good leaders for you and you will end up with a good and great nation to live in. And all the freedom you could ever want! And let's not forget it, great prosperity for all the American people! Spread Christian principles of "The good neighbor" policy all over the world, and the world will become a great place to live in. Push the corruptness all over the world now dominating Wash., D.C. and you had better arm yourself well in the world for the pagan, barbarian world society you will create to live in!)


1 comment:

Candace said...

Can I as anyone who THINKS here.. how a CYBORG can be put on trial? All of them are cyborgs.. controlled by the computers in their heads.. all those different obama's… every one… the media seems have have few qualms now about panning on the head scars.. When are Americans' going to NOTICE? This alone will bring an end to "him" and his controllers…