Thursday, March 26, 2015

EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : It is Now Totally Lethal

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Thursday   March 26, 2015

It is Now Totally Lethal

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the Saudi-Israeli Mossad-Bush P2 CIA direct attack on the nation of Yemen is a 'clean up operation' aka obstruction of justice reference Yemen has been fingered weeks ago by the Joint U.S-French Intelligence Task Force as "crisis actors" headquarters for the scripting of worldwide terrorist cells including the British MI6 ISIS.

Mercenaries kill 12 in Paris at Charlie Hebdo

© REUTERS/ Handout via Reuters TV  


We can now divulge that the French government has direct evidence (as we have reported in previous briefings) that the nation of Yemen and the 9/11 Kurt Becker NAZI German cell was responsible for the alleged terrorist attack in Paris, France.
The funding for this was none other than the British Bank of the Middle East in Qatar.

Item:  A major French intelligence officer, along with a major German reporter from German newspaper Der Spiegel, were passengers on the German Lufthansa-owned jet that crashed over the French Alps.
The French intelligence officer, along with the German Der Spiegel reporter, who had been working together, emailed their evidence to both the French and German governments before take off.

We can now report that the German co-pilot that allegedly crashed the Lufthansa aircraft was on the payroll of British MI6 and had been programmed by the NAZI Paperclip U.S. NSA aka totally brainwashed 'Manchurian candidate' to do this unprecedented destruction of his own aircraft.
P.S.  The international finance agency Stansberry is being forced by the NAZI Paperclip U.S. NSA to withhold an electronic spreadsheet showing bank derivative ratios exceeding by 30,000 to 1 the crooked banks derivative ratios that caused the George W. BushFRAUD 2008 Lehman Brothers collapse that has turned the American economy into a perpetual Fabian socialist state.
P.P.S.  At this hour we can report that NAZI Jew CNBC correspondent Mark Halperin and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate crooked bank stooge John Heilmann, along with alleged Democratic Party consultant, homosexual in-the-closet Steve McMahon, have been coordinating death threats versus both year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. and current California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in reference to either Gore or Brown seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in the year 2016 versus NAZI Jew neo-con and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partner Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.
Note:  Hillary is clearly being directly supported by NAZI Jew Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In closing, direct message to Halperin, Heilmann, and McMahon:  Cease and desist!
The American People, the patriotic U.S. Military and America's greatest ally of 200 years, the Republic of France, have had enough of this NAZI Jew treason.  
Note to McMahon:  When it gets personal given the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate destruction of the U.S. Constitution (the supreme law of the United States) ask the U.S. Military.  It is going to get physical!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I follow this site daily. I'm happy you stopped with the dinar gurus. I really wish you would stop with this Heneghan fool.