Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sharpen Up Folks....A Constitutional Convention Will Mean The End Of America...

And YES.. We DO have shills like Mark Levin and Sean Hannity Screaming For one.. We need to ask WHY? We have a Constitution earned with the blood of our forefathers which is perfectly fine. It is the usurpers who ignore it and go unpunished because of the wimpy people with their brains on lockdown and their eyes on their i-pads that are the problem. A little common sense here. If they don't heed the one they swore to, just how in hell can you expect them to heed anything?
RISE UP.. You WIMPS... Or Shut the hell up, forever.
Article V Convention:
Be Careful What You Ask For
Constitutional Editor
If an Article V convention is called, the Delegates
are invested with that inherent sovereign right of a People to alter or abolish their "Form" of government (Declaration of
Independence, 2nd paragraph).
We’ve already abolished one Constitution and replac
ed it with another: After July 4,1776, we operated under our first Constitution – the Articles of Confederation. That
was our Constitution until our present one was ratified in 1788. It is our second Constitution.
How did we get from our first Constitution to our second Constitution? There was a convention to amend our first Constitution! Pursuant to Article XIII of The Articles of
Confederation, the Continental Congress resolved on
February 21, 1787 (pgs 71-74) to call a convention to be held at Philadelphia:
“for the sole and express purpose of revising the
Articles of Confederation...”.
But the Delegates ignored this limitation - and the
instructions from their States - and wrote our second Constitution.
Because of the inherent authority of Delegates, it
is impossible to stop it from happening at another convention.
If we have a convention now, George Washington, James Madison, Ben Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton won’t be there to protect you.
You don’t know who the delegates will be – and you won’t find out until it’s too late.
But they will have the power to impose a third Consitution. A third Constitution will have its own new mode of ratification - whatever mode will ensure approval.
Our first Constitution required all of the then 13
States to ratify amendments.
But our second Constitution, drafted at the "amendments" Convention of 1787, provided at Art VII that it would require only 9 States for ratification.
If we have a convention today, there is nothing to
stop Delegates from proposing a third Constitution with its own new method of ratification.
New Constitutions are already prepared and waiting
for a convention. Here are three:
Fifty years ago, the Ford & Rockefeller Foundations produced the Constitution for the Newstates of America. It is ratified by a referendum called by the President [Art12, Sec. 1]. If we have a convention, and Delegates propose the Newstates Constitution, it doesn’t go to the States for ratification,
it goes directly to the President to call a Referendum. The States are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answer-
able to the new national government. Read the Newstates Constitution and tremble for your country and your posterity.
The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA has a Constitution for The New Socialist Republic in North America.
The Constitution 2020 movement is funded by George Soros and supported by Marxist law professors and Marxist groups all over the Country, Cass Sunstein and Eric Holder. They want a Marxist Constitution and they want it in place by the year 2020.
All these change agents need to impose a new Constitution, with whatever mode of ratification they want, is a convention.
False friends are playing a terrible hoax on us.
Take heed, America...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the highlight and explanation of the truth.

Daily I confront my ignorance and apply due diligence to get up to speed on the facts missed altogether in public education.
As an example, in 1969, I believe it was 10th grade, the school board had what was then known as 'team teaching', a test case.
This consisted of an open space with 90 or more students facing the center of 'nothing', while the teachers of 'history' roamed around chatting and spot checking activity.
It was chaotic!
Usually I was reading the classics, since they had to spend so much time maintaining 'order'.
The only significant thing I remember from that entire year was when one of the teachers approached me and spontaneously asked, 'Miss Johnson, how do you feel about capital punishment?'.
Well, up until that moment, I had never heard of it, and admitted as much to the instructor.

The journey from then to now has been an exciting one, and I marvel at how things exist.

I can only say this in my defense, that I'm no slouch and am definitely a force to be reckoned with, on all levels.

I am doing my level best to share and enlighten with others those important matters that have been systematically kept from us.

My wake up call was from a negative assault from the IRS in 2012 that turned me from the Snow White looking
retired ticket seller from the 'magic kingdom' into 'Rambo's' twin.

As a residential real estate agent from CA. married to a broker/residential appraiser, self-employed for almost
30 years, I have been painstakenly unravelling the mysteries and crime cover-ups of our countries' economic downfall that started here from the real estate collapse.

When you go down one rabbit hole, you inadvertantly end up going down one hundred more.
Then, only nerves of steel can prop one up to face looking into Pandora's box.

I live for truth and justice, and hope for a positive outcome for us all.

Thank you for contributing to such an important cause.

For this, I am humbly grateful.